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Scottish Independence


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Do you never watch the BBC?

Where is your proof that Scotlands deal to enter the EU will be worse than what we have now?

Did you say the same about Scotland leaving the UK before the 2011 election?

I;m not talking about an indy scotland in the EU.

what i;m saying is the euro resulst can;t be taken as an indication of the mood of the country re seceeding from the EU, and I;m asking f there has ever been polling done on it, the way polling has been done on scottish independence for years before the referendum.

The scottish indy polling tells us that historicaslly yes has had a core bas of about 30% - do we have equavalent figures for people wanting out of the EU?

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The problem with the EU polling is that it changes depending on the question that's asked.

For example, when the question changes from "Would you vote to exit the EU?" to "Would you vote to exit the EU if the government campaigns to stay" the numbers drop considerably, and it becomes a small minority.

Britain is not going to vote to leave the EU. It's a fantastically unlikely scenario. The only people pushing that rhetoric are desperate politicians like Farage and Salmond.

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The problem with the EU polling is that it changes depending on the question that's asked.

For example, when the question changes from "Would you vote to exit the EU?" to "Would you vote to exit the EU if the government campaigns to stay" the numbers drop considerably, and it becomes a small minority.

Britain is not going to vote to leave the EU. It's a fantastically unlikely scenario. The only people pushing that rhetoric are desperate politicians like Farage and Salmond.

Hypothetically the question would be "Should the UK stay in the EU?"

Yes Campaign - Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Salmond et al

No - Farage, Griffin, some Toy nutjobs.

Even with the trendy dislike for the poltcal classes,i can;t see anything other than a walkover for Yes there.

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Hypothetically the question would be "Should the UK stay in the EU?"

Yes Campaign - Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Salmond et al

No - Farage, Griffin, some Toy nutjobs.

Even with the trendy dislike for the poltcal classes,i can;t see anything other than a walkover for Yes there.

Wheres your proof for this?

Show me your polling.

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Wheres your proof for this?

Show me your polling.

Proof for what? I was giving my opinion on a hypothetical.

Has there been any EU polling doen in the vein of Scottish independence?

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Hypothetically the question would be "Should the UK stay in the EU?"

Yes Campaign - Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Salmond et al

No - Farage, Griffin, some Toy nutjobs.

Even with the trendy dislike for the poltcal classes,i can;t see anything other than a walkover for Yes there.

Except there is a high level of EU scepticism and a natural suspiscion of authority figures, Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are probably not the poster boys for staying in the EU you'd hope for.

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Except there is a high level of EU scepticism and a natural suspiscion of authority figures, Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are probably not the poster boys for staying in the EU you'd hope for.

Euroscepticism isn't the same as wanting out. Who is the Salmond and Sturgeon figures for the Out campaign? It certainly isn't Farage and Griffin

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Euroscepticism isn't the same as wanting out. Who is the Salmond and Sturgeon figures for the Out campaign? It certainly isn't Farage and Griffin

No doubt they could find a few high profile figures, Farage certainly. Some folk who are not career politicians (which might help them). While they are not the same thing, it shows there is a sentiment that could be mined into resentment and wantng out. Half the Tory party would campaign for it as well. In some respects ambivelance to the EU in this country is stoked by our own politiicans and their concepts of British exceptionalism, of being apart from Europe, above - punching above our weight.

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Anyone who doesn't think Nigel Farage is well-equipped to front a populist, single-issue campaign like a referendum simply has not been paying attention. It is not in the same ballpark as a GE.

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Is there a cutting off period for the campaign clips to be taken down in cinemas? I saw three BT ones yesterday (granted it's probably what I deserve for going to see Maleficent). I never bothered my arse with actually checking the NO to borders, but the two that I saw were fucking tragic.

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Is there a cutting off period for the campaign clips to be taken down in cinemas? I saw three BT ones yesterday (granted it's probably what I deserve for going to see Maleficent). I never bothered my arse with actually checking the NO to borders, but the two that I saw were fucking tragic.

To be fair, Angelina Jolie is in it, so you're more than excused.

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Anyone who doesn't think Nigel Farage is well-equipped to front a populist, single-issue campaign like a referendum simply has not been paying attention. It is not in the same ballpark as a GE.

