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Still... Northern Rock!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think their shares were worth a punt for small stakes at the time, I'm sure the highest performers on trading stocks have a vast history of snapping up shares with a similar profile.

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The most striking thing about this article is where are Alistair Darlings comments on the poll? ;)

Before you all start I am on record as saying that I don't pay any attention to polls. Good or bad.

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Jenkins writes it off as one of things and that there will be 'peaks and troughs' - which is fair enough. He continues that Scotland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world...................... which to me would seem to be an endorsement of the union. The wealth he is pointing to has been established during 300 years of union, that wealth and the union cant just be a coincidence. Even within the UK he points to us being richer than the UK so hardly a case of Westminster ignoring us and looking after themselves.

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Jenkins writes it off as one of things and that there will be 'peaks and troughs' - which is fair enough. He continues that Scotland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world...................... which to me would seem to be an endorsement of the union. The wealth he is pointing to has been established during 300 years of union, that wealth and the union cant just be a coincidence. Even within the UK he points to us being richer than the UK so hardly a case of Westminster ignoring us and looking after themselves.

Really depends on where the wealth is spent. Doesn't change the fact we are a relatively wealthy nation in or out of the UK. Independence gives us the opportunity to spend that wealth on things that aren't toy boats, train sets or a city four hundred miles away in another country

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Really depends on where the wealth is spent. Doesn't change the fact we are a relatively wealthy nation in or out of the UK. Independence gives us the opportunity to spend that wealth on things that aren't toy boats, train sets or a city four hundred miles away in another country

Well the wealth out of the UK is entirely speculative our position currently is absolutely clear.

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Well the wealth out of the UK is entirely speculative our position currently is absolutely clear.

I would argue about the speculation of the level of our wealth in an independent Scotland but you are right our current position is relatively clear, but not 100% clear. How rich a country Scotland is doesn't change anything in that we have no control where the vast majority of our wealth is spent. In an independent Scotland we do have that control. Wouldn't it be great to have that control.

It's one of the most basic and simplest arguments for independence.

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On another note, good to see the "ScotGoesPop" guy has learned from the good Reverend, about extracting money from idiot Nats. :lol:

£3K raised so far... good work.

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