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Wrestling Podcasts


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There is a new UK WWE podcast from Talksport of all people. It's 2 episodes in and it's actually not too bad. In the two weeks it's had two cracking interviews with Stephanie Mcmahon and then Seth Rollins this week.

I quite like the presenter of the show but the guest guy 'Rob Leigh' sounds like a tw*t and sounds like someone who is only watching wrestling as a job rather than as a fan.

It's called 'The Gorilla Position'

Edited by DavidMcG
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There is a new UK WWE podcast from Talksport of all people. It's 2 episodes in and it's actually not too bad. In the two weeks it's had two cracking interviews with Stephanie Mcmahon and then Seth Rollins this week.

I quite like the presenter of the show but the guest guy 'Rob Leigh' sounds like a tw*t and sounds like someone who is only watching wrestling as a job rather than as a fan.

It's called 'The Gorilla Position'

Stephanie McMahon in the Gorilla Position? Sounds like one of my dreams.

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Thought the Austin-HHH Podcast was excellent and one of the best things I have watched on the network so far.

HHH came across really well and made me feel confident that he really knows what the business is all about and the way to take it forward once Vince is gone. Thought he almost tried to bury Vince a few times with different things he said without coming out directly and saying it. In summary from what I gathered:

- Reigns is getting his shot and it's pretty much 'sink or swim' for him with his push

- Wants Raw to go back to 2 hours but Vince says naw

- Wants to give women wrestlers more airtime in proper storylines and matches

- Doesn't want Chyna going into hall of fame cause of her porn but deserves to be in it because of what she acheived

- NXT is 100% his project and there is alot more freedom for their promos and storylines

- Door is open for CM Punk in future if suits both parties

- Talks a bit about Kurt Angle, Goldberg, Eddie Guerrero, Warrior, Sammartino, DX etc

- Recognises that most network subscribers are hardcore fans/adults so NXT is geared that way

- Got the feeling he didn't like scripted promos

- Talked about how keyfabe was dead and its about working with reality or something like that

- About how writers/creative only have so much influence as once Vince wants something they have to go with it

All in all thought he came across very well

Edited by DavidMcG
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Thought the Austin-HHH Podcast was excellent and one of the best things I have watched on the network so far.

HHH came across really well and made me feel confident that he really knows what the business is all about and the way to take it forward once Vince is gone. Thought he almost tried to bury Vince a few times with different things he said without coming out directly and saying it. In summary from what I gathered:

- Reigns is getting his shot and it's pretty much 'sink or swim' for him with his push

- Wants Raw to go back to 2 hours but Vince says naw

- Wants to give women wrestlers more airtime in proper storylines and matches

- Doesn't want Chyna going into hall of fame cause of her porn but deserves to be in it because of what she acheived

- NXT is 100% his project and there is alot more freedom for their promos and storylines

- Door is open for CM Punk in future if suits both parties

- Talks a bit about Kurt Angle, Goldberg, Eddie Guerrero, Warrior, Sammartino, DX etc

- Recognises that most network subscribers are hardcore fans/adults so NXT is geared that way

- Got the feeling he didn't like scripted promos

- Talked about how keyfabe was dead and its about working with reality or something like that

- About how writers/creative only have so much influence as once Vince wants something they have to go with it

All in all thought he came across very well

Just finished watching it on the network. I reckon WWE will get better when HHH takes over from Vince.

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It feels weird saying it but I do think Triple H may actually be more 'switched on' than Vince is these days. The thing is, Vince other than perhaps Jim Ross, is the daddy at managing the organisation and I feel if/when Vince were to get something right, it'd explode bigger than it would under anyone else. Definitely beginning to think it's time though as the product just misfires on such a consistent basis these days.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I've tried a few of them and the only one I listen to regularly is Smart Wrestling Fan. It's been on forever and the quality varies but it's usually pretty entertaining and level headed. I keep an eye on the feeds for Jericho, Cabana and Austin and download episodes if they have a guest I'm interested in. I find Jericho quite annoying as a host when he's goofing around at the start and he's such a sycophant to whoever his guest is, he just agrees with everything. Austin at least asks the right questions but I don't enjoy listening to him. There's a bit too much of a circuit at the moment. Too many podcasts, same guests answering all the same questions.

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The amount of time Jericho and JR talk pish before the bring the guest on is infuriating. JR just repeats his 'take on wrestling' every week.

He had Shawn Michaels on this week..... 40 plus fucking minutes slabbering absolute shite before we got to the interview.


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Sam Robert's wrestling podcast is usually pretty decent. Basically gets straight into the interview then gives his thoughts on the wrestling week after it. I would say that he's probably a bit more positive towards the WWE than most people would be, which can be refreshing from the usual bash at all costs attitude of most fans these days, but on the other hand he does seem to have his head in the sand over some things that he doesn't have a problem with.

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