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How many complaints have been made by "the poor of the UAE" about this 'offensive' claim? Be very specific.

Given that it is extremely unlikely many of them will even have seen it, I hardly think that "the number of complaints made" by them is relevant. Something can be offensive towards people even if they are not exposed to it. Using the phrase "Pakis go home" is offensive to people of Pakistani origin even if none of them hear it.

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Given that it is extremely unlikely many of them will even have seen it, I hardly think that "the number of complaints made" by them is relevant. Something can be offensive towards people even if they are not exposed to it. Using the phrase "Pakis go home" is offensive to people of Pakistani origin even if none of them hear it.

That'll be 'none' then. On what basis has your claim that it is 'offensive' been substantiated? Has it been upheld by a Court of Law?

Be extremely specific and cut the Law Squad bluster this time.

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That'll be 'none' then. On what basis has your claim that it is 'offensive' been substantiated? Has it been upheld by a Court of Law?

Be extremely specific and cut the Law Squad bluster this time.

Could you please provide me some evidence that to substantiate that something is "offensive" we need "complaints" or "a Court of Law" to declare it?

Something is offensive if it is, among other things, insulting, rude, derogatory, impertinent, impudent, indecent or improper.

In case you hadn't noticed, it is a subjective, not an objective, adjective. It is improper, insulting and impertinent to use false extremes (the most affluent image of the UAE vs the least advantaged image of Scotland) to draw a valid comparison about the impact of oil wealth on the poorest in those countries. It serves to belittle and misrepresent the United Kingdom of having shown total disregard for their poor in some sort of stark contrast to a supremely benevolent pair of Emirates, when the truth is completely different and far more complicated than that.

It serves to belittle and undermine the very real poverty experienced by millions in the UAE and to conceal the reality that oil wealth has even more extremely concentrated itself in the hands of the few in that state than it has here.

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Could you please provide me some evidence that to substantiate that something is "offensive" we need "complaints" or "a Court of Law" to declare it?

Well by all means substantiate it using any other forms of credible evidence: so far you've provided absolutely nothing. Who has been insulted by this 'offensive' claim, how do you know they find it offensive, has anyone else outside your increasingly mind-melted parallel universe claimed that it is offensive?

So far the only person apparently offended by the claim is yourself. Which means we're shortly going to have to draw a line under your tear-stained exercise in tone-trolling, much in the same way that the Scottish electorate long since drew a line under the flaming wreckage of your party.

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Well by all means substantiate it using any other forms of credible evidence: so far you've provided absolutely nothing. Who has been insulted by this 'offensive' claim, how do you know they find it offensive, has anyone else outside your increasingly mind-melted parallel universe claimed that it is offensive?

So far the only person apparently offended by the claim is yourself. Which means we're shortly going to have to draw a line under your tear-stained exercise in tone-trolling, much in the same way that the Scottish electorate long since drew a line under the flaming wreckage of your party.

No one needs to be insulted for something to be offensive. Nor indeed do the UAE poor need to "find it offensive" for it to "be offensive" regarding them.

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No one needs to be insulted for something to be offensive. Nor indeed do the UAE poor need to "find it offensive" for it to "be offensive" regarding them.

In the world of Ad Lib. Portraying Scots as alky jakeballs which a number of people found offensive is not offensive.

Daft picture that no one finds offensive is offensive ...

Hmmmm :lol:

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The fact that no-one apart from yourself finds it offensive, has led absolutely everyone to draw the conclusion that it is not, in fact, offensive, and that you are once again engaging in mindless tone-trolling.

Thanks for playing anyway.

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In the world of Ad Lib. Portraying Scots as alky jakeballs which a number of people found offensive is not offensive.

No. I didn't say it wasn't offensive. Here's what I actually said:

As a Scot I don't find them offensive or oppressive but even insofar as other Scots do, I think throwing the toys out of the pram shouting "racism" is both inaccurate and not remotely helpful re any actual concerns you might have about the way we are perceived or treated.

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I think he covered that by calling it daft, tbh.

Inaccurate, yes. Offensive, no.

It is offensive to those living in poverty in Dubai. Of which there is a staggering amount.

Not everyone in Dubai can put in an offer for a Premiership football club sadly.

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So you didn't comment on a picture, champ. Do keep up, old boy.

I didn't say I commented on the picture, champ. I said I didn't comment on a stereotype. Because, as you'll observe, H_B's post wasn't a stereotype.

Here to help, HNDParp.

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I didn't say I commented on the picture, champ. I said I didn't comment on a stereotype. Because, as you'll observe, H_B's post wasn't a stereotype.

Here to help, HNDParp.

Dear god, H_B decried a stereotype, you joined in like the hypocritical arsehole you are. Do try and get over yourself, Libby.

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Dear god, H_B decried a stereotype, you joined in like the hypocritical arsehole you are. Do try and get over yourself, Libby.

Nope. H_B criticised a misrepresentation of the reality of life in the UAE. Not a stereotype of a nation or its people. The last time I checked, no one was stereotyping the Arab Emirates and their citizens as phallus-shaped towers of economic glory.

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Ooft, bit of a nightmare for Adlib here.

He doesn't find a picture of a Scottish jakeball lying pished in the street as a representation of his own country offensive, yet feigns mawkish horror on behalf of the poor of the UAE.

Deary me.

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Ooft, bit of a nightmare for Adlib here.

He doesn't find a picture of a Scottish jakeball lying pished in the street as a representation of his own country offensive, yet feigns mawkish horror on behalf of the poor of the UAE.

Deary me.

Skipping over the neglect of its poor by one of the world's more authoritarian and undemocratic regimes to try to make a point about the application of oil wealth to UK development is probably a bit more worthy of criticism than a not very funny but largely harmless cartoon in The Daily Express of a man in a kilt with a couple of cans next to him asking the Governor of the Bank of England to "Share the pound, guv?"

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Skipping over the neglect of its poor by one of the world's more authoritarian and undemocratic regimes to try to make a point about the application of oil wealth to UK development is probably a bit more worthy of criticism than a not very funny but largely harmless cartoon in The Daily Express of a man in a kilt with a couple of cans next to him asking the Governor of the Bank of England to "Share the pound, guv?"

I don't think anyone is "skipping over neglect", do you? Really?

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