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I just don't understand why intelligent people are happy to give a free pass to lies from a campaign they are giving their support to. I'd be embarrassed to do so.

Apart from the legal advice re: e.u membership and the posturing/brinkmanship over a currency union, could you be very specific about these lies you are saying the Yes campaign are coming out with?

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A lot of marginal yes voters like myself can see the faults in both campaigns. In saying that the utter seethe from the losing side will be hilarious no matter what side loses.

I'm looking forward to it.

I'm voting NO, betting on YES but overall, I'm not fussed one way or the other who wins. I'll be in the Costa del Sol when the result comes in anyway. :)

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Both Ivo den bieman and Renton, who are two of the smarter Yes posters, have now admitted they have no interest in admitting to and acknowledging Yes lies and will instead only consider No malfeasance.

I guess maybe it's a side effect to defeat coming close. Renton in particular seems to be taking the poor state of the Yes campaigns chances badly.

I just don't understand why intelligent people are happy to give a free pass to lies from a campaign they are giving their support to. I'd be embarrassed to do so.

And you have no interest in acknowledging no lies and spend all your time chasing yes malfeasance. This latest post is yet another example of your style: attempt to paint the other as extreme so you can occupy the middle ground. And you'very never been embarrassed by the no campaign have you? Straight shooters aren't they?

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And you have no interest in acknowledging no lies and spend all your time chasing yes malfeasance. This latest post is yet another example of your style: attempt to paint the other as extreme so you can occupy the middle ground. And you'very never been embarrassed by the no campaign have you? Straight shooters aren't they?

Renton I think H_B and AdLib like you. You're their favourite.

Don't ruin it.

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You must be joining the Clown Collective tonight. As anyone paying even cursory attention to the English football pyramid knows, there are only two league tiers with Wiltshire in their name and neither are prefixed with Mid. Moreover, they are not part of the same tier of the pyramid as the league you are in, which is, as a matter of basic fact, Mid-Sussex, Division 11. You are therefore doing your level best to fulfil the quota of being wrong most of the time before dinner.

Nope. The 2 or 3 vaguely intelligent Yes voters on the forum are keeping No real. None of them are in the Clown Collective but most of them do very little if anything to keep the Yes campaign real or the Clown Collective in their tin foil box. As a martyr to the cause, I valiantly step into the breach to raise Pie and Bovril from the pits of street juggling of the Clown Collective to the perfected excellence of dialectic that is the Moscow State Circus, with trapeze unknown to mere mortals born to the West of the Berlin Wall.

Let's face it matey. In between the sad rage wanks, you parrot BT.

Edited by HaikuHibee
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You must be joining the Clown Collective tonight. As anyone paying even cursory attention to the English football pyramid knows, there are only two league tiers with Wiltshire in their name and neither are prefixed with Mid. Moreover, they are not part of the same tier of the pyramid as the league you are in, which is, as a matter of basic fact, Mid-Sussex, Division 11. You are therefore doing your level best to fulfil the quota of being wrong most of the time before dinner.

Nope. The 2 or 3 vaguely intelligent Yes voters on the forum are keeping No real. None of them are in the Clown Collective but most of them do very little if anything to keep the Yes campaign real or the Clown Collective in their tin foil box. As a martyr to the cause, I valiantly step into the breach to raise Pie and Bovril from the pits of street juggling of the Clown Collective to the perfected excellence of dialectic that is the Moscow State Circus, with trapeze unknown to mere mortals born to the West of the Berlin Wall.

FFS lay off the charlie eh?

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The amount of YES folk I have read, spoken to and listened to who garnered all their info from Wings and NewsNet was phenomenal. They bubbled themselves and got carried away on a wave of hysteria. Blinkered and obsessed. The result isn't in yet but these folk simply set themselves up for a big gunk if all the pieces in the jigsaw don't fall into place.

Ho hum.

It's a real danger because that's their new truth.

It's a bit like conspiracy theorists who turn away from the MSM as they get fed up with the Establishment line.

A perfectly reasonable start point. But then they find Alex Jones and just switch their credulity to a new source.

If you get your truth from WoS and Newsnat you have a problem

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And you have no interest in acknowledging no lies and spend all your time chasing yes malfeasance. This latest post is yet another example of your style: attempt to paint the other as extreme so you can occupy the middle ground. And you'very never been embarrassed by the no campaign have you? Straight shooters aren't they?

Lolwut? The Better Together campaign is abysmal. A collection of incompetents.

That they lie is beyond question. They are politicians by and large.

I'm more than happy to acknowledge that BT and The UK government have both lied and intentionally cherry picked facts to the ignorance of the wider picture to suit their agenda.

Being the 42nd poster on a thread to point this out is useful to no one.

