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Are you actually suggesting that the Yes campaign are on equal footing with Better Together on the scaremongering?

The ONLY argument the No campaign have put across is one of fear. Not one positive message has been given on why we are Better Together.

The Yes campaign, however, have focussed on all the positive points of independence and about what can be achieved.

I'm afraid that's stone cold fact.

And that's how every yes/no referendum works.

It's the job of the yes side to put across why we should be independent, and the no side to explain why being independent is not a very good idea.

Why does everything need to be "positive" campaigning?

It's not about "fear" it's about pointing out the flimsy points in the yes argument.

This referendum has only 2 options, so an argument against one side is inherently an argument FOR the other side.

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And that's how every yes/no referendum works.

It's the job of the yes side to put across why we should be independent, and the no side to explain why being independent is not a very good idea.

Why does everything need to be "positive" campaigning?

It's not about "fear" it's about pointing out the flimsy points in the yes argument.

This referendum has only 2 options, so an argument against one side is inherently an argument FOR the other side.

A positive case for the union would be nice.

Or even negatives backed up by facts and not bullshit would be good.

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HB, do you ever look at the likes of Mr Bairn and previously (well, maybe) Dee Gas and even consider that you're almost definitely wrong about Independence?

I could ask you the same question abut the AUFC90s and Baxter Parps of this world....

Though unlike DeeGas and Mr Bairn, who are deliberately trolling, i think they are seriously that thick,

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Oh I cannot wait my friend. Enjoy your mental breakdown on the 19th.

How's about the most recent poll ?


So 40% of people are more interested in flag waving. Even if they knew they'd be better off under independence :blink:

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I could ask you the same question abut the AUFC90s and Baxter Parps of this world....

Though unlike DeeGas and Mr Bairn, who are deliberately trolling, i think they are seriously that thick,

The irony meter on my phone has went through the roof. Run along now my little troll. No one cares about what you have to say.

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I could ask you the same question abut the AUFC90s and Baxter Parps of this world....

Though unlike DeeGas and Mr Bairn, who are deliberately trolling, i think they are seriously that thick,

I've read plenty of stuff that's made me physically cringe posted by Independence supports on here and I've read a lot of good arguments and interesting perspectives. Bit of a mixed bag.

Just actually think about the nutcases that agree with you :lol: It must hurt a little.

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Just actually think about the nutcases that agree with you :lol: It must hurt a little.

Again, likewise.

Just think.. "I'm in lockstep agreement with AUFC90". I mean, the guy needs an instruction manual to tie shoelaces.

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Again, likewise.

Just think.. "I'm in lockstep agreement with AUFC90". I mean, the guy needs an instruction manual to tie shoelaces.

If that's meant to be funny, it failed spectactularly.

Nice copying of Vikington with "lockstep", btw.

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If that's meant to be funny, it failed spectactularly.

Nice copying of Vikington with "lockstep", btw.

It's cute, really, how the Clown Collective think that words they don't properly understand can be copyrighted.

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Are you actually suggesting that the Yes campaign are on equal footing with Better Together on the scaremongering?

The ONLY argument the No campaign have put across is one of fear. Not one positive message has been given on why we are Better Together.

The Yes campaign, however, have focussed on all the positive points of independence and about what can be achieved.

I'm afraid that's stone cold fact.

Was checking my calendar to make sure it wasn't 1st April.

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Care to highlight anything you think that's incorrect about my post?

"The Yes campaign, however, have focussed on all the positive points of independence and about what can be achieved."

They have quite happily put the boot in negatively when they saw fit.

In fact I would argue that it happens a lot.

It's almost a joke now. The standard argument is "X is being caused by Westminster. But if you vote for independence X won't happen".

But then failing to explain why.

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PS To the post above.

I do believe BT do have a problem putting forward a positive case - not because there isn't one but because, in referenda, being negative (especially for a No campaign) is usually effective.

That being said I would say that BT are perhaps not being subtle enough in that negativity.

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