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Alien: Isolation


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I managed to finish this last night.

I would say it is absolutely in my top 3 games.

The game is an exercise in suspense and tension. There's few other games which would leave you feeling drained while playing it. There are a couple of section where, a bit like The Last of Us, where you hesitate to progress because you second-guess the consequences.

You get used to the way to move around to best avoid the alien and this actually enhances enjoyment of the game. I mind getting stuck in a computer room with the alien which was stomping about and I was cowering behind a round-table doing my best to stay hidden by peeking over the table and moving around, and I could actually feel my pulse quicken. The alien AI is excellent eg. it will find you if you are not pro-active, it will try to cut you off if you successfully chase it off, and it is randomised across different save games which means there can be no real standardised approach to progressing through areas. The save point system, in retrospect, actually works really well because it ramps up the tension because there are real consequences to being caught sometimes, ie. going back to the save point.

There are a couple of small points to raise, though.

I was playing on the PS3 and, every now and again, the Frame-Rate would get murdered and there would be serious lag, and this was particularly noticeable in the final section and I thought I had lost the game with a serious bug / crash with save points near the end. On the PS3 the loading times were brutal. I also lost track of the overall story and would often find myself questioning why I needed to carry out a task etc. which is partly down to the focus on the alien hide/seek.

Overall, it's one of the great games and it is also a game that will be re-played again and again.

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Currently stuck at the bit where you need to escape the medical facility from the power room, it is bloody hard. The alien moves so fast and I'm finding the medical trolley/tables dotted around the corridors really useless for hiding under.

I managed once to get down the last corridor to the door but I knew the alien was right behind me so I decided to hide under a table rather than sprint for the door but the fucker found me.

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Currently stuck at the bit where you need to escape the medical facility from the power room, it is bloody hard. The alien moves so fast and I'm finding the medical trolley/tables dotted around the corridors really useless for hiding under.

I managed once to get down the last corridor to the door but I knew the alien was right behind me so I decided to hide under a table rather than sprint for the door but the fucker found me.


Im also currently stuck in the medical bit. I got killed hiding in a locker. Think I used my motion detector too much

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Oh and just a general point about the game, the sound and atmospheric music is really excellent. It really builds up the tension, even in the early parts before the alien had properly shown up every time I heard a noise somewhere or the music got tense I was shitting it a bit.

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Oh and just a general point about the game, the sound and atmospheric music is really excellent. It really builds up the tension, even in the early parts before the alien had properly shown up every time I heard a noise somewhere or the music got tense I was shitting it a bit.

Absolutely this!


Oops. Juvenile schoolboy error :ph34r:

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Is there a save game point in the medical centre? I thought I heard the beep of one but cant find any

ETA - never mind I found it. Finally, finally managed to get through that section ...

well I got to the elevator but died before it moved!

My heart is absolutely pounding after that

I got back to the save point behind the door where the alien first appears. Save the game, turn round and the alien walks through the other door, spots me and bam. Next time, I get back to the room where the doc is. Just as I walk in one door the alien walks in the other! I duck behind a desk, it walks round the corner. COming straight for me, just as I think its about to strike, it walks off out the door I came in!!

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Im also currently stuck in the medical bit. I got killed hiding in a locker. Think I used my motion detector too much

I had fun getting into the power room: Three human survivors in front of the door (obviously dawdled too much) so I'm stuck under a trolley and they are showing no signs of moving. Eventually throw a flashbang with the intent of running by them while they are dazed, of course the noise attracted the alien who helpfully dispatched all three while I ran through into the power room. Only problem is that it left the alien gliding above me in the vents in that area. Used the security tuner and got the evac procedures initiated but in that first corridor there is a human at the end of it that is hard to get round. First few times I waited, the alien popped down out of the ceiling and killed her for me but then it sat patrolling the area of corridor you need to get through - which is not helpful. Out of desperation on my 5th attempt or something I decided to kill the human with the revolver and just legged it. Somehow got through! Brute force, ignorance and a lot of luck.

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Funniest death so far last night

Replaying the bit in the medical centre where the doc dies and you have to get into the lift. I make it to the lift, put in the key card and start hearing the alien. I decide to stand still hoping it wont see me. Im waiting and waiting, thinking "come on lift", hearing the footsteps get closer. Then I die. Its at this point that I realise theres a button to call the lift, that I hadnt pressed :lol:

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Funniest death so far last night

Replaying the bit in the medical centre where the doc dies and you have to get into the lift. I make it to the lift, put in the key card and start hearing the alien. I decide to stand still hoping it wont see me. Im waiting and waiting, thinking "come on lift", hearing the footsteps get closer. Then I die. Its at this point that I realise theres a button to call the lift, that I hadnt pressed :lol:


At that point I actualy ran the wrong way down the corridor to the door you'd spent all that time getting the keycode for, and went through it before I realised my mistake - alien was gone. Lucky escape for me.

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Funniest death so far last night

Replaying the bit in the medical centre where the doc dies and you have to get into the lift. I make it to the lift, put in the key card and start hearing the alien. I decide to stand still hoping it wont see me. Im waiting and waiting, thinking "come on lift", hearing the footsteps get closer. Then I die. Its at this point that I realise theres a button to call the lift, that I hadnt pressed :lol:


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Completed this over the weekend there, WOW and I mean WOW!!! What an adventure it was, I don't know if I'm delighted or sad that it's over.

I'm a big gamer and have to say that this is by far hands down the best game that I have ever played! A lot of the time it's terrifying espeically when you hear the Alien coming down from the vents or simply walking about hearing all the little noises, even he androids are creepy!! as the game got closer to the end I felt a bit more brave but I'm talking after spending almost the whole of the game crouching about and hiding haha! The graphics, the gameplay and the alien........ just all of it is stunning!


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Had a break from this for a few weeks, as I knew I was getting a new monitor from Santa.

Fired it up again tonight and finally made it out of the medical centre. That shit is intense! Still really loving the way the game is hard but never feels like its going to be impossible

Oh, and the alien dropping on top of you from the vent was an unexpected treat!

ETA - looks fantastic on my new 24" monitor too :thumsup2

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Best moment of the game so far last night. Had a couple of tries trying to sneak past a particular spot with a group of humans there without success. They kept spotting me and shooting at me, which brought the alien and much carnage, including me.

So, I set off a noise generator in the far corner, jumped down into an access panel and popped up the other side with all the humans dead (as I crept along the tunnel I could hear the noises from above, quite funny) and the alien gone ... or so I thought. As Im patting myself on the back and heading for the exit, the alien appears! Luckily, it didnt see me and headed off, leaving me to high-tail it to the exit.

Superb :)

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