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That's kinda the point, the sampling interval is long, and can lead to aliasing of information, therefore the position of the population over that period of time could be innacurate. Other polling shows variances within the sample period chosen by Curtice, if the interval is too long, then these variances are missed.

Information was not lost because it was not collected as a time series. If they recorded the data and the time that data was obtained but then discarded the time, information would have indeed been lost. However this does not mean the position of the population over that period of time is, or could be inaccurate. As long as the sample was obtained through randomization and that there was still a chance of randomly selecting someone who had already been previously selected then any conclusions drawn from that data over that exact time frame are correct.

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Evidence please.

And be very very very specific.

Well, we've had disgusting posts from the likes of Jamaldo exhorting No voters to leave the country post Yes vote and of course xbl claimed that once democracy failed the Nationalists, it would be time to step things up a notch and move to the next level, advoating violent insurrection.

There are of course the purple faced rage-filled "quisling" and "traitor" thrown towards anyone who dares not vote Yes. Typical of the childish mentality of the Yes campaign.

Meanwhile No voters on here like reynard and I have been very clear that a Yes vote wouldnt unduly concern us. That would be a democratic expression of Scotland's view and no recriminations. We'd just get on with our lives all the same.

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Well, we've had disgusting posts from the likes of Jamaldo exhorting No voters to leave the country post Yes vote and of course xbl claimed that once democracy failed the Nationalists, it would be time to step things up a notch and move to the next level, advoating violent insurrection.

There are of course the purple faced rage-filled "quisling" and "traitor" thrown towards anyone who dares not vote Yes. Typical of the childish mentality of the Yes campaign.

Meanwhile No voters on here like reynard and I have been very clear that a Yes vote wouldnt unduly concern us. That would be a democratic expression of Scotland's view and no recriminations. We'd just get on with our lives all the same.

But thats not what you stated. You stated that advocates of a YES vote on here had made "threats of violence" in the event if a NO vote.

Please provide specific quotes to back up your assertion.

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But thats not what you stated. You stated that advocates of a YES vote on here had made "threats of violence" in the event if a NO vote.

Please provide specific quotes to back up your assertion.

It's cute that I have a stalker, but I've already answered this. xbl advocated a campaign of violence, in the aftermath of a No vote. This was all on the "lost" thread.

This has been discussed on here at great length in the past. To the credit of Yes voters like Swampy, there was a level of disgust at such a disgraceful statement from more level headed Independence supporters.

Still, a shameful incident for those lockstep in views with the Yes camp.

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Information was not lost because it was not collected as a time series. If they recorded the data and the time that data was obtained but then discarded the time, information would have indeed been lost. However this does not mean the position of the population over that period of time is, or could be inaccurate. As long as the sample was obtained through randomization and that there was still a chance of randomly selecting someone who had already been previously selected then any conclusions drawn from that data over that exact time frame are correct.

It's not a time series because it's collected as such, it's time dependent becuase voter opinion can change inside of the sampling interval he uses, you are correct of course that randomisation might by chance land him with a rock steady sample, but at the same time, in a live campaign, and with other pollsters showing variances within the sampling period he uses, he is leaving himself open to the chance of aliasing as his sample might be varying during the polling event. Were he to conduct his fieldwork over a shorter period of time, there would be less chance of that happening. As it stands, there is the opportunity for a statistically signifcant portion of his sample to change their minds after he's polled them but before his sampling period is over, and to be counted one way, when in fact, this is an innacurate representation of their views.

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It's cute that I have a stalker, but I've already answered this. xbl advocated a campaign of violence, in the aftermath of a No vote. This was all on the "lost" thread.

This has been discussed on here at great length in the past. To the credit of Yes voters like Swampy, there was a level of disgust at such a disgraceful statement from more level headed Independence supporters.

Still, a shameful incident for those lockstep in views with the Yes camp.

I am simply applying the same criteria that you apply to others. So I ask again. Please provide very specific verbatim quotes to back up your claim that "threats of violence" have been made.

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I am simply applying the same criteria that you apply to others. So I ask again. Please provide very specific verbatim quotes to back up your claim that "threats of violence" have been made.

The thread in which the threat was made is no longer with us, therefore cannot be referenced.

It is disputed by no one other than you however. You are embarrassing yourself, yet again.

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The thread in which the threat was made is no longer with us, therefore cannot be referenced.

It is disputed by no one other than you however. You are embarrassing yourself, yet again.

I have disputed nothing. Fail.

You have no evidence other than anecdotal. Fail

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I have disputed nothing. Fail.

You have no evidence other than anecdotal. Fail

If you are not disputing it then you accept it. Fail.

Wrong - it has been evidenced many times on pie and bovril and is not in dispute. Fail.

Just another day in the chicBurma failyear.

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If you are not disputing it then you accept it. Fail.

Wrong - it has been evidenced many times on pie and bovril and is not in dispute. Fail.

Just another day in the chicBurma failyear.

It is entirely reasonable to request evidence prior to making a judgement. I would have thought that a legal expert such as you claim to be would be comfortable with such an idea. You have failed again.

You claim that it has been evidenced many times yet you are unable to provide a single reference. Massive fail.

Its sweet that you refer to me as a chick but im Male. An irrelevent but amusing fail.

