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Believe what you want, I'll be away having fun with the lads. There'll be no time for P&B banter, just enough time for Facebook pics.

I was meaning from the partying not this joint.

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You say that but I've not seen or heard any argument from anyone on the NO side it's all 'we cannae do this and we cannae dae that' there's no argument for staying in the Union, the argument presented by the NO side is just them saying Scotland can't do things. IMO.

That's pretty much how it looks from the other side of the Atlantic. The union is not a very attractive option.

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Britnat in over the top reaction whilst gullibly believing his side are whiter than white.

What are your views on Johann Lamont calling nationalism "a virus"?

Or how about Ian Davidson threatening to give female politicians "a doing"?

Or how about Anas Sarwar calling the Scottish Parliament an "anti-democratic dictatorship"?

Or Alistair Darling comparing support for independence with fascism?

How is my response "over the top" exactly? Have I threatened anyone? Did I say at any point that the No campaign was whiter than white?

Or is this just another example of a Nat getting touchy and aggressive AGAIN.

I'm not interested in individuals when it comes to this debate, as far as I am concerned each politician is as corrupt as the next one, no matter the colour of the tie, The sooner you yessers get past the personalities the better - it's not about that, but everytime I see a response like this I am even more certain that No is the correct decision.

I don't want to live in a country where if I don't conform to an opinion then I am subject to an aggressive reaction.

BTW, Alastair Darling - fascist? Get a grip of yourself....

Edited by RavyDavy
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How is my response "over the top" exactly? Have I threatened anyone? Did I say at any point that the No campaign was whiter than white?

Or is this just another example of a Nat getting touchy and aggressive AGAIN.

I'm not interested in individuals when it comes to this debate, as far as I am concerned each politician is as corrupt as the next one, no matter the colour of the tie, The sooner you yessers get past the personalities the better - it's not about that, but everytime I see a response like this I am even more certain that No is the correct decision.

I don't want to live in a country where if I don't conform to an opinion then I am subject to an aggressive reaction.

BTW, Alastair Darling - fascist? Get a

grip of yourself....

Don't think you realise how annoying it is when I or another YES voter sees things like Nats getting aggressive again and stuff like that. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! The amount of unwarranted abuse I've taken including being physically started on for just wearing a YES badge at a Scotland game makes me hearing

that become so angry. It works both ways. But would you not like to live in a country where a Scottish government elected by Scottish people made decisions in the interests of Scotland for Scotland in Scotland?

Yes? No?

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How is my response "over the top" exactly? Have I threatened anyone? Did I say at any point that the No campaign was whiter than white?

Or is this just another example of a Nat getting touchy and aggressive AGAIN.

I'm not interested in individuals when it comes to this debate, as far as I am concerned each politician is as corrupt as the next one, no matter the colour of the tie, The sooner you yessers get past the personalities the better - it's not about that, but everytime I see a response like this I am even more certain that No is the correct decision.

I don't want to live in a country where if I don't conform to an opinion then I am subject to an aggressive reaction.

BTW, Alastair Darling - fascist? Get a grip of yourself....

Tell yourself that mate. You're voting for Westminster. Just don't forget that.

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How is my response "over the top" exactly? Have I threatened anyone? Did I say at any point that the No campaign was whiter than white?

Or is this just another example of a Nat getting touchy and aggressive AGAIN.

I'm not interested in individuals when it comes to this debate, as far as I am concerned each politician is as corrupt as the next one, no matter the colour of the tie, The sooner you yessers get past the personalities the better - it's not about that, but everytime I see a response like this I am even more certain that No is the correct decision.

I don't want to live in a country where if I don't conform to an opinion then I am subject to an aggressive reaction.

BTW, Alastair Darling - fascist? Get a grip of yourself....

How is your response over the top? Let's take a look at it shall we?

"Nat in aggressive, threatening response to pro-no post shocker,

How disappointingly predictable."

Your one track mind, biased, blinkered view is endemic of the No campaign. You may not have said verbatim that the No campaign is whiter than white, but tha above quote certainly alludes to Yes supporters being the only big bad boys in town.

Ah so you think that No is the correct vote because you're not the aggressive side?

Forget the biggest wealth gap in Europe, record amounts of children and families in poverty, the fact that the richest 5 families in the UK have more combined wealth than the poorest 12 million, zero hours contracts, foodbanks, ATOS, the threat to our NHS, the victimisation and persecution of the poor and vulnerable of this country. As long as you're on the placid side of the fence.

