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Nah, not really chief. Unlike some, I'd say I always put others needs ahead of mine; not due to any satisfaction, but simply due to what I perceive as being polite and being a fellow human. I know you'd do what you feel is best for your friends and family, even if it was detrimental to your own wellbeing.

And since you know nothing of my personal circumstances; you should leave them out, you angry person.

Reynard votes UKIP. He's cool unless you're a Pole. He disnae like them.

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Indeed. "I hate the English", "End our oppression..." etc.

I'm not sure where this bizarre pretence of martyrdom has come from anyway. The thought that people vote in elections or referendums for reasons other than "What is best for me and my family" is laughable.

It's also laughable to pretend that a Yes vote is in some way either meritorious or likely to benefit the greater good. It is no more so than an No vote.

I think its clear that you care only about yourself and your family but fortunately there are plenty of folk who don't think like you.

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I think its clear that you care only about yourself and your family but fortunately there are plenty of folk who don't think like you.

But unfortunately not enough to ever implement socialism or give you a yes vote. Until then you'll just have to daydream about getting your hands on other peoples money.

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But unfortunately not enough to ever implement socialism or give you a yes vote. Until then you'll just have to daydream about getting your hands on other peoples money.

That is indeed what I do all day.

When you boil it right down folk on the left care about those at the bottom of society - ie other people. Folk like you think we should just care about ourselves.

You're right to point out that numerous politicians and governments have messed things up in the name of socialism - but to give up on that basis would defeat the purpose.

We'll just have to keep on daydreaming...

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This mentality puts me off YES in a big way, YES people are noble and patriotic and only want the best for Scotland and anyone who doesn't agree is looking after no. 1 and is somehow unpatriotic. I would have thought it was counter productive to be honest, if people are getting labelled in a negative way like this I would have thought they wouldn't be too likely to soften their attitude towards YES and it reeks of back slapping and "wha's like us" cliqueyness.

I don't know where you get this from. You must be talking to the wrong people because I don't think I've came across this kind of attitude from anyone. On the flip side Yes voters have been labelled xenophobic Bravehearts, and voting Yes is fueled by a hatred of the English. What utter drivel.

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I don't know where you get this from. You must be talking to the wrong people because I don't think I've came across this kind of attitude from anyone. On the flip side Yes voters have been labelled xenophobic Bravehearts, and voting Yes is fueled by a hatred of the English. What utter drivel.

I think there's childish name calling on both sides and I don't think one can claim any moral high ground but I was replying to a post further up this thread. Even if you disagree with what I say if you reread it you should be able to see my point.

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Some interesting points - but I disagreed with this bit:

'A general thought to end with: people on both sides are taking their position for the best of motivations. They are taking their position because they think it’s for the best for the majority of folk. You might disagree with them, but they’re sincere. Maybe if everyone assumed that those on each side was equally well motivated it might make things a bit easier afterwards.'

I'm afraid there's an awful lot of folk that are concerned with other things rather than 'the best for the majority of folk'. The best example is 'what's best for me', there's also quite a few 'which side is most likely to win', and the odd 'this ties in with the view of my football team'. There will be other petty motivations, unfortunately.

Wait, you think people are voting No because No are likely to win? :blink::blink::blink:

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Wait, you think people are voting No because No are likely to win? :blink::blink::blink:

I think some folk (not many but some) vote on the basis that they want to be on the winning side. Its the same notion as glory hunters in sport.

Cool wee emoticons though.

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I'd still vote for Independence if it meant I'd immediately get hit in the pocket or I got any immediate bad consequences. This is way greater and bigger than voting for what you think is best for you; this is voting for the benefit of generations to come, and for the greater good of Scotland.

Thats because you're stupid. And because you have nothing to lose in the first place. Essentially, you are a selfish c**t that wants everyone else to pay for everything youve got.

