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Yes :D

Ah right - so "involved with politics" = "been invited on the shadow cabinet"?

Just to clarify, are you acknowledging that Yes leaftet giverouterers are no longer to be classified as "ordinary mums" ?

Obviously, if they have a job with such prestige as leaflet giverouterers then there is no way that they are ordinary mums. :P

ETA: For the yes campaign obviously. This makes them visionaries, damn good people and extra-ordinary mums. :thumsup2

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So when he is talking to a journalist who is he speaking on behalf of?

He's furthering the aims of the party, like he's supposed to.

Close - he's furthering the aim of the Government - which happens to be made up of a particular party. Him spending time attempting to discredit a camapigner during a regulated camapign period is not what he's employed to do.

There are plenty of people involved in the yes camapign who could have sent that email attempting to discredit Lally, tastlesss as it was, a tax payer funded civil servant shouldn'tt have done it.

The Daily Record?

You can see where you went wrong there can't you?

Has the Record made it up?

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Er, what? are you seriously denying Clare Lally has been the vicitm of horrible personal abuse on social media?

Do you have any evidence of "horrible personal abuse"?

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Has the Record made it up?

The tweet appears to be genuine, although his account seems to have vanished. A daft thing to post and he should really know better.

However, do you think that the article as a whole is anything other than pathetic?

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Is being told she'll be "first against the wall" going to count or are we going to play semantics?

So one tweet then? That about the size of it? Is it worth the almighty shitstorm it's created?

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I think it's one sided, but the culture of internet abuse has become a story in the referendum now

I'm getting a bit fed up with stories of "death threats" on Twitter. Getting a death threat on Twitter is not a death threat. A death threat is recieving a scary letter in the post or a phonecall from a heavily edited voice threatening you and your family.

Anyone who sends you one of these threats on Twitter is not going to kill you. They are fucking idiots. This goes for both sides of this debate and anything beyond that.

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So one tweet then? That about the size of it? Is it worth the almighty shitstorm it's created?

I don't think it's one tweet, but I'm not inclided to trawl the internet for abusive posts.

Disapointing that you and Parp have both moved from "what abuse" to "is that all" when presented with something which could quite clearly be intepreted as a death threat.

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I'm getting a bit fed up with stories of "death threats" on Twitter. Getting a death threat on Twitter is not a death threat. A death threat is recieving a scary letter in the post or a phonecall from a heavily edited voice threatening you and your family.

Anyone who sends you one of these threats on Twitter is not going to kill you. They are fucking idiots. This goes for both sides of this debate and anything beyond that.

That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

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I don't think it's one tweet, but I'm not inclided to trawl the internet for abusive posts.

Disapointing that you and Parp have both moved from "what abuse" to "is that all" when presented with something which could quite clearly be intepreted as a death threat.

It is one tweet. That's all.

You can be as disappointed as you like and get your knickers into however much of bunch you want over this, the simple fact is Clare Lally has not received "horrible abuse".

And no, a stupid keyboard warrior on Twitter, who I believe has now disappeared, cannot be construed as a death threat. Unless you're as sensitive as a Shakespearean sonnet.

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I'm getting a bit fed up with stories of "death threats" on Twitter. Getting a death threat on Twitter is not a death threat. A death threat is recieving a scary letter in the post or a phonecall from a heavily edited voice threatening you and your family.


Are those the only two forms that a death threat can come in?

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Close - he's furthering the aim of the Government - which happens to be made up of a particular party. Him spending time attempting to discredit a camapigner during a regulated camapign period is not what he's employed to do.

There are plenty of people involved in the yes camapign who could have sent that email attempting to discredit Lally, tastlesss as it was, a tax payer funded civil servant shouldn'tt have done it.

Has the Record made it up?

He didn't discredit anyone unless you count being a relative of Pat Lally's as a smear.

Communicating with journalists is his job, dingbat, he's done nothing wrong.

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Eh, no. It was two examples. There are obviously more. Do you expect me to go through the list?

No, that's fine. I'm just a bit confused as how threatening to kill someone via twitter as opposed to "in a scary letter" renders it any less of a death threat.

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He didn't discredit anyone unless you count being a relative of Pat Lally's as a smear.

Communicating with journalists is his job, dingbat, he's done nothing wrong.

the email was an attempt to discredit her, i think this has been accepted on all sides.

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