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You immediately tried to rubbish the pollster rather than actually discuss the content of the poll.

That's an interesting reimagination of what I said.

You claim that I didn't discuss the poll...

No i didn't. That s a lie.

????What extremes of pedantry are coming now???

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H_B in splitting hairs with yet another forumster shockeroony.

Seriously how do you keep your job when you are obsessively on here?

50,000 posts is borderline mental illness.

50000 posts in a decade is only about 14 posts per day.

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Sorry to be tedious and pendatic but in the best tradition of No voters I will ask again. Can you backup your claim that

"On the day before the election the polls predicted an SNP landslide."?

Read it carefully it has the following words and phrases:

"On the day before the election"

"the polls"

"predicted an"

"SNP landslide"

A simple Yes or No will suffice in the first instance. In the event of a Yes answer, you can then post this backup.

To continue on with the pedantic theme, your backup should validate all the parts of your claim, I will not accept proof that there was a poll released on the day before the election as definitive backup to your statement. :wacko:

In our electoral system that kind of margin usually leads to a landslide due to the number of FPTP constituency seats. What's not shown either is the collapse of the LD vote that pollsters accurately predicted.

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In comparison, you've been a member for around 1000 days, You've made under 1800 posts.

Do the sums.

Difference being that I have had my account for years but barely used it at all until the last six months.

I have nearly 10000 posts on quite a few sites.

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...you did indeed lie.


Talking of lies, can you please examine the Daily Mail's report pictured above:

1) How can support for the Union be described as having "surged" when the poll shows the lowest lead for No ever found by YouGov?

2) How can support for the Union be described as having "surged" when the poll shows the lowest support for No ever polled by YouGov when they have asked the referendum question?

3) How can support for the Union be described as having "surged" when the poll shows the highest equal support for Yes ever polled by YouGov when they have asked the referendum question?

4) Why does the Daily Mail state that the poll shows that Salmond has been "hit by Putin row" when practically all of the polling pre-dates the Putin story?

Are the Daily Mail being completely truthful?

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Difference being that I have had my account for years but barely used it at all until the last six months.

I have nearly 10000 posts on quite a few sites.

Aye, but you're a self-proclaimed troll and still don't average anywhere near HB's daily average post count.

Just shows.

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In fairness not sure what issue is here. Mr Bairn stated that day before last elections polls predicted an snp landslide, the you gov poll(which is traditionally anti snp) did predict this landslide.. so he is kinda right

I have no axe to grind here... I am a staunch Yes supporter.. my previous posters will show this

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In fairness not sure what issue is here. Mr Bairn stated that day before last elections polls predicted an snp landslide, the you gov poll(which is traditionally anti snp) did predict this landslide.. so he is kinda right

I have no axe to grind here... I am a staunch Yes supporter.. my previous posters will show this

My problem is that people were in this thread saying how polls are worthless because they got it wrong in 2011. Well they didn't.

Maybe they got it wrong in the February of that year when they predicted the Dear Leader would be ousted, but the election wasn't in February. By the same standards, current polling for the referendum is worthless except as a guide to what the result might be if the vote was to be held today.

But the up to date polling on the day of the election in 2011 was pretty much spot on, as I think it will in September.

The only caveat I will throw in, is that I think yes will score a couple of percent higher than the polls suggest, because even a few hundred people that intend to vote no could enter the polling station and realise they don't have the heart to vote against their countries Independence. I suppose this could easily work both ways though.

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In fairness not sure what issue is here. Mr Bairn stated that day before last elections polls predicted an snp landslide, the you gov poll(which is traditionally anti snp) did predict this landslide.. so he is kinda right

I have no axe to grind here... I am a staunch Yes supporter.. my previous posters will show this

Only it didn't. If the percentages in the Youguv poll were the actual results, then the SNP would not have had a landslide.

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My problem is that people were in this thread saying how polls are worthless because they got it wrong in 2011. Well they didn't.

Maybe they got it wrong in the February of that year when they predicted the Dear Leader would be ousted, but the election wasn't in February. By the same standards, current polling for the referendum is worthless except as a guide to what the result might be if the vote was to be held today.

But the up to date polling on the day of the election in 2011 was pretty much spot on, as I think it will in September.

The only caveat I will throw in, is that I think yes will score a couple of percent higher than the polls suggest, because even a few hundred people that intend to vote no could enter the polling station and realise they don't have the heart to vote against their countries Independence. I suppose this could easily work both ways though.

No proof then. I will leave this issue now with you shown to have made claims that you cannot substantiate.

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I posted the proof several hours ago.

Yeah so you did :rolleyes:. You are a maths student, go and apply the youguv percentages against the actual results and tell me what the overall result would be. After you have done this, come back to me with your apology.

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