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Scotland's Oil

Hey! Ho! Jambo!

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Internationally, taxation on oil and gas production is largely based on where it was produced.

It isn't unless you're in the Gulf.

Under what circumstances would this be different in the event of a yes vote?

Most of the aspects of oil discovery in the North Sea was a private-enterprise initiative licensed by the delightful UK government.

Of course this makes it 'Scotland's Oil'

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Internationally, taxation on oil and gas production is largely based on where it was produced. Under what circumstances would this be different in the event of a yes vote?

Because those of us with a brain can differentiate between 'where' and 'how'?

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It isn't unless you're in the Gulf.

Most of the aspects of oil discovery in the North Sea was a private-enterprise initiative licensed by the delightful UK government.

Of course this makes it 'Scotland's Oil'

I am not quite understanding you. In what way would Scotland not be able to tax production etc. Unless I am mistaken this is what you imply.

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It isn't unless you're in the Gulf.

Most of the aspects of oil discovery in the North Sea was a private-enterprise initiative licensed by the delightful UK government.

Of course this makes it 'Scotland's Oil'

No, what makes it "Scotland's Oil" is that 90% of the UK's O&G reserves lie in our waters.

You're a bit out of touch with this subject auld yin, it may be time for some background reading.

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Oh my.

Kincardine and Joozy having an utter nightmare here.

Their rattled "I'm not bothered and you shouldn't be too" mewlings are as hilarious as they are desperate.

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Funny, I actually think Scotland is a pretty decent country. Not perfect, but far from a shitehole.

Disappointing when people have to be so negative about Scotland.

Chakademus would have you believe that we live in some war-torn third world country still under the thrall of its colonial masters.

The truth is that this vote will make little or no difference to the vast majority of people. We will still have the same forces of international capitalism that forced austerity measures on a variety of countries; the ones that undermine working terms and conditions; the ones that pay lip service to business ethics because it is just another marketing tool - I could go on.

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If a region could sustainably become a viable country and its politics regularly opposes that of the ruling state then of course they should become independent if the people choose to be.

There are plenty of examples of small, self governing islands.

As far as I'm aware there is no real political movement in Shetland, Ayr or any other region for independence from either the UK or Scotland.

The point is that "not getting the government I want" is a really shit argument for a Yes vote. There are thousands of Tories, Lib Dems, Greens etc in Scotland who don't get the government they want - are you advocating that they take their ball away because they don't like getting beat by the big boys?

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I think you've said on here that you are a teacher. Have you ever done supply work? That is effectively on a zero hour contract. A few years ago my wife worked as a supply teacher at the same time as doing shifts in another job. There are a lot of teachers for whom supply works well. I don't think it's difficult to imagine similar scenarios where it's better for people not to have set hours. Similarly, it's obvious the benefits employers get from zero hours contracts, being able to manage their staff better to face demand etc.

Mr Bairn, a better description of the 'voluntary' sector would perhaps be 'not for profit'. Either way, voluntary organisations and charities employ many people, on zero hours contracts or not.

It's not zero-hour - it's just a series of temporary employments. If there are longer terms you get a fixed-term contract.
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Oh my.

Kincardine and Joozy having an utter nightmare here.

Their rattled "I'm not bothered and you shouldn't be too" mewlings are as hilarious as they are desperate.

Right...., because not believing conspiracy theory bollocks and calling you out on your idiocy means I'm having a mare.

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Chakademus would have you believe that we live in some war-torn third world country still under the thrall of its colonial masters.

The truth is that this vote will make little or no difference to the vast majority of people. We will still have the same forces of international capitalism that forced austerity measures on a variety of countries; the ones that undermine working terms and conditions; the ones that pay lip service to business ethics because it is just another marketing tool - I could go on.

Really? You're on board with the Chakademus chat as welll?

OK. I would disagree with you, clearly. This vote will make a large difference to a large number of people. Do we want to continue with a Government that actively marginalises and victimises the poor and vulnerable in society? Do we want to remain under a Government that still has 60% of austerity cuts to make? That deems it acceptable to produce an aircraft-less aircraft carrier while record levels of families and kids get pushed into poverty? That plans to spend billions on a pointless nuclear weapons program whilst families have to rely on foodbanks to eat?

