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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Right. Another busy day in Cardinalland (great idea for a theme park) ... so here are your league tables. 

AFJ is the top dog in town again, narrowly edging out THREE other teams - including Christophe - on QD. Therefore, we've got a 3-way play-off for the 2nd most coveted prize in P+B quizzing - the runners up medal. SlipperyP will sort you out. Special mention to Helpma who stonked a 10 and still could only manage a 5th. Such is the standard of top level quizzing these days. 

Down below, it's sayonara to Tynierose (he's never been the same since his name change) and pleslie99 (he's never been the same since he had a wean) ... German Jag is in the play-offs.


In the SWL, MSU is MVP. Alang1993 is up along with him, with Salvo in the play-offs. At the other end, Cowden0's been MIA all week, which means I can avoid play-offs. Adam104 gallavanting round Canada has cost his club dear, and BWV has been edged into the play-offs on QD. 


And in the BHL, it's as tight as the proverbial, with Welshbairn edging out Ziggy for the medal. JamesP_81 has been diddled again on QD and will have to make do with a play-off place. 


Now over to @SlipperyP ... I'm off to do some wholesome activities befitting a Cardinal. 

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In the voice of Victor Meldrew

"I don't believe it".    Gutted, as sick as a parrot.

Going to have to overhaul the squad as this lot don't have the heart, desire or more importantly the bouncebackability.

Going to give the kids a chance next season,  you don't win anything with kids said some w****r from Sauchie once, we shall see.

Cmon the Tynie terrors.  We shall fight them in the penalty box, we will fight them at the corner flag, we will bring pride back to thls once great football club.

Buzzing for Monday already.

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6 hours ago, Tynierose said:

Cmon the Tynie terrors.  We shall fight them in the penalty box, we will fight them at the corner flag, we will bring pride back to thls once great football club.

And if that doesn't work I'll just jump ship and change my name again :whistle

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3 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:
49 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:
sorry f**k knows what happen.

Phone won't let me pm and all messages are gone! I blame Div

I'll deleted all messages, I'm now like Forfars front line, f**k all in the box.

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Thanks @Cardinal Richelieu, you were up early today.  Pishe the bed, again?

Ok chaps & chicks it's that time again, teams are warming up all round the land.  Coupons are still on, for that weekend of magic and  mayhem.

Let the games begin.

Up first we have to get over the little matters of the P&B Quizzers, tap bois fighting over a piece o silver.

@Christophe v @DublinMagyar v @CaspianChris

Charlies Angels

@German Jag v @Salvo Montalbano

Charlies Adams

@Bully Wee Villa v @JamesP_81

Short & Sweet P&B has 48,966 members, however I stumbled across the Tartan Army message board (don't ask) how many member does that forum have?

Answers by PM only, to be on my desk no later than 06:00 Monday morning. TT=Thai Time

Good Luck Everything.

Having a mare, deleted the post by accident.

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Can’t belive I’ve been relegated (to be fair I didn’t even know what day it was). It’s not the players or the management I feel for at times like this it’s The back row staff who’s jobs might be on the line and for them I vow to come back stronger next season. I’ll be back beard, tattoos will be joined by a wee A class Merc on PCP

Edited by Adam101
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OK, the fat bird has stopped singing and the scores have dropped on my desk 12:00 hours early.

Up first we had the small  matter of the P&B Quizzers, tap bois fighting over a piece o silver.

@Christophe TAMB - I’ll go for 15,001 members

 v @DublinMagyar Reinstalling the app worked! I'll take a stab at 54,573

v @CaspianChrisI will go with around 82,000 members.

Charlies Angels

@German JagIt‘s something ridiculously high although the no. of people that post is v. small. Will say 72.000.  

v @Salvo Montalbano Not sure in the slightest - is this a Facebook thing? I'll plump for 7,412 for no reason whatsoever.

Charlies Adams

@Bully Wee Villa Tartan Army message board has 8,312 members. This is definitely right. You don't need to check. 

v @JamesP_81I'll go with the same amount of tickets celtic will demand for their semi-final, 100,000.

The question was, Short & Sweet P&B has 48,966 members, however I stumbled across the Tartan Army message board (don't ask) how many member does that forum have?

  • Correct answer is 80,858 (our moderators are better):wub:

Congratulations to @CaspianChris @German Jag & @JamesP_81

Special mention to @LincolnHearts this weekend as I believe he and myself are still holding fort as the last 2 quizzers on Last Man Standing. 8)

Have a great week everyone, I'll be having some crazy shite happening, wife is due on Wednesday...

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