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I wonder who the ex- Johhny Walker employees blame for their job "movement" to wherever.

I would imagine they blame the soulless multinational corporation directly responsible.

This works both ways. I've been employed by large multinationals that saw relocating their European operations to Scotland as a good cost-saving exercise. The state is better off in the long term encouraging job creation and growth (if necessary, by throwing money at public works) than trying to go back in time and stop jobs from moving around. That's just no longer the world we live in.

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No is simples, like the meerkat. The figures do not add up, the pie in the sky ideals that the Yes campaign throws out there is just utterly obsurd. So are we just gonna wash our hands of the Scottish Banks debts that crippled the nation? with our 'new' scottish navy will we stop foreign fishing boats fishing our esturies and ruining an already dead market we have for gaining funds through our once great salmon fishing. OOOh we will let our salmon farmers do more to fuk up our natural stock, great idea, clap clap Mr Salmond, clap clap.

This doesn't even start to look at the big blight on Britain let alone Scotland of unemployment in Glasgow and the south east, and currently in areas all around Scotland? ooh we can solve that with tourism, yeah come to Glasgae and get mugged because we have had to cut the benefits. Dont worry you can pay to go private at one of our hospitals as we have no money to keep our national health service up to any standard.

At a private hospital you could get well looked after by staff from across europe as we no longer have funding for our universities and most of them have hatched a deal with the government to pay less taxes to us just so there is some form of healthcare.

THE OIL>> THE OIL.. i hear many a tartun bunneted chap shout, yeah that has been sold to to big business many many many years ago, we wont see any of that, plus its not really ours is it? its in the sea bit like the fish that are taken by other european fishing boats every day just miles of our coast. Once we have our navy, that we cant afford, we can defend our shores...... lol

This is not even looking at simple family lines where Scottish people have mixed and created families with the rest of the British Isles.

And before you start your bullshit rants about me being 'upper class' which seems to be the standard of debate once scottish independance is questioned,

i get paid £6.33 an hour i am really looking forward to the gains of getting £6.50 and hour when minimum wage goes up due to part of our so terribly horrible union.

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No is simples, like the meerkat. The figures do not add up, the pie in the sky ideals that the Yes campaign throws out there is just utterly obsurd. So are we just gonna wash our hands of the Scottish Banks debts that crippled the nation? with our 'new' scottish navy will we stop foreign fishing boats fishing our esturies and ruining an already dead market we have for gaining funds through our once great salmon fishing. OOOh we will let our salmon farmers do more to fuk up our natural stock, great idea, clap clap Mr Salmond, clap clap.

This doesn't even start to look at the big blight on Britain let alone Scotland of unemployment in Glasgow and the south east, and currently in areas all around Scotland? ooh we can solve that with tourism, yeah come to Glasgae and get mugged because we have had to cut the benefits. Dont worry you can pay to go private at one of our hospitals as we have no money to keep our national health service up to any standard.

At a private hospital you could get well looked after by staff from across europe as we no longer have funding for our universities and most of them have hatched a deal with the government to pay less taxes to us just so there is some form of healthcare.

THE OIL>> THE OIL.. i hear many a tartun bunneted chap shout, yeah that has been sold to to big business many many many years ago, we wont see any of that, plus its not really ours is it? its in the sea bit like the fish that are taken by other european fishing boats every day just miles of our coast. Once we have our navy, that we cant afford, we can defend our shores...... lol

This is not even looking at simple family lines where Scottish people have mixed and created families with the rest of the British Isles.

And before you start your bullshit rants about me being 'upper class' which seems to be the standard of debate once scottish independance is questioned,

i get paid £6.33 an hour i am really looking forward to the gains of getting £6.50 and hour when minimum wage goes up due to part of our so terribly horrible union.

Ad lib will be along shortly,this is the type of post he will surely make 25 paragraghs ,correcting this utter bucket of fail

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No is simples, like the meerkat. The figures do not add up, the pie in the sky ideals that the Yes campaign throws out there is just utterly obsurd. So are we just gonna wash our hands of the Scottish Banks debts that crippled the nation? with our 'new' scottish navy will we stop foreign fishing boats fishing our esturies and ruining an already dead market we have for gaining funds through our once great salmon fishing. OOOh we will let our salmon farmers do more to fuk up our natural stock, great idea, clap clap Mr Salmond, clap clap.

This doesn't even start to look at the big blight on Britain let alone Scotland of unemployment in Glasgow and the south east, and currently in areas all around Scotland? ooh we can solve that with tourism, yeah come to Glasgae and get mugged because we have had to cut the benefits. Dont worry you can pay to go private at one of our hospitals as we have no money to keep our national health service up to any standard.

At a private hospital you could get well looked after by staff from across europe as we no longer have funding for our universities and most of them have hatched a deal with the government to pay less taxes to us just so there is some form of healthcare.

THE OIL>> THE OIL.. i hear many a tartun bunneted chap shout, yeah that has been sold to to big business many many many years ago, we wont see any of that, plus its not really ours is it? its in the sea bit like the fish that are taken by other european fishing boats every day just miles of our coast. Once we have our navy, that we cant afford, we can defend our shores...... lol

This is not even looking at simple family lines where Scottish people have mixed and created families with the rest of the British Isles.

And before you start your bullshit rants about me being 'upper class' which seems to be the standard of debate once scottish independance is questioned,

i get paid £6.33 an hour i am really looking forward to the gains of getting £6.50 and hour when minimum wage goes up due to part of our so terribly horrible union.

Whole lotta slever there, chum.

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No is simples, like the meerkat. The figures do not add up, the pie in the sky ideals that the Yes campaign throws out there is just utterly obsurd. So are we just gonna wash our hands of the Scottish Banks debts that crippled the nation? with our 'new' scottish navy will we stop foreign fishing boats fishing our esturies and ruining an already dead market we have for gaining funds through our once great salmon fishing. OOOh we will let our salmon farmers do more to fuk up our natural stock, great idea, clap clap Mr Salmond, clap clap.