Nah, not really chief. Unlike some, I'd say I always put others needs ahead of mine; not due to any satisfaction, but simply due to what I perceive as being polite and being a fellow human. I know you'd do what you feel is best for your friends and family, even if it was detrimental to your own wellbeing.

And since you know nothing of my personal circumstances; you should leave them out, you angry person.

I know you though Donnie and I think you're a right cvnt !!!! :lol:

Only joking, Donnie is a decent guy, we don't agree on the independence issue but he is a very genuine lad who feels passionately about it so fair enough. At least he's given it thought and is willing to discuss it without going down the name calling route.

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I think some folk (not many but some) vote on the basis that they want to be on the winning side. Its the same notion as glory hunters in sport.

Cool wee emoticons though.

I've very rarely cast a vote and been on the winning side :P

I will be this time right enough although that wouldn't have mattered. Id have voted yes if it looked halfway decent but its a badly thought out pile of shite run by idiots. So no. Maybe next time, I'm quite happy to wait on something remotely sensible.

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I've very rarely cast a vote and been on the winning side :P

I will be this time right enough although that wouldn't have mattered. Id have voted yes if it looked halfway decent but its a badly thought out pile of shite run by idiots. So no. Maybe next time, I'm quite happy to wait on something remotely sensible.

I wouldn't have put it quite like that but I'm the same, I'm not against independence, I just don't fancy what's on offer either.

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I wouldn't have put it quite like that but I'm the same, I'm not against independence, I just don't fancy what's on offer either.

Well, I doubt there is a Scot that hasn't thought about it seriously at some stage. You tend to realise as you get older that politicians are pretty shit and tend to f**k everything up. This has been a real dogs breakfast and it was obvious that it just wasnt a burning issue with us. Having grown up through the post 1979 era it was absolutely glaringly obvious that devolution was going to happen and that there was a popular groundswell for it. There just isn't for this one. If its going to be done at all then it will be in bite sized pieces rather than in one go. It will be done pretty reasonably if/when it does happen and it will be done carrying the vast majority of the punterdom instead of this horrible divisive mess.

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Indeed. "I hate the English", "End our oppression..." etc.

I'm not sure where this bizarre pretence of martyrdom has come from anyway. The thought that people vote in elections or referendums for reasons other than "What is best for me and my family" is laughable.

It's also laughable to pretend that a Yes vote is in some way either meritorious or likely to benefit the greater good. It is no more so than an No vote.


I don't think there are many who vote for the 'greater good'. People like to assign themselves noble reasons but generally we tend to do what's best for ourselves or suits us at the time. That doesn't mean that I automatically assume that people are base and completely selfish but it does have an influence on us and therefore our actions. Its rarely if ever as simple as good guys and bad guys.

Utter bollocks.

I'd still vote for Independence if it meant I'd immediately get hit in the pocket or I got any immediate bad consequences. This is way greater and bigger than voting for what you think is best for you; this is voting for the benefit of generations to come, and for the greater good of Scotland.


A Yes vote will not benefit me greatly, nor will a No vote. But I'm not voting for me.

I tend to find Yes voters are voting for Scotland as a whole and future generations. No voters vote for themselves.

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Well, I doubt there is a Scot that hasn't thought about it seriously at some stage. You tend to realise as you get older that politicians are pretty shit and tend to f**k everything up. This has been a real dogs breakfast and it was obvious that it just wasnt a burning issue with us. Having grown up through the post 1979 era it was absolutely glaringly obvious that devolution was going to happen and that there was a popular groundswell for it. There just isn't for this one. If its going to be done at all then it will be in bite sized pieces rather than in one go. It will be done pretty reasonably if/when it does happen and it will be done carrying the vast majority of the punterdom instead of this horrible divisive mess.

It will never be anything else unless Westminster wants rid of us.

At least I now know for certain that there's no such thing as a fair and balanced media.

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It will never be anything else unless Westminster wants rid of us.

At least I now know for certain that there's no such thing as a fair and balanced media.

Who knows. Maybe they'll allow us a referendum on leaving sometime?

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