I wouldn't be surprised if you come back with a "oh it's not like that" or "an iScotland won't make any difference". I think it will. So do Yes voters.

If you can square your conscience with continuing with Westminster, fire in.

Right...., because not believing conspiracy theory bollocks and calling you out on your idiocy means I'm having a mare.

No, because your Olympian levels of mewling and whining show how much this has angered you. It's lovely to see.

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Does anyone actually believe this shite? I mean really...

I don't believe that they have found the Worlds largest oil reserve and there is a conspiracy afoot to keep this from the Scottish people prior to the election.

I do believe that they have found significant oil which will last for at least my kids working lifetime and possibly beyond. It quite simply shouldn't be described as a volatile, dwindling resource. It is a major asset for the UK and potentially an enormous boon for Scotland.

As Scottish people it is our oil and we have a choice in September about who should manage this resource on our behalf. Having seen what the first 40 years of oil has brought Scotland I'm ready for a change in management.

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I don't believe that they have found the Worlds largest oil reserve and there is a conspiracy afoot to keep this from the Scottish people prior to the election.

I do believe that they have found significant oil which will last for at least my kids working lifetime and possibly beyond. It quite simply shouldn't be described as a volatile, dwindling resource. It is a major asset for the UK and potentially an enormous boon for Scotland.

As Scottish people it is our oil and we have a choice in September about who should manage this resource on our behalf. Having seen what the first 40 years of oil has brought Scotland I'm ready for a change in management.

And it'a a genuine, real pisser that so many Scottish people want Westminster to continue to profit from Scotland's oil.

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And it'a a genuine, real pisser that so many Scottish people want Westminster to continue to profit from Scotland's oil.

I hope they all choke on their wheetos when they read of the unprecedented oil exploration after a No vote, with much rubbing of Westminster hands.

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Chakademus would have you believe that we live in some war-torn third world country still under the thrall of its colonial masters.

The truth is that this vote will make little or no difference to the vast majority of people. We will still have the same forces of international capitalism that forced austerity measures on a variety of countries; the ones that undermine working terms and conditions; the ones that pay lip service to business ethics because it is just another marketing tool - I could go on.

So ''this vote will make little or no difference to the vast majority of people'' but you are still going to vote against those people having the right to influence their social and economic future, eh? Why don't you just stay well away from your polling station on the 18th? After-all, why bother if it's not going to make any difference?

The point is that "not getting the government I want" is a really shit argument for a Yes vote. There are thousands of Tories, Lib Dems, Greens etc in Scotland who don't get the government they want - are you advocating that they take their ball away because they don't like getting beat by the big boys?

What we will get, are governments who's whole manifesto of policies, will be designed for the benefit of Scotland and the people who live here and not governments who will waste our resources on Nuclear weapons, foreign (unwinnable) wars and the continued, never-ending infrastructure improvements to the growing Nation of London.

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I hope they all choke on their wheetos when they read of the unprecedented oil exploration after a No vote, with much rubbing of Westminster hands.

..and where do you suppose they are going to be reading this? The Daily Mail/Record/Express? The Sun? :rolleyes:

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So ''this vote will make little or no difference to the vast majority of people'' but you are still going to vote against those people having the right to influence their social and economic future, eh? Why don't you just stay well away from your polling station on the 18th? After-all, why bother if it's not going to make any difference?

What we will get, are governments who's whole manifesto of policies, will be designed for the benefit of Scotland and the people who live here and not governments who will waste our resources on Nuclear weapons, foreign (unwinnable) wars and the continued, never-ending infrastructure improvements to the growing Nation of London.

Nonsensical assertion. You have no idea whether all future governments of an independent Scotland would elect not to have nuclear weapons, get involved in conflicts or not join the EU (who tell their members what laws to pass by and large).

This may be your dream but in the real world it isn't like that.

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Jeezo. I never knew that people think that the all the benefits of having oil under our seabed won't accrue to the Scottish treasury. :lol:

Didn't think there was any contention there.

BP: we're not paying tax to the Scottish exchequer

SG: piss off then :lol:

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