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Going down to Brechin from Aberdeen on Saturday, I saw...

Yes campaign: cars covered with yes signage and posters up and down Union St, two giant Yes billboards and a private one on the way down there, Yes signs in Stonehaven, Yes campaigners handing out leaflets in both Inverbervie / Montrose and Yes signs all around the place in Brechin, not to mention the SNP sponsor boards inside the Glebe itself.

Better Together: Nothing. I mean, absolutely nothing.

You'd think that Yes was going to win by a landslide if you based it on that alone. No doubt that'll play on the minds of some of the undecided voters who follow the 'most popular view must be the best one' mentality.

^^^^ music to HBs lugs.

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You are kidding right?

The polls are astonishingly impressive for No. At this stage, to be so far ahead, is way above their wildest dreams.

The Separatists are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this now, polls that have been ridiculed as inaccurate for months are now seized upon with a feeding frenzy as one measure has shown a recent upturn in the Yes support.

They are still miles off the momentum they would have anticipated at this stage, with Salmond and Sturgeon et al still scratching their heads as to why?

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Yep. It doesn't quite make sense does it?

It could be that they are completely making it up as they go along, but they are professionals, so surely that's not the case. Right?

Or it could be just be that the last couple of Yougov polls have fallen at either end of the margin of error. Until the actual election we won't know, but for arguments sake let's say that the country is split 45/55 at the moment. A 1000 person poll has a margin of error of +/- 3% - therefore its' perfectly feasible that 2 polls conducted by the same company over the same period using the same methodology (with 2 different sets of respondents) would show results of 42/58 and 48/52. This wouldn't necessarily mean there's been any underlying swing towards either side.

That's why it's hard to discern trends from a small number of polls - the ones over the weekend have definitely been better for the 'yes' side, but it's probably a bit early to start banging on about momentum (and the same applies to the No camp with the handful of post-debate polls which looked good for them).

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The Separatists are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this now, polls that have been ridiculed as inaccurate for months are now seized upon with a feeding frenzy as one measure has shown a recent upturn in the Yes support.

They are still miles off the momentum they would have anticipated at this stage, with Salmond and Sturgeon et al still scratching their heads as to why?

This quote is PANIC from start to Finish.

Darling and JoLo are still scratching their bums wondering why.

Feeding frenzy. <<<

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The Separatists are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this now, polls that have been ridiculed as inaccurate for months are now seized upon with a feeding frenzy as one measure has shown a recent upturn in the Yes support.

They are still miles off the momentum they would have anticipated at this stage, with Salmond and Sturgeon et al still scratching their heads as to why?

^^^ rattled

There isn't the need for any No stickers as they're winning by fucking miles.

^^^ clueless

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This quote is PANIC from start to Finish.

Darling and JoLo are still scratching their bums wondering why.

Feeding frenzy. <<<

No panic here mate, just a quiet confidence that No will edge it. The aftermath is a different question altogether though. So much damage has already been done, some of it irreparable.

Edited by RedRob72
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No panic here mate, just a quiet confidence that No will edge it. The aftermath is a different question altogether though. So much damage has already been done, some of it irreparable.

Yeah how will JoLo be able to show her face at Holyrood again after she gets telt?

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What the Yougov poll you mean?

Well, all of them.

The You Gov one is a particularly strong example of the impressive No lead, but in general polls are in a brilliant position for the No campaign at this point.

I think BT will be astonished they are so far ahead. I'd imagine their planning and schedule exected it to be close at this point

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Local democracy == "damage" to these people.

I don’t know what it's like where you stay mate, but much as though I want to keep up with the debate, I'm getting a bit fed up with it getting seriously heated between good friends, relations and work colleagues.

At least I have a choice whether to come on here and read the various contributions, but the divide showing amongst people I know is constantly in your face,

in the pub, at the football, family occasions and in the staffroom.

I'll be glad when it's all over and done with tbh! Roll on the 19th.

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It's amusing also that after the debate, the polls showing No getting stronger were dismissed as you can't trust polls and they aren't accurate.

Just to check, are we now back to trusting polls and believing in them?

For a couple of days anyway?

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Given that it's literally the most important political decision of our lifetimes, it fucking well should be intruding on every aspect of our lives right now.

Calm down Jamie Redknapp.

It really isn't that important.

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It's amusing also that after the debate, the polls showing No getting stronger were dismissed as you can't trust polls and they aren't accurate.

Just to check, are we now back to trusting polls and believing in them?

For a couple of days anyway?

Seriously, that's what I just dont understand?

They either accept them as being reasonably accurate or dismiss them, seems clear the Yes camp just want to pick and choose which polls to highlight that support their argument when it suits! :rolleyes:

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