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1) Rejecting a currency union is the most sensible decision for the UK. Full control of the currency is far more important than saving what is a small amount of money in trade costs from Scotland. There's absolutely no way the UK would be daft enough to agree to that.

2) I must say, Salmond does really well in First Ministers Questions so it really surprised me how woeful he was yesterday. It was the Yes campaigns biggest platform yet and it was an absolute failure. I was worried he'd win easily and Yes would get a real boost but it just never happened.

As someone who doesn't really care what the currency is, the rUK will do whatever it thinks will bring economic stability, if that happens to be a CU then that's what we'll get, if that's not what they perceive to be the best option for stability then we won't have one.

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1) Rejecting a currency union is the most sensible decision for the UK. Full control of the currency is far more important than saving what is a small amount of money in trade costs from Scotland. There's absolutely no way the UK would be daft enough to agree to that.

2) I must say, Salmond does really well in First Ministers Questions so it really surprised me how woeful he was yesterday. It was the Yes campaigns biggest platform yet and it was an absolute failure. I was worried he'd win easily and Yes would get a real boost but it just never happened.

I disagree. Its a political decision and unfortunately it will probably work.

But I'm going with the Armando Iannucci line: let's not focus on the next 2 or 3 years - independence is about the next 100.

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As someone who doesn't really care what the currency is, the rUK will do whatever it thinks will bring economic stability, if that happens to be a CU then that's what we'll get, if that's not what they perceive to be the best option for stability then we won't have one.

Funny how Westminster will suddenly become a family of pragmatists after a Yes but if it's a No they're going to start bulldozing us, or whatever the latest outlandish claim from the REAL project fear is.

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Moodys already stated that CU was the single option available to Scotland that would actually impact negatively on the rUK credit rating. Why would they want to do that? The transaction costs drivel being peddled by Salmond of a staggering 500mn is actually less than the two Manchester football clubs dish out in wages each season. In an economy of well over a trillion sheets it is laughably tiny.

As for it not being over? Its been over for a couple of years now. As has been said all along, managing the size of the defeat is the most important thing. There's absolutely no chance yes will win. None.

Well fortunately chief I have very little interest or respect for your opinion on this matter (or any matter actually).

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I disagree. Its a political decision and unfortunately it will probably work.

But I'm going with the Armando Iannucci line: let's not focus on the next 2 or 3 years - independence is about the next 100.

Moodys stated quite clearly that it would impact negatively on the UK credit rating. A rise in borrowing costs would harm the rUK far more than piddling trasaction costs. Costs that will actually impact Scotland in a bigger way anyway considering the amount of cross border business we do with the rest of the uk.

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Funny how Westminster will suddenly become a family of pragmatists after a Yes but if it's a No they're going to start bulldozing us, or whatever the latest outlandish claim from the REAL project fear is.

If it gets nuclear (in a holy f**k these two states despise each other way) then at least the Scottish population would rally round the cause - we'd have a difficult few years but it would be worth it in the end.

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Well fortunately chief I have very little interest or respect for your opinion on this matter (or any matter actually).

Thats fine, it wasn't my opinion anyway, it was a statement from Moodys the credit ratings agency. Maybe you should take one of the credit ratings agencies into consideration then before you spread yet more drivel about?

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Funny how Westminster will suddenly become a family of pragmatists after a Yes but if it's a No they're going to start bulldozing us, or whatever the latest outlandish claim from the REAL project fear is.

If I was a NO politician I'd be doing whatever it takes to ensure that Scotland doesn't have another referendum, politicians are far far far more ruthless than I have ever been, they'll ensure that independence is a pipedream in the future.

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If it gets nuclear (in a holy f**k these two states despise each other way) then at least the Scottish population would rally round the cause - we'd have a difficult few years but it would be worth it in the end.

lol. You'll moan like a bitch about perceived austerity yet its going to be worth it to be plunged into economic chaos so you can plant a saltire on the smouldering rubble of what was a fairly wealthy bit of the world? What sort of stupidity is that?

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If I was a NO politician I'd be doing whatever it takes to ensure that Scotland doesn't have another referendum, politicians are far far far more ruthless than I have ever been, they'll ensure that independence is a pipedream in the future.

How will they do that? The SNP won the right to hold the referendum via the ballot box and the UK government honoured that right without any fuss whatsoever. Why would they stop it happening again? The way to make sure it never happens again is to make sure the SNP dont win another majority at Holyrood. That will be up to the voters.

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So you don't get why it's sensible to not give up full control of your currency in order to save a very, very small amount of cash?

Seems not. Not many nationalists can get their head around that at all. A total blind spot for them. Yes, its definitely advantageous to an independent Scotland, of course it is. But its not good for the rest of the UK and it has been kicked out the park regardless, much to nationalist chagrin. But Salmond has weakened himself by going for the line that they are kidding on. He just looks ridiculous attempting to peddle that.

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Is it?

Is there any proof that those who watched the debate are more likely to vote yes?

The fact they tuned in means they're looking for answers, will they get them from our politicians and MSM or will they get them from the internet and their family and friends, I think it will be from the internet and family and friends, that's good for YES IMHO.

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Yip and all the polls showing yes vote increasing after it :)

What "polls"?

Apparently the snap poll which Yes Scotland tweeted about only had a small number of contributors.

However, of 1.7m of people who tuned in for Salmond's embarrassment, do you really, honestly, believe that did anything to increase support for Yes?

Really? :)

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What "polls"?

Apparently the snap poll which Yes Scotland tweeted about only had a small number of contributors.

However, of 1.7m of people who tuned in for Salmond's embarrassment, do you really, honestly, believe that did anything to increase support for Yes?

Really? :)

22.. weighted to be 31. :lol:

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