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Twin Peaks


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I started watching this at the weekend, currently 4 episodes (+ Pilot) in. I enjoy a bit of David Lynch (he's a fascinating filmmaker), enjoyed the apparently 'Twin Peaks-inspired' Top Of The Lake, and I have heard good reviews on here and from several mates.

It's intriguing, and that's putting it mildly. I'm still finding my feet with characters and who they are (clueless with some of the names) but Special Agent Dale Cooper is fast becoming one of my favourite TV characters. His enthusiasm and general manner makes great viewing.

Really looking forward to seeing how this develops - I've actually managed to avoid 'spoilers' despite the show finishing before I was born, and I have a few theories already.

Are the "log lady" introductions worth my time? Not bothered with them so far.

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I'm probably going to start episode 12 tonight. I'm enjoying it but I'm concerned as to what direction it's going to go in the near future as they can't string out Laura Palmer's murder over another 15(?) episodes - in a similar style to the original Danish The Killing which went 25 episodes throwing red herrings over one murder. The name Windom Earle has been mentioned and Cooper's reaction suggests that there's perhaps a subplot we aren't aware about yet.

Pub Car King, I've had the pleasure of seeing more of Bob than the first few visions: the living room scene was unexpected and was genuinely frightening.

The series as a whole has been creepier than I reckoned it would be. It's not overtly creepy for the most part but some lines and looks are somewhat unsettling, but then it does have Lynch's fingerprints all over it. His son's cameo and line ("She seemed like a very nice girl") led to nervous laughter.

Character-wise, I'm a massive fan of Coop. He's an intriguing individual and has the series has progressed his enthusiasm has dampened and he appears slightly tired of Twin Peaks and its inhabitants. Albert, his FBI colleague, is hilarious and offers a refreshing parallel to Cooper. Ray Wise's performance as Leland has been my favourite so far though, he's been excellent. A passing reference to Audrey, as a femme fatale she's been the most interesting of the younger characters. James is really fucking dull, his police interview aside when he stated the "Do you want to play with fire little boy?" line.

I am slightly concerned that we might be moving towards more X-Files territory, particularly with Major Briggs' interaction with Cooper ("the owls"). Supernatural stuff - and I'm assuming Native American mythology - is one thing but I can't be arsed with aliens and shit like that.

It's been fascinating so far but, honestly, I enjoyed season one much more than I've enjoyed season two. There's been some very memorable lines and scenes (one thing that sticks out is how many "quotable" lines there are, even those that are throwaway pieces of dialogue) and hopefully it continues but I'm wary that things might begin to tail off very soon.

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Won't give anything away but season 2 hits a climax about episode 15 (so the next few you watch will be good) and then it tails off a bit and becomes a bit silly for a while, but is great again by the end. The final episode with Lynch back directing is brilliant, it's classic and stereotypical Lynch.

James sub plot as season 2 progresses is dreadful, and the Major Briggs stuff is a bit X-Files for a while, but ties in with the finale.

I'm due a rewatch of the whole thing, this might well prompt me to start it again!

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Searched for a topic but there doesn't appear to be one.

I started watching this at the weekend, currently 4 episodes (+ Pilot) in. I enjoy a bit of David Lynch (he's a fascinating filmmaker), enjoyed the apparently 'Twin Peaks-inspired' Top Of The Lake, and I have heard good reviews on here and from several mates.

It's intriguing, and that's putting it mildly. I'm still finding my feet with characters and who they are (clueless with some of the names) but Special Agent Dale Cooper is fast becoming one of my favourite TV characters. His enthusiasm and general manner makes great viewing.

Really looking forward to seeing how this develops - I've actually managed to avoid 'spoilers' despite the show finishing before I was born, and I have a few theories already.

Are the "log lady" introductions worth my time? Not bothered with them so far.

No. But the Japanese coffee adverts on the Gold Edition are great. It's my all time favourite TV series. I'll say no more, but season 2 is a turn for the creepy, and the final episode is one of the greatest pieces of television I've ever seen. Enjoy. But you really need to watch every episode.

Two other thoughts: James is just an awful actor who completely ruins whatever intrigue his character was supposed to have. Also... Shelly Johnson. Wid.


Edited by Savage Henry
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Aye Bob is a creepy looking guy i shat it win he appeared out of nowhere staring at the camera. Word is he was a joiner working on the set and David Lynch saw him and thought he's the guy to play Bob

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No re-run, I picked up the boxset for the princely sum of £15.

This guy, this fucking guy:



Ah, right - I missed it when it was on TV, as I had a gig every Tuesday night, but I remember folk raving about it.

A while later, my bird had series 1 and 2 on video, and I started watching, and couldn't get enough of it - I watched all of season 1 in one night, then all of season 2 the following night,

People who worked on the series used to say that, if anyone wanted to know what David Lynch was like, you could pretty much find out by Kyle MacLachlan's portrayal of Agent Cooper - Lynch is Agent Cooper! :lol:

Damn fine coffee! :)

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You may think I've gone insane, but I promise, I will kill again.

He is Bob, eager for fun. He wears a smile, everybody run.

Finished episode 16. It's been riveting stuff so far, the end of episode 14 was thrilling and then it kept going through 15 and 16 (three of the finest episodes of television that I've seen). Ray Wise has been terrific and the real highlight of the series as a whole. I see where we're going now but I'm not sure if I like the prospects but I've heard that it really picks up in the last few episodes after a brief lull. Pittsburgh was mentioned again so I'm assuming Windom Earle is involved in that and he will make an appearance soon.

Obviously it is titled Twin Peaks rather than The Curious Case of the Murder of Laura Palmer but I've enjoyed the murder investigation rather than the focus on the non-related subplots like "Super Nadine" and the lives of Twin Peaks' other inhabitants.

One minor complaint:

During Maddy's death I think they overused Bob. The reflection scenes were good and well done but the constant cuts to Bob attacking her were unnecessary, I would have preferred the more subtle reflection stuff followed by just Leland murdering Maddy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only the final two episodes to go. It's picked up after hitting a low point (the Civil War stuff was brutal). Billy Zane rocking up was unexpected.

Heather Graham back in the day (and in general really), eh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Triple post FTW.

Finished Twin Peaks the other day and I'm somewhat sad to see the end of it. Whilst it isn't on the same level as The Wire, Breaking Bad, or The Sopranos, it was thoroughly enjoyable despite a dip in quality over 4 or 5 episodes. You can tell some parts were amended to make up for the lack of a third season but leaving some questions unanswered fitted in with the nature of the show.

Better final scene than Breaking Bad. "How's Annie?"

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