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Well, if people are long term unemployed then they should certainly be doing something to justify their handouts, imo.

Why don't we just bring back Gulag camps? That would sort the lazy scoundrels out!

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Why don't we just bring back Gulag camps? That would sort the lazy scoundrels out!

Jesus, you people really haven't heard of the term "happy medium", have you?

I understand that there are a lot of unemployed people in this country, and that a lot of them are/are not actively seeking work. I think that if anyone who is on Jobseekers Allowance for more than 6 months, then we have to ask how actively they are actually "Seeking a job". It could be that they are completely unemployable for some reason or another, in which case we need to be sending them on courses and stuff to improve their employability, however in some cases it could be that they aren't interested in working at all and are just applying to a few jobs to meet quotas. In this case we need to be withdrawing benefits unless they contribute to society in some way or another, perhaps by helping to pick up litter in our town centres or to cut grass for infirm people or even just volunteering for a few hours a week at a charity. They'd still get their benefits and still be expected to be applying for full time jobs, but they'd be contributing to society and taking part in activities which help their CV.

What is your problem with this?

ETA: I fully expect a meme, or a gif, or a "scrappy doo" put down when you realise you have very little to add to what I just said

Edited by Mr Bairn
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Cataclysmically affected?

Well it's reasonable to say that the result of this referendum will have a big effect throughout the UK. A bit like how a woman can decide to file for divorce without her husband having a say, but it certainly affects the husband in a big way.

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Jesus, you people really haven't heard of the term "happy medium", have you?

I understand that there are a lot of unemployed people in this country, and that a lot of them are/are not actively seeking work. I think that if anyone who is on Jobseekers Allowance for more than 6 months, then we have to ask how actively they are actually "Seeking a job". It could be that they are completely unemployable for some reason or another, in which case we need to be sending them on courses and stuff to improve their employability, however in some cases it could be that they aren't interested in working at all and are just applying to a few jobs to meet quotas. In this case we need to be withdrawing benefits unless they contribute to society in some way or another, perhaps by helping to pick up litter in our town centres or to cut grass for infirm people or even just volunteering for a few hours a week at a charity. They'd still get their benefits and still be expected to be applying for full time jobs, but they'd be contributing to society and taking part in activities which help their CV.

What is your problem with this?

ETA: I fully expect a meme, or a gif, or a "scrappy doo" put down when you realise you have very little to add to what I just said

You know WHY I usually respond with a scrappy doo putdown or a gif? Because no one can be so ball-breakingly thick without deliberately trolling.

Now I realise you're just a wee guy and not long out of school, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this once. But if you think what you just suggested is, to quote David Cameron "the right thing to do", you, my friend, are gangster tripping.

And if you even consider replying with "word salad", "seethe" or anything similar I will break your toes.

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They might lose out to each other, though. Also you haven't specified what this "project" is but it might not necessarily be the type of project that is feasible in a small country.

Wtf you on about? It's a scenario for someone who said they are committed to the people of the UK rather than Scotland as a single entity.

If you have a government in London who make decisions about the UK as a whole then somewhere along the line a decision is going to be made to the detriment of Scotland in favour of another part of the UK.

What I'm asking is would you be happy with that decision in that scenario?

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Well it's reasonable to say that the result of this referendum will have a big effect throughout the UK. A bit like how a woman can decide to file for divorce without her husband having a say, but it certainly affects the husband in a big way.

For a girl, you really seem to have a strange approach to womens rights.

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I'm committed to the Labour Party because I'm committed to the people of the UK and I think Labour victories are the best thing for the country. That doesn't really make any difference to the point I was making though, which isn't anything to do with Labour but to do with my belief that the independence referendum is distracting from the things I personally think matter more.

Labour are the only party in Westminster to have a track record of removing children from poverty and have consistent policies to help those who need it, such as introducing the minimum wage. Labour are the party who want to look into the impact zero hour contracts have and on the local level it is Labour activists making a fuss and attempting to get companies and groups to stop using them and are the only one of the three major parties committed to ending the bedroom tax. But none of this is in any way relevant to the point I was making, that the referendum is a distraction from these things and I personally wish there was more of a focus on these issues rather than on he referendum.

What has Trident got to do with anything?

Just as well the referendum isn't about your personal wishes. For the vast majority of people, the referendum is a serious and life changing event. The fact that you find it to be a mere distraction is fucking disgraceful and to be honest, you would probably be happier going back to making macaroni pictures.

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I'm committed to the Labour Party because I'm committed to the people of the UK and I think Labour victories are the best thing for the country. That doesn't really make any difference to the point I was making though, which isn't anything to do with Labour but to do with my belief that the independence referendum is distracting from the things I personally think matter more.

Labour are the only party in Westminster to have a track record of removing children from poverty and have consistent policies to help those who need it, such as introducing the minimum wage. Labour are the party who want to look into the impact zero hour contracts have and on the local level it is Labour activists making a fuss and attempting to get companies and groups to stop using them and are the only one of the three major parties committed to ending the bedroom tax. But none of this is in any way relevant to the point I was making, that the referendum is a distraction from these things and I personally wish there was more of a focus on these issues rather than on he referendum.

What has Trident got to do with anything?

No one gets taxed for having bedrooms, other than the impact house size/value has on council tax bills.

How can you be sure Labour are committed to ending this "bedroom tax" as you describe it? It was Labour who introduced it. The Coalition extended it to council tenants as they were exempt from Labour's housing benefit restrictions.

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How can a 24 year old love a political party so much??????????????

Christ knows. I used to think I would only ever vote Labour. Now I can't see me voting Labour again, unless there are massive changea.