Here's a thought for you. Perhaps the reason why Yes voters come across as "angry" to a precious wee lamb like you is that we care. We give a shit about what happens to our country. We're fed up being dictated to by a Government we've only had a part in choosing on two occasions since World War 2.

No voters I've found are perfectly happy in their wee bubble. They're voting No to protect THEIR job, THEIR pension, THEIR savings and the nasty Yes supporters are a threat to that.

So rather than being angry, the fact you should be facing up to is we care about our country.

Have a splendid day.

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Don't think you realise how annoying it is when I or another YES voter sees things like Nats getting aggressive again and stuff like that. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! The amount of unwarranted abuse I've taken including being physically started on for just wearing a YES badge at a Scotland game makes me hearing

that become so angry. It works both ways. But would you not like to live in a country where a Scottish government elected by Scottish people made decisions in the interests of Scotland for Scotland in Scotland?

Yes? No?

Do you have any idea how annoying it is every time I read or hear patronising, perceived moral high ground nonsense coming from a Nat? That I'm a traitor to my country because I don't support a Yes vote, that I'm not a true or passionate Scot and somehow I'm not as good a person because of it?

Do you not think that that aggression shown towards Yes voters may have something to do with the way some have conducted themselves? Or do you think that there has been absolutely no aggression from the Yes side at all?

To come back to your only sensible non-tear stained point; My OPINION (and reason I am voting No), simply put, is that the decisions that will be made (according to the white paper) will NOT be in the best interests of country. We could regurgitate all the debate again but at this point I really don't think it's worth it - you're voting Yes and I'm voting No, nothing will change that.

Tell yourself that mate. You're voting for Westminster. Just don't forget that.

Oh no! Really? I totally didn't realise that... What a totally pointless thing to write.

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How is your response over the top? Let's take a look at it shall we?

"Nat in aggressive, threatening response to pro-no post shocker,

How disappointingly predictable."

Your one track mind, biased, blinkered view is endemic of the No campaign. You may not have said verbatim that the No campaign is whiter than white, but tha above quote certainly alludes to Yes supporters being the only big bad boys in town.

Ah so you think that No is the correct vote because you're not the aggressive side?

Forget the biggest wealth gap in Europe, record amounts of children and families in poverty, the fact that the richest 5 families in the UK have more combined wealth than the poorest 12 million, zero hours contracts, foodbanks, ATOS, the threat to our NHS, the victimisation and persecution of the poor and vulnerable of this country. As long as you're on the placid side of the fence.

Here's a thought for you. Perhaps the reason why Yes voters come across as "angry" to a precious wee lamb like you is that we care. We give a shit about what happens to our country. We're fed up being dictated to by a Government we've only had a part in choosing on two occasions since World War 2.

No voters I've found are perfectly happy in their wee bubble. They're voting No to protect THEIR job, THEIR pension, THEIR savings and the nasty Yes supporters are a threat to that.

So rather than being angry, the fact you should be facing up to is we care about our country.

Have a splendid day.

I read your reply (that's about 30 seconds of my life I won't get back) and I am wondering if you forgot to tell me what was OTT about my initial 2-line response??

You've made some startling assertions about my political and social views and used it to construct a false argument.

You Sir, are a Stereotype.

Edited by RavyDavy
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Result wont be in until about 6am, so I'm told.

I'll probably be in a nightclub in Malaga or Marbella. So, 6pm on the 19th before I'll be giving a second thought.

Brave of you

If we have a yes vote your passport might not be valid for the return trip. Hope you're not flying into an English airport

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Do you have any idea how annoying it is every time I read or hear patronising, perceived moral high ground nonsense coming from a Nat? That I'm a traitor to my country because I don't support a Yes vote, that I'm not a true or passionate Scot and somehow I'm not as good a person because of it?

Do you not think that that aggression shown towards Yes voters may have something to do with the way some have conducted themselves? Or do you think that there has been absolutely no aggression from the Yes side at all?

To come back to your only sensible non-tear stained point; My OPINION (and reason I am voting No), simply put, is that the decisions that will be made (according to the white paper) will NOT be in the best interests of country. We could regurgitate all the debate again but at this point I really don't think it's worth it - you're voting Yes and I'm voting No, nothing will change that.

Oh no! Really? I totally didn't realise that... What a totally pointless thing to write.

And this happens, does it?

Look, your thre one steaming in here with the original accusations, attempting to stereotype a movement based on one exchange between two folk on the internet - both of whom have been at it for weeks if not months. Maybe check your own biases on this.

Can i ask though, and bare in mind that the white paper is nothing more than a rough framework, which bits do you think are bad for the country and why you think Westmisnter does a better job?

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