Please be specific and provide evidence for your claim.

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Well, we've had disgusting posts from the likes of Jamaldo exhorting No voters to leave the country post Yes vote and of course xbl claimed that once democracy failed the Nationalists, it would be time to step things up a notch and move to the next level, advoating violent insurrection.

There are of course the purple faced rage-filled "quisling" and "traitor" thrown towards anyone who dares not vote Yes. Typical of the childish mentality of the Yes campaign.

Meanwhile No voters on here like reynard and I have been very clear that a Yes vote wouldnt unduly concern us. That would be a democratic expression of Scotland's view and no recriminations. We'd just get on with our lives all the same.

HaHaHa, are you seriously saying that all you could come up with is a couple of handbags st dawn offerings :lol::lol:

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You claim that it has been evidenced many times yet you are unable to provide a single reference. Massive fail.

I can provide several references to the post. The post itself has been culled.

What xbl said is not in dispute.

What's happened here is that yuo have breenged in trying to be a P&B hero and it's backfired on you. I know you are desperately trying to scrabble back an ounce of credibility after being utterly destroyed on the various legal thread, but you 'll need to try much harder than this.

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I can provide several references to the post. The post itself has been culled.

What xbl said is not in dispute.

What's happened here is that yuo have breenged in trying to be a P&B hero and it's backfired on you. I know you are desperately trying to scrabble back an ounce of credibility after being utterly destroyed on the various legal thread, but you 'll need to try much harder than this.

Ok so where is the references to these posts? Other than the ones you have made of course.

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Ok so where is the references to these posts? Other than the ones you have made of course.

Here you go..


I had forgotten of course that there was also a desire to "thin out" the No voters.

Ad Lib - "They've been made repeatedly. From claims that Scotland should be extinguished as a nation if it votes no, to advocating stepping things up a notch if the democratic process fails him. He's advocated violence if there is a no vote."

Swampy :- "

I don't think xbl is truly advocating for any kind of thinning-out or partisan, stay-behind paramilitary, or anything even approximating that. If he was, I'd criticize him for it, just as I've criticized him in the past for many of his posts and he's criticized some of mine. I think there's a far simpler explanation here, i.e. he's taking the piss."

xbl - "if that minority somehow get the votes to win, then hell mend them. I will start encouraging the ruination of the region formerly known as Scotland."

Ad Lib :- "No, you said you would step things up a notch, advocate violence against those who voted No, and said that you would "start encouraging the ruination... of Scotland".


"If we somehow lose, it will show that it is impossible to use democracy, and therefore it will be time to step things up a notch."

"If people vote against Scotland, then they can be considered expendable. Clearly, IF we lose, then we have to "thin out" the north british."


You lose. Again. Cringing for you...

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Fun as this is, XBL did indeed say what H_B suggests.

However, for him to suggest that the only threats / predictions of violence that he has seen are from the Yes side can only be described as willfully blinkered.

I haven't seen any threats of violence, insurrection, civil unrest or anything other than "meh, we'll just carry on" from No voters on here. I've only commented on the respective behaviours of Yes and No posters on here.

I don't frequent any other internet forums or read blogs, so I can't comment on what other No voters may or may not have said.

Given the OO involvement, wouldn't surprise me in the least if there were cretins who will be voting No who will discgrace themselves online, much as some Yes posters have on here.

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Here you go..


I had forgotten of course that there was also a desire to "thin out" the No voters.

Ad Lib - "They've been made repeatedly. From claims that Scotland should be extinguished as a nation if it votes no, to advocating stepping things up a notch if the democratic process fails him. He's advocated violence if there is a no vote."

Swampy :- "

I don't think xbl is truly advocating for any kind of thinning-out or partisan, stay-behind paramilitary, or anything even approximating that. If he was, I'd criticize him for it, just as I've criticized him in the past for many of his posts and he's criticized some of mine. I think there's a far simpler explanation here, i.e. he's taking the piss."

xbl - "if that minority somehow get the votes to win, then hell mend them. I will start encouraging the ruination of the region formerly known as Scotland."

Ad Lib :- "No, you said you would step things up a notch, advocate violence against those who voted No, and said that you would "start encouraging the ruination... of Scotland".


"If we somehow lose, it will show that it is impossible to use democracy, and therefore it will be time to step things up a notch."

"If people vote against Scotland, then they can be considered expendable. Clearly, IF we lose, then we have to "thin out" the north british."


You lose. Again. Cringing for you...

Oh dear. Not a single reference to a "threat of violence".

This pathetic attempt at straw clutching instead of admitting you were wrong is yet another embarrassment for you in your long history of embarrassments.

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Even one of the Yes posters here has contradicted you - this is becoming even more humiliating for you than usual.

Please indicate how "If people vote against Scotland, then they can be considered expendable. Clearly, IF we lose, then we have to "thin out" the north british." isn't a threat of violence?

The only defence mounted by the sensible Yes posters to these disgraceful posts is that they were made in jest. That may be true. It may also be true of the posts elsewhere the OP made in this debate.

But there has been no attempt to pretend they didn't exist. Which, bizarrely appears to be your "Monty Python and the Holy Grail Black Knight" reposnse here to having your legs and arms chopped off.

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