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Business / corporate speak nonsense

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13 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

Not actually to do with the content of an email, but have just received an email marked 'low importance'.

I deal with one arse that marks every email no matter what High Importance and they have read receipts on them

(Take great delight in reading in the preview box and deleting without opening, so it never shows as being read),


But I have never had one marked Low Importance - as if I needed encouragement to ignore an email.

Hate this, I prefer to read it so they get an notification and then take a day to reply just to annoy them.

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A guilty pleasure of mine is checking the Metro page which gives details of company liquidations to see how many of them end in 'Solutions'.

Dis-solutions I suppose. 

That's the Glasgow football section you're reading.
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On 11/3/2016 at 13:13, Gordon EF said:

I've genuinely seen a fucking cardboard box company label what they do as "containment solutions".

Ironically, there was no solution to containing the unadulterated rage this brought out in me.

Walking past a local shop earlier and they had a van with the words 'always delivering retail snacking solutions' on the side.  A keek in the back door showed they dropped off boxes of crisps and a quick google shows a number of folk have noticed this abomination:  


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I get shit loads of email at work. A lot of them are legitimately important for my work.

The ONLY fucker at work who uses the importance function is a secretary who send out red flagged drivel about canteen arrangements and other shite like that.

Should just buy her a fucking hat that says "im really important" on it maybe that would keep my inbox free of her look at me pish

Set up a rule that all her emails go to a folder.. name the folder 'pish'
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Read, receipt is just as bad. I'll answer when I'm good and fucking ready.

Although I've never used one, read receipts certainly have their rather useful time and place tbf. Problem comes when the power is abused, just like the high importance marker.
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This week I sent an email to a high heid yin down in England who'd been asking for something which started with "Nae worries - I'm all over it" kind of hoping he'd get the message that it really wasn't anything to do with me.

Boss called me in to say the guy had been impressed with the manner in which I'd dealt with it. You can't win.


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Emails sent out "on behalf" of somebody. I can kinda get it if it's the managing director getting his secretary to send the email on his behalf as she'll have the up to date list of everyone in the company or whatever, but when it's the fkin HR wifie, it's like nah, you're the HR wifie, you're not that important. Why do you even have an assistant in the first place?

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I get the option. It's the notion that this pish demands my immediate attention that annoys me.

Suppose. I have my personal email and a corp email. Anything out goes via that but it carries my personal as a hyperlink.
The number of times i have been chased for something sent to the corp one is unbelievable. I send one bulk email saying website is updated and i am screwed for months
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