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Calling all no voters buffoons is political suicide.

Not this.

Only he wasn't calling all no voters buffoons, just you and possibly your circle of friends as well.

ETA: Just as well you are studying maths and not English as comprehension would be your downfall.

Very much this.

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maybe it's just me, but i feel like the debate is strangely dying down a little bit. the media coverage of it, anyway. back in january/february it was headline news every night and there were many tv programmes based on the topic being broadcast. now there doesn't seem to be anything fresh coming out.

i'm sure it'll pick back up again over the summer, just something i've noticed.

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maybe it's just me, but i feel like the debate is strangely dying down a little bit. the media coverage of it, anyway. back in january/february it was headline news every night and there were many tv programmes based on the topic being broadcast. now there doesn't seem to be anything fresh coming out.

i'm sure it'll pick back up again over the summer, just something i've noticed.

There's definitely a period of quiet before the storm.

Once the EU elections are out of the way and we're into the regulated period from next weekend things will gradually start to pick up again.

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maybe it's just me, but i feel like the debate is strangely dying down a little bit. the media coverage of it, anyway. back in january/february it was headline news every night and there were many tv programmes based on the topic being broadcast. now there doesn't seem to be anything fresh coming out.

i'm sure it'll pick back up again over the summer, just something i've noticed.

It's died down purely because they have had to slow down on the scaremongering before they lose too many votes.

The No campaign are sitting in a room like the YouTube clip of Downfall. Alistair Darling shouting "you all said this scaremongering would make them vote No!!!!!!!"

Reality is they don't know what tactics to use with only a couple of weeks before the official campaign period starts.

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It's died down purely because they have had to slow down on the scaremongering before they lose too many votes.

I haven't seen Yes noticeably slow down on their scaremongering, but perhaps you are right.

It would be good if they did.

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Who the f**k needs scaremongering? Any idiot could draw a straight line between the shitty present and the shittier future under a continuation (or acceleration, as H_B and the rest of Maggie's spawn wish) on the present course. That's what No hates so much: that it has to go to the effort of making shit up for its campaign, while Yes doesn't.

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That's what No hates so much: that it has to go to the effort of making shit up for its campaign, while Yes doesn't.

The Yes side has come out with quite a few claims with absolutely no evidence to back them up actually.

Just because you chose to say to yourself "Aye, that's definitely true" because you want it to be, doesn't make it so.

I'm not saying Unionists don't make shit up (one apparently said "of course there would be a currency union" for example! :) )

The problem the Yes campaign has is that, with all gambles, they have to make predictions. Thats not good enough for a lot of people.

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The Yes side has come out with quite a few claims with absolutely no evidence to back them up actually.

Just because you chose to say to yourself "Aye, that's definitely true" because you want it to be, doesn't make it so.

I'm not saying Unionists don't make shit up (one apparently said "of course there would be a currency union" for example! :) )

The problem the Yes campaign has is that, with all gambles, they have to make predictions. Thats not good enough for a lot of people.

To suggest the gamble is just with a yes vote is ludicrous.

I think you need to widen your perspective somewhat. The UK is 1.5 trillion in debt. Where do you think Westminster is going to find this money?

There is risk on both sides of the argument.

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