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Helicopter crashes into Clutha pub, Glasgow

The Master

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Guest The Phoenix

If only you'd posted that earlier, it would have saved all this arguing.

If only you'd posted that earlier, it would have saved all this arguing.

If only you'd posted that earlier, it would have saved all this arguing.

If only you'd posted that earlier, it would have saved all this arguing.

You sure?

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Just heard on the news that the chopper did indeed fly over Dalkeith earlier on the night that it crashed. I heard it flying over my house and it sounded very loud as if it was quite low. I thought it was strange at the time as I don't think that I had ever heard one before in the dark without it having a big searchlight turned on, looking for someone.

I didn't think at the time that it was the same one that crashed but turns out it was.

Heard a loud noise over my house too mate .

Like you said it was quite low

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I never said I was a pilot, just that I'd flown.

As I understand auto rotation, you don't need forward momentum. Essentially you are just trying to maintain the momentum of the blades. If you are hovering normally the friction between the spinning shaft and the stationary body of the aircraft will try to spin the whole aircraft round in the same direction as the main rotor. To counter this most helicopters use tail rotors.

If you lose power you want to keep the blades spinning as fast and as long as possible so you maintain max lift for as long as possible. To do this you stop countering the friction and let the body of the aircraft spin round. If you don't, the friction slows down the rotor faster and you lose lift.

You should really do a bit more research to bolster your insight from going on holiday. Forward momentum up to around 80 knots increases lift during autorotation. It creates very little torque.

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Anyhoo - just did all the Monday night driving around and ran over everything I could think of in my head ... and none of it makes any sense !

No transmission issue, stopped rotors, experienced pilot !

No mention in the report of the position of key flight controls and switches though.

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