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The SNP did pass through quite a lot of centre right policies in it's first term, although most of that was due to needing the Conservatives to help get those policies through Holyrood as the Lib/Lab pact were like children and were desperate to cause as much problems as possible.

This is typical of "Scottish" Labour, as they will do anything to lash out when they feel they have been wronged even if it is not beneficial to the Scottish people.

Economically they are still centre right - but then so are the other 3 major parties.

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There is absolutely no chance of the Lords or anyone else blocking independence if that is the settled will of the voters up here.

Not in a million years could the Lords or Westminster block independence.

I can think of one scenario that could cause issues - but I'm starting another thread on that.

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There is absolutely no chance of the Lords or anyone else blocking independence if that is the settled will of the voters up here.

They certainly won't block is outright but they won't let Salmond bully them either. I'd imagine fairness and pragmatism would be the subject of the day.

The one thing that is possible is that it might take longer than 18 months to sort it out, but in reality that would have very little effect other than the Scottish MPs would be in jobs for slightly longer.

Speaking of Scottish MPs, the 2015 general election will be very odd after a Yes vote. I'm not entirely sure how the parties would campaign. I'd vote SNP purely because they'd be sticking up for Scotland at the negotiating table, but the whole "temporary MPs" thing would be very bizarre.

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Enjoy the moment.

You are living through history right now.

Kids will be getting taught about this phase of our nation for hundreds of years and all of us who voted Yes will be considered the lucky ones.

Our ancestors will certainly be thinking that right now.

In 80 years time, the news will be filled with interviews from the last surviving Yes voters.

The magnitude of this vote can't be overstated.

We are genuinely lucky to be able to experience it.

Even though I think you're overstating it a tad, it did really hit home when walking around Edinburgh today and seeing so many Yes flags/stickers (and some no ones) how huge this couple of weeks ahead are in the history of Scotland. Could you imagine what a yes vote coming through will feel like? Scotland first billing on the news in almost every country? I've told myself not to get too carried away but god it'd be fucking great.


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Enjoy the moment.

You are living through history right now.

Kids will be getting taught about this phase of our nation for hundreds of years and all of us who voted Yes will be considered the lucky ones.

Our ancestors will certainly be thinking that right now.

In 80 years time, the news will be filled with interviews from the last surviving Yes voters.

The magnitude of this vote can't be overstated.

We are genuinely lucky to be able to experience it.

Fucking brilliant post.

Edited by Collins Out!
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At the moment the Tories are the party that I agree with on most issues, but it's my hope that a centre-right party in an independent Scotland, not affiliated with the Tories down south, might actually do okay in the coming years.

Makes 2 of us, tbf to SNP and Greens up here, they haven't had a chance to place a full manifesto in front of the electorate to see what they're like.

Edited by ayrmad
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You ex-No guys give me a warm feeling all over. :wub:

I've always been convinced that if enough people were exposed to and were receptive towards the arguments, we'd have a fighting chance. I know one poll doesn't mean much in isolation but it certainly feels like there's a strong momentum behind the Yes campaign. I don't know if it'll be enough and I'm sure it's going to be very close but I'm more convinced than ever that voting No will be a decision we'll regret bitterly.

If we don't vote Yes this time, I'm fairly certain we will in 20/30 years. We don't want to look back on the next few decades as an oppertunity wasted.

Edited by Gordon EF
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Enjoy the moment.

You are living through history right now.

Kids will be getting taught about this phase of our nation for hundreds of years and all of us who voted Yes will be considered the lucky ones.

Our ancestors will certainly be thinking that right now.

In 80 years time, the news will be filled with interviews from the last surviving Yes voters.

The magnitude of this vote can't be overstated.

We are genuinely lucky to be able to experience it.

Reading that post gave me one hell of a homesick moment.

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I look at Oddschecker a fair bit to see what the odds are. I used to check maybe once a week, then once every few days, now pretty much every day. The last two days I've checked twice a day, and the odds come down EVERY TIME I look at them (cue a "well keep looking then" joke).

Of course the referendum won't be decided by what bookies think, but when I was in New Zealand the things that always made me feel really disheartened were A) the opinion polls, and B) seeing bookies who normally don't get it wrong giving a no vote 1/8 and a yes vote 5 or 6/1. If things carry on this way the bookies odds and the polls will be 50/50 by polling day.


ETA: I've just read a FB status from someone who could only be described as a furious BritNat, and he sounds like he's wavering like f**k. OK, you can officially put me in the "I believe that we will win" camp now.

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I was a reluctant no for a while. Now I am a definite Yes. I'm also being payed to deliver yes leaflets next week, which is a bonus :)

*paid* by whom?

Not that I don't believe you (I don't), we're in the regulated period before the vote and Yes groups have volunteers out delivering every day.

Unless you're a postie in which case it's accounted for?

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Ladbrokes have upped their Yes percentage to now over 46.5% at 10/11.

I wish I had lumped my overdraft on it when over 42.5% at the same price last week.

ETA, a wave of optimism just encouraged me to have a wee punt on Yes over 55% at 7/1 with bet 365.

Edited by Ando
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Whilst one swallow a summer does not make, if the rumours are true this is huge news for yes. It was only the polls that remained in the British Nationalists favour.

When is this poll that shows a yes lead getting released?

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This link seems to be getting posted from the majority of No voters I know(Mainly the bit about it being Scottish politicians that started and funded the Iraq war)

Any of the YES voters on here care to debunk his theories?(mainly because I'm too lazy :P )

Who is he? Has he been places, done things?

Retired Unionist activist.

He notes that the Yes campaign wants you to believe that a vote for independence would automatically make Scotland a better place. Then notes 'That is not true.'

Yes, it isn't true. I suspect he just made that up. Obviously there would be a negotiation period after a Yes vote and an independent Scotland would have to work at making Scotland a better place.

The rest is a bit of a history lesson. Independence is the future.

I agree with some of his stuff about believing in independence for people, but personally I feel we would achieve this more effectively in a smaller country.

After that, first mention of 'danger'...that's plenty.

Edited by Scary Bear
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This link seems to be getting posted from the majority of No voters I know(Mainly the bit about it being Scottish politicians that started and funded the Iraq war)

Any of the YES voters on here care to debunk his theories?(mainly because I'm too lazy :P )

NAW,he talks shite.

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Tick tock.

Why don't you tell us all again how not bothered you are?

When have I said I wasn't bothered?

I just heard a poll showing YES in the lead was getting released yesterday...?

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