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Yes they fucking would. Why wouldn't a Scotsman in England be a foreigner???[/quote

A foreign country is a different country. You know one where they carry different passports... United Kingdom is for all intents purposes 4 nations within a sovereign state, but these four nations are certainly not foreign to each other. As a Scot within the UK it's actually quite insulting that you think the English would put us down with their hated Eastern Europeans and foreigners

They are different countries!!!! Because we share a political Union does not make us one country, you go and tell the English or Welsh that they are the same country as Scotland and see what response you get. Atleast the English are actually patriotic about their country unlike some of the Scots clearly.

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I agree that they are different countries. There is a difference between "foreign" and "different" though, we would only be foreign after a yes vote. A foreigner is someone who belongs to a different sovereign state as you.

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Hear we go. How did you get to that?

Stereotyping the English?

Where did Jock, Taffy and Paddy come from?

Yes I'm sure all that English people ever do is sit around being racists....

Seriously your persecution complex is getting ridiculous. Why not go live in Ukraine for a day and then come back and tell me about how much of a fucking victim you are? Right, f**k face???

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I agree that they are different countries. There is a difference between "foreign" and "different" though, we would only be foreign after a yes vote. A foreigner is someone who belongs to a different sovereign state as you.

Well I'm sorry but I disagree. We are different countries.

Definition of foreigner.

1. a person born in or coming from a country other than one's own.

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I agree that they are different countries. There is a difference between "foreign" and "different" though, we would only be foreign after a yes vote. A foreigner is someone who belongs to a different sovereign state as you.

So, even though Rory Best & Gordon D'Arcy both represent the same national team at rugby, in your view they are currently foreigners to each other?

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Yes I'm sure all that English people ever do is sit around being racists....

Seriously your persecution complex is getting ridiculous. Why not go live in Ukraine for a day and then come back and tell me about how much of a fucking victim you are? Right, f**k face???

Again. Who said this?

Try and keep your inner feelings toward the English to yourself and stop trying to transfer them onto me.

How did you get to persecution?

I personaly dont know a single person who is English to feel persecuted by. Bet you do though.

I would love to go to Ukrain. Bet its lovely this time of year.

F*ck face? Yeah you won with that one. How could I come back fae that?

Ya wee lassie.

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Because Team GB has 3 different countries competing under the 1 umbrella. I support Scotland, I don't care any more or less about England or Wales as I do any other foreign country. That doesn't make me anti England or anti Wales though. Why does Team GB exist by the way? I don't get it? Surely it's not to do with the UK because then surely NI would be included aswell, why are the 3 countries not represented solely in the Olympics etc?

Genuine question?

I've wondered that too. Also, I didn't actually know that NI were excluded from team GB. Do NI have their own Olympic team? or do they unite with another nearby Country? Anyone know how the loyalists of NI feel about not being considered British enough for team GB? This is off topic but the thread took a wild turn ages ago and I genuinely don't understand this team GB stuff. BTW Lichtie 'thepundit' is a trolling bellend, best ignored.

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Hear we go. How did you get to that?

Stereotyping the English?

Where did Jock, Taffy and Paddy come from?

I never knew my granpa's first name until after he died, I'd only ever heard him being referred to as Taffy,as far as I know he never took offence at it as I'm sure he'd have had a pop at anyone if he felt they were using it in a derogatory manner.

Edited by ayrmad
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I've wondered that too. Also, I didn't actually know that NI were excluded from team GB. Do NI have their own Olympic team? or do they unite with another nearby Country? Anyone know how the loyalists of NI feel about not being considered British enough for team GB? This is off topic but the thread took a wild turn ages ago and I genuinely don't understand this team GB stuff. BTW Lichtie 'thepundit' is a trolling bellend, best ignored.

I don't know it seems rather strange that we compete seperately in so many things but not in the Olympics etc, must be down to funding or something? I'm sure NI compete as Ireland but could be wrong.

Well I've come to the conclusion that it surely must only be in Scotland that when someone says they support their country and their country only they get called a racist, anti other countries or an identity fascist.

It truly amazes me sometimes at how ridiculous some Scottish people can be and how they feel about their country.

Luckily the vast majority of people I know think the same as me. Passionate about Scotland and Scotland only.

I wish Team GB well as there are Scots competing in a team with them but I 100 percent do not actively support them. Unless there is an individual I may happen to like I'm not any more fussed about them than any other countries sportsmen/women.

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I never new my granpa's first name until after he died, I'd only ever heard him being referred to as Taffy,as far as I know he never took offence at it as I'm sure he'd have had a pop at anyone if he felt they were using it in a derogatory manner.

I'm sure there are alot Jock's out their too.

If your getting called Jock all the time and its not because its your name but because your Scottish, then taking on and calling yourself Jock will take the edge off someone else calling you it.

I think the African American rappers caught on to something similar.

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I don't know it seems rather strange that we compete seperately in so many things but not in the Olympics etc, must be down to funding or something? I'm sure NI compete as Ireland but could be wrong.

Well I've come to the conclusion that it surely must only be in Scotland that when someone says they support their country and their country only they get called a racist, anti other countries or an identity fascist.

It truly amazes me sometimes at how ridiculous some Scottish people can be and how they feel about their country.

Luckily the vast majority of people I know think the same as me. Passionate about Scotland and Scotland only.

I wish Team GB well as there are Scots competing in a team with them but I 100 percent do not actively support them. Unless there is an individual I may happen to like I'm not any more fussed about them than any other countries sportsmen/women.

Mr Bairn will come round your house the next time Usain Bolt is running the 100 meters to make sure your cheering the guy fae England or Wales.

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I'm in England 3 times a week or so, I'm in England now actually. I certainly don't feel like a 'foreigner'.

Do any Scottish people suddenly feel 'foreign' when they cross that strip of concrete on the M74/M6?

What sickening, divisive nationalism.

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I'm in England 3 times a week or so, I'm in England now actually. I certainly don't feel like a 'foreigner'.

Do any Scottish people suddenly feel 'foreign' when they cross that strip of concrete on the M74/M6?

What sickening, divisive nationalism.


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I'm in England 3 times a week or so, I'm in England now actually. I certainly don't feel like a 'foreigner'.

Do any Scottish people suddenly feel 'foreign' when they cross that strip of concrete on the M74/M6?

What sickening, divisive nationalism.

And you'll only feel different after independence if you choose to, you do realise you've debunked one of your own sides very poor myths aimed at the cerebrally challenged sheep within our population.

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I'm in England 3 times a week or so, I'm in England now actually. I certainly don't feel like a 'foreigner'.

Do any Scottish people suddenly feel 'foreign' when they cross that strip of concrete on the M74/M6?

What sickening, divisive nationalism.

You're from Scotland and you're in England you might not feel foreign but you are. Just like how a French person would be foreign in Germany.

What's it with people viewing the word foreign as a negative thing? It isn't.

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Is it? Never knew, cheers.

Yeah. Although I believe - as in the convention with most things - that the Northern Irish can choose to compete as part of team Ireland if they wish. Don't quote me on this but I seem to remember a bit of debate about Rory McIlroy, with golf joining the Olympics in 2016

It actually seems a bit wrong to call them team GB, but hey ho, I didn't come up with the colloquial name.

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