There's no question he's well equipped. My point is an "Out" campaign would be fronted by people routinely dismissed as fruitcakes and racists, which is different from the Yes campaign up here being led by a mainstream party who have been in Government for 7 years.

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No doubt they could find a few high profile figures, Farage certainly. Some folk who are not career politicians (which might help them). While they are not the same thing, it shows there is a sentiment that could be mined into resentment and wantng out.

it could be,but i doubt it would be successful - there's a good reason the Yes campaign haven;t gone down this road.

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A Nigel Farage vs Alex Salmond debate would be brilliant. It will never happen. Why? two words - Nick Clegg. :)

Salmond wouldn't even debate Danny Alexander on Sky News yesterday for goodness sakes so he ain't going to accept a challenge from Farage!

Great question from the Conservatives to Salmond today by the way... Asked him to break down the £250m it would cost to set up the infrastructure of an independent Scotland. He obviously did not answer the question. £250m... almost half the cost of the construction of Holyrood. That cheap? Really? Yeah right!.

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A Nigel Farage vs Alex Salmond debate would be brilliant. It will never happen. Why? two words - Nick Clegg. :)

Salmond wouldn't even debate Danny Alexander on Sky News yesterday for goodness sakes so he ain't going to accept a challenge from Farage!

Great question from the Conservatives to Salmond today by the way... Asked him to break down the £250m it would cost to set up the infrastructure of an independent Scotland. He obviously did not answer the question. £250m... almost half the cost of the construction of Holyrood. That cheap? Really? Yeah right!.

Salmond would absolutely love a debate with Farage. He'd win it, and it would allow him to paint Farage as the face of the No campaign.

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Except there is a high level of EU scepticism and a natural suspiscion of authority figures, Cameron, Clegg and Milliband are probably not the poster boys for staying in the EU you'd hope for.

Except polling proves the opposite of this.

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A Nigel Farage vs Alex Salmond debate would be brilliant. It will never happen. Why? two words - Nick Clegg. :)

Salmond wouldn't even debate Danny Alexander on Sky News yesterday for goodness sakes so he ain't going to accept a challenge from Farage!

Great question from the Conservatives to Salmond today by the way... Asked him to break down the £250m it would cost to set up the infrastructure of an independent Scotland. He obviously did not answer the question. £250m... almost half the cost of the construction of Holyrood. That cheap? Really? Yeah right!.

Where to start? I know you're intentionally trolling, but jaysus.

Salmond wouldn't debate with Danny Alexander? I'd be confident of my 6 year old son debating with Danny Alexander.

As for the Conservatives, they've a cheek since it was the treasury that fucked up figures given to them, see below:

"A senior academic whose research was “badly misrepresented” by the UK Treasury is demanding an apology after British ministers used his work to falsely claim the start-up costs of an independent Scotland would be £1.5 billion ($2.5 billion), when the real cost is around £250 million ($419 million).

Professor Patrick Dunleavy of the London School for Economics (LSE) told RIA Novosti “the UK Treasury haven’t yet apologised to us for misrepresenting the numbers.”

Dunleavy said he had been in contact with Treasury officials to demand they reveal how they reached the vastly inflated figures on the costs of Scottish independence.

“I have discussed with the UK Treasury about how they got to their numbers and they seem to have done what we thought they had done,” Dunleavy told RIA Novosti.

“We did a study based on the costs of creating UK Whitehall departments,” Dunleavy said. “A Whitehall Department is like the Rolls Royce of a Government administrative regime. It’s top-heavy and has a lot of expensive things in it.”

“Scotland only needs to create a small number of such departments after independence, but what the UK Government have done is to apply the cost of creating a Rolls Royce, big style, department to what they claimed were 180 bodies which the Scottish Government would have to set up,” Dunleavy added.

The LSE Politics Professor told RIA Novosti that the basis of their dissent with the UK Treasury was based on their “bizarrely inaccurate” misrepresentation of “our very impressive and interesting study.”


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There's no question he's well equipped. My point is an "Out" campaign would be fronted by people routinely dismissed as fruitcakes and racists, which is different from the Yes campaign up here being led by a mainstream party who have been in Government for 7 years.

Nick Clegg will pick up the baton to run the OUT campaign any day now. :P

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