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Scottish Independence


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I think the slackjawed Nationalist simpleton role has already been filled on this part of the thread Parp.

Better luck next time.

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I think the slackjawed Nationalist simpleton role has already been filled on this part of the thread Parp.

Better luck next time.

No specifics? No evidence? The Law squad fails again. Shocking. What a waste of good public money you are.

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The SNP's problem here, of course, being that they deified an independent adviser. And specifically chose to use him as a named individual, in Parliament and the media, to support economic policy.

Forgetting of course that, once you have built up this myth of "Nobel Prize winning economist 'Joe' thinks I am right - I must be" then when he pulls the rug from under your feet, you look like a fucking idiot.

Which is what happened to Salmond. Hence his shoegazing when Stiglitz's comments on Corporation Tax came to haunt him.

I think you have fully made your point now, we all get it.

Unfortunately for you nothing will come back to haunt Salmond because you and probably about 6 other people in Scotland actually care about this miniscule point.

Gordon Brown's "launch" today must be the third or fourth relaunch.

I just dont understand why they would keep relaunching it, its not like the media will keep covering evry brand new .... oh wait http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-27679717

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Gordon Brown's "launch" today must be the third or fourth relaunch.

I just dont understand why they would keep relaunching it, its not like the media will keep covering evry brand new .... oh wait http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-27679717

I'd expect every campaign to have an offical launch for the regulated period.

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Is there a prize for you asking to see this for the 452nd time?

Some of you have been told that lowering tax rates on corporations will lead to more investment.

“The fact is that’s not true. It is just a gift to the corporations increasing inequality in our society.”

Was this statement regarding an SNP policy in a newly independent nation ?

No... You are talking shite yet again.

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Was this statement regarding and SNP policy in a newly independent nation ?

No... You are talking shite yet again.

Dwarf. Murder. Candlestick.

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Was this statement regarding an SNP policy in a newly independent nation ?

No... You are talking shite yet again.

Why is a newly independent state such a key point? Why would Stiglitz change his long held postion on this in the context of a new state?

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Why is a newly independent state such a key point? Why would Stiglitz change his long held postion on this in the context of a new state?

Because it's a different situation. If , like the unionists keep telling us, business are going to run a mile from an independent Scotland then shouldn't we be doing things to make them stay or entice others to take their place ? Like a corporation tax cut perhaps.

Unionists can't have it both ways. Businesses are going leave and the cut might smooth this over a bit or business are not going leave and the tax cut isn't needed. You choose.

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Why is a newly independent state such a key point? Why would Stiglitz change his long held postion on this in the context of a new state?

Because he's never actually commented on SNP policies regarding taxation. Context is everything, he wasn't commenting in a Scottish context whatsoever since he's not the kind of idiot that would look at one policy in isolation without also considering the impact of overall personal taxation and welfare policies. Only a cretin attempting to be disingenuous would do that.

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Because it's a different situation. If , like the unionists keep telling us, business are going to run a mile from an independent Scotland then shouldn't we be doing things to make them stay or entice others to take their place ? Like a corporation tax cut perhaps.

Unionists can't have it both ways. Businesses are going leave and the cut might smooth this over a bit or business are not going leave and the tax cut isn't needed. You choose.

It's like a choice between getting shot or drowning. We lose either way.

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Because it's a different situation. If , like the unionists keep telling us, business are going to run a mile from an independent Scotland then shouldn't we be doing things to make them stay or entice others to take their place ? Like a corporation tax cut perhaps.

Unionists can't have it both ways. Businesses are going leave and the cut might smooth this over a bit or business are not going leave and the tax cut isn't needed. You choose.

Because he's never actually commented on SNP policies regarding taxation. Context is everything, he wasn't commenting in a Scottish context whatsoever since he's not the kind of idiot that would look at one policy in isolation without also considering the impact of overall personal taxation and welfare policies. Only a cretin attempting to be disingenuous would do that.

Again, Stiglitz has held this postion for a long time, I don't understand the exceptionalism of a new state suddenly changing the fundamentals of his argument.

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Again, Stiglitz has held this postion for a long time, I don't understand the exceptionalism of a new state suddenly changing the fundamentals of his argument.

You choose not to understand.

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Just out of curiousity, if "context is everything" does that mean that Freidman and Hayek would have been in favour of a big state, high tax economy in an Independent Scotland?

Taking things off topic I see... I think I'll pass on your pish today.

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Just out of curiousity, if "context is everything" does that mean that Freidman and Hayek would have been in favour of a big state, high tax economy in an Independent Scotland?

Dunno, haven't studied them. The thing you're forgetting is that there are many taxes to consider when looking at the overall effect on the populace and the economy. Fucking loads.

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