And the sad thing is, I would love to vote for a Labour party that actually mirrored their founding beliefs.

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You know WHY I usually respond with a scrappy doo putdown or a gif? Because no one can be so ball-breakingly thick without deliberately trolling.

Now I realise you're just a wee guy and not long out of school, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this once. But if you think what you just suggested is, to quote David Cameron "the right thing to do", you, my friend, are gangster tripping.

And if you even consider replying with "word salad", "seethe" or anything similar I will break your toes.

Nat in aggressive, threatening response to pro-no post shocker,

How disappointingly predictable.

Edited by RavyDavy
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You know WHY I usually respond with a scrappy doo putdown or a gif? Because no one can be so ball-breakingly thick without deliberately trolling.

Now I realise you're just a wee guy and not long out of school, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this once. But if you think what you just suggested is, to quote David Cameron "the right thing to do", you, my friend, are gangster tripping.

And if you even consider replying with "word salad", "seethe" or anything similar I will break your toes.

I'll avoid a cliche response. I will point out that while I am young I am of age and thus have as much of a right to vote in this referendum as you do. I'd like you to clarify why you think my suggestions were "gangster tripping"?

It seems to the naked eye like you're happy to see people unemployed for long periods of time continue to receive government handouts with no questions asked. This might not be the case, but you will have to clarify your position.

Wtf you on about? It's a scenario for someone who said they are committed to the people of the UK rather than Scotland as a single entity.

If you have a government in London who make decisions about the UK as a whole then somewhere along the line a decision is going to be made to the detriment of Scotland in favour of another part of the UK.

What I'm asking is would you be happy with that decision in that scenario?

Well every government will at times have to make decisions which favour some areas over others. A practical example is to look at the Scottish government spending an arm and a leg to have the Commonwealth games in Glasgow as opposed to Edinburgh.

Looking at this example, the question you have to ask is whether Glasgow was chosen because it was the best candidate, or whether it was chosen because of an institutional bias towards Glasgow over Edinburgh. Now, as a man who lives in Edinburgh I'm not exactly seething about this decision because Glasgow is clearly the bigger and more-apt city, however if Glasgow was consistently being chosen over Edinburgh for projects due to institutional bias, then I might be rather unhappy about it.

Now, going back to the UK picture, if you look at every decision made by the UK government that has benefited an English city over a Scottish one, you have to consider why that decision was made. If it was due to the English city being better suited then there really isn't anything to complain about, but if it was due to institutional bias then Yes campaigners have a point.

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For a girl, you really seem to have a strange approach to womens rights.

It was an analogy. I at no point said women don't have the right to file for divorce, all I said was it had an affect on the husband (ie He goes from married, to not married)

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Nat in aggressive, threatening response to pro-no post shocker,

How disappointingly predictable.

Britnat in over the top reaction whilst gullibly believing his side are whiter than white.

What are your views on Johann Lamont calling nationalism "a virus"?

Or how about Ian Davidson threatening to give female politicians "a doing"?

Or how about Anas Sarwar calling the Scottish Parliament an "anti-democratic dictatorship"?

Or Alistair Darling comparing support for independence with fascism?

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I'll avoid a cliche response. I will point out that while I am young I am of age and thus have as much of a right to vote in this referendum as you do. I'd like you to clarify why you think my suggestions were "gangster tripping"?

It seems to the naked eye like you're happy to see people unemployed for long periods of time continue to receive government handouts with no questions asked. This might not be the case, but you will have to clarify your position.

Well every government will at times have to make decisions which favour some areas over others. A practical example is to look at the Scottish government spending an arm and a leg to have the Commonwealth games in Glasgow as opposed to Edinburgh.

Looking at this example, the question you have to ask is whether Glasgow was chosen because it was the best candidate, or whether it was chosen because of an institutional bias towards Glasgow over Edinburgh. Now, as a man who lives in Edinburgh I'm not exactly seething about this decision because Glasgow is clearly the bigger and more-apt city, however if Glasgow was consistently being chosen over Edinburgh for projects due to institutional bias, then I might be rather unhappy about it.

Now, going back to the UK picture, if you look at every decision made by the UK government that has benefited an English city over a Scottish one, you have to consider why that decision was made. If it was due to the English city being better suited then there really isn't anything to complain about, but if it was due to institutional bias then Yes campaigners have a point.

My point is if you believe in the UK as a single entity rather than Scotland as a single entity then you will at some point accept decisions will be made to the detriment of Scotland in favour of another part of the UK.

You may not agree with the decision, but by agreeing to be part of the UK you have to accept decisions made by a UK government won't always treat Scotland as a priority.

That's the difference, I will ALWAYS treat Scotland as a priority in EVERY case. Even if another part of the UK was the better option I would ALWAYS favour Scotland every time.

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Why do you wish it was all over? It's been a fantastic debate that has awaken an apathetic public who are now engaging in politics in their thousands.

Just look at last nights meeting in Inverurie with Nicola Sturgeon - they actually ran out of chairs and was literally standing room only!


Fantastic debate?

I must have missed it. It's been piss-poor for most of the time.

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My point is if you believe in the UK as a single entity rather than Scotland as a single entity then you will at some point accept decisions will be made to the detriment of Scotland in favour of another part of the UK.

You may not agree with the decision, but by agreeing to be part of the UK you have to accept decisions made by a UK government won't always treat Scotland as a priority.

That's the difference, I will ALWAYS treat Scotland as a priority in EVERY case. Even if another part of the UK was the better option I would ALWAYS favour Scotland every time.

Yep. I'm the same. I'm Scottish and Scotland is my country. I care about Scotland more than any other country by a distance, including the home nations.

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