The difference between us is that you will refuse to subject the Yes campaign to any scrutiny and have no intellectual honesty in this subject.

You want to give liars and fact twisters a free pass because they wear a Yes or SNP badge on then that's your prerogative.

I just think it's a pity to be so blinkered

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Lolwut? The Better Together campaign is abysmal. A collection of incompetents.

That they lie is beyond question. They are politicians by and large.

I'm more than happy to acknowledge that BT and The UK government have both lied and intentionally cherry picked facts to the ignorance of the wider picture to suit their agenda.

Being the 42nd poster on a thread to point this out is useful to no one.

The difference between us is that you will refuse to subject the Yes campaign to any scrutiny and have no intellectual honesty in this subject.

You want to give liars and fact twisters a free pass because they wear a Yes or SNP badge on then that's your prerogative.

I just think it's a pity to be so blinkered

Just admit it though. Fleet Street are all unionists, so they are biased.

Edited by HaikuHibee
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Lolwut? The Better Together campaign is abysmal. A collection of incompetents.

That they lie is beyond question. They are politicians by and large.

I'm more than happy to acknowledge that BT and The UK government have both lied and intentionally cherry picked facts to the ignorance of the wider picture to suit their agenda.

Being the 42nd poster on a thread to point this out is useful to no one.

The difference between us is that you will refuse to subject the Yes campaign to any scrutiny and have no intellectual honesty in this subject.

You want to give liars and fact twisters a free pass because they wear a Yes or SNP badge on then that's your prerogative.

I just think it's a pity to be so blinkered

This is going round in circles. I do subject the Yes campaign to scrutiny, that I don't do it to the level you demand, or find the same conclusions as you do is not my problem, I also admit my bias to yes. You, however, do not subject No to any kind of scrutiny - the fact that folk from the Yes side do, doesn't mean you shouldn't - even if you are the 1st or 42nd poster to do so - you are biased to No and you do nothing to give an impression that you are anything except an unapologetic cheer leader for whatever the No line is that day.

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If the Yes supporters were just a bit intellectually honest this might be a decent source of some form of objective truth amongst the rampant lies both sides are feeding us.

But they aren't so that's impossible.

There's no honesty from the Yes campaign. Just slavish devotion to the cause and blinkered pretence that they are these honest souls plalying with a straight bat whilst battling the lies of the other side.

It's pathetic and it takes us nowhere.

Do you mean all Yes supporters when you say that?

There are plenty of us who are voting Yes who concede the pro-campaign have been far from exceptional on a range of issues and that there are a number of grey areas regarding independence which has not been addressed to a standard we'd like. That doesn't mean we can't pick holes in the pro-union campaign, however.

Personally, I have a few issues which I feel directly affect me that haven't been cleared up, however I'll still be voting Yes as I truly feel that is the best path for Scotland in the long term.

Your 'NCC' and 'Kool Aid Crew' banter along with your pedantry and dragging debates wildly off topic do any decent points you might have a disservice.

This whole sub-forum is in the fucking gutter and has been for a while.

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I don't think I'm knowledgable enough on the subject to really make audacious claims and I do try to be as objective as I can. It's just pointless doing it for me in a forum that is predominantly yes. Even then, I've tried to chip into forums like kickback just for there being more of a balance there, and not being able to see for cringe as both sides and even worse for lies on it.

My opinion is that the Yes campaign do use a lot of misleading wordspeak, but that the No campaign are better a lot better at it. It's also why I think they do not get challenged by the media as much because there isn't enough there to make a headline out of it, and even if a lot of news orgnanisation's stakes is arguably better placed with a No vote.

I think yes could the most honest campaign in the world, but IMO being that honest in politics doesn't win campaigns. So this 'you're being bigger liars than us' argument doesn't really hold up as much for me personally.

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The amount of YES folk I have read, spoken to and listened to who garnered all their info from Wings and NewsNet was phenomenal.

I get mine from The Telegraph. It's most informative:


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You do realise that there are public links to you personally and your abusive rantings on here don't you?

You are also aware that employers of pretty much any note (especially law firms) will check your online profile before hiring you?

I say this because for someone so clever you appear to have the intelligence of a cabbage.\

Would you hire someone posting the shite you've just posted above?

Would you want them representing you and your hard won clients in court?????

Take a step back and engage your brain for 5 seconds.

1. Yes

2. Duh.

3. What someone posts on a football forum, as long as it wasn't defamatory or hate speech, would have no bearing whatsoever on any decision I made to hire or not to hire them

4. I would judge that based on whether they were good at litigating, not what they posted on a football forum. Not that this is relevant as I've never indicated a desire to go into litigation. I am for now an academic and don't, at the moment, have any interest in legal practice.

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