This doesn't even start to look at the big blight on Britain let alone Scotland of unemployment in Glasgow and the south east, and currently in areas all around Scotland? ooh we can solve that with tourism, yeah come to Glasgae and get mugged because we have had to cut the benefits. Dont worry you can pay to go private at one of our hospitals as we have no money to keep our national health service up to any standard.

At a private hospital you could get well looked after by staff from across europe as we no longer have funding for our universities and most of them have hatched a deal with the government to pay less taxes to us just so there is some form of healthcare.

THE OIL>> THE OIL.. i hear many a tartun bunneted chap shout, yeah that has been sold to to big business many many many years ago, we wont see any of that, plus its not really ours is it? its in the sea bit like the fish that are taken by other european fishing boats every day just miles of our coast. Once we have our navy, that we cant afford, we can defend our shores...... lol

This is not even looking at simple family lines where Scottish people have mixed and created families with the rest of the British Isles.

And before you start your bullshit rants about me being 'upper class' which seems to be the standard of debate once scottish independance is questioned,

i get paid £6.33 an hour i am really looking forward to the gains of getting £6.50 and hour when minimum wage goes up due to part of our so terribly horrible union.

Hiya Mr Bairn. Hiya pal.

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.... is this a debate? there is no debate simple because there is no answer to to the questions anyone raises. Its lost in preamble of falsities. Half the responses depend on the rest of the union helping us out once we have split from them? really how does that work? if i quit my job do i then go around expecting my ex employer to go and help me out for however long, even after i stood up and told him i disliked him?.... hmm i think not. Jumping ship from a union that contains one of the hubs for world finance, that we do very well out of, is utterly ludicrous.

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No is simples, like the meerkat. The figures do not add up, the pie in the sky ideals that the Yes campaign throws out there is just utterly obsurd. So are we just gonna wash our hands of the Scottish Banks debts that crippled the nation? with our 'new' scottish navy will we stop foreign fishing boats fishing our esturies and ruining an already dead market we have for gaining funds through our once great salmon fishing. OOOh we will let our salmon farmers do more to fuk up our natural stock, great idea, clap clap Mr Salmond, clap clap.

This doesn't even start to look at the big blight on Britain let alone Scotland of unemployment in Glasgow and the south east, and currently in areas all around Scotland? ooh we can solve that with tourism, yeah come to Glasgae and get mugged because we have had to cut the benefits. Dont worry you can pay to go private at one of our hospitals as we have no money to keep our national health service up to any standard.

At a private hospital you could get well looked after by staff from across europe as we no longer have funding for our universities and most of them have hatched a deal with the government to pay less taxes to us just so there is some form of healthcare.

THE OIL>> THE OIL.. i hear many a tartun bunneted chap shout, yeah that has been sold to to big business many many many years ago, we wont see any of that, plus its not really ours is it? its in the sea bit like the fish that are taken by other european fishing boats every day just miles of our coast. Once we have our navy, that we cant afford, we can defend our shores......lol

This is not even looking at simple family lines where Scottish people have mixed and created families with the rest of the British Isles.

And before you start your bullshit rants about me being 'upper class' which seems to be the standard of debate once scottish independance is questioned,

i get paid £6.33 an hour i am really looking forward to the gains of getting £6.50 and hour when minimum wage goes up due to part of our so terribly horrible union.

Cringing for you.

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Independence doesn't in any way indicate that we "dislike" anyone and we're not asking anyone to "help us out". The only "utterly ludicrous" argument at play here is the Scots' unshakeable belief that we're subsidised by the UK and it's "great hub of world finance".

Apart from that, pretty solid arguments. Think I might have to have a rethink.

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No is simples, like the meerkat. The figures do not add up, the pie in the sky ideals that the Yes campaign throws out there is just utterly obsurd. So are we just gonna wash our hands of the Scottish Banks debts that crippled the nation? with our 'new' scottish navy will we stop foreign fishing boats fishing our esturies and ruining an already dead market we have for gaining funds through our once great salmon fishing. OOOh we will let our salmon farmers do more to fuk up our natural stock, great idea, clap clap Mr Salmond, clap clap.

This doesn't even start to look at the big blight on Britain let alone Scotland of unemployment in Glasgow and the south east, and currently in areas all around Scotland? ooh we can solve that with tourism, yeah come to Glasgae and get mugged because we have had to cut the benefits. Dont worry you can pay to go private at one of our hospitals as we have no money to keep our national health service up to any standard.

At a private hospital you could get well looked after by staff from across europe as we no longer have funding for our universities and most of them have hatched a deal with the government to pay less taxes to us just so there is some form of healthcare.

THE OIL>> THE OIL.. i hear many a tartun bunneted chap shout, yeah that has been sold to to big business many many many years ago, we wont see any of that, plus its not really ours is it? its in the sea bit like the fish that are taken by other european fishing boats every day just miles of our coast. Once we have our navy, that we cant afford, we can defend our shores...... lol

This is not even looking at simple family lines where Scottish people have mixed and created families with the rest of the British Isles.

And before you start your bullshit rants about me being 'upper class' which seems to be the standard of debate once scottish independance is questioned,

i get paid £6.33 an hour i am really looking forward to the gains of getting £6.50 and hour when minimum wage goes up due to part of our so terribly horrible union.

Paragraphs. Paragraphs are your friend.

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Independence doesn't in any way indicate that we "dislike" anyone and we're not asking anyone to "help us out". The only "utterly ludicrous" argument at play here is the Scots' unshakeable belief that we're subsidised by the UK and it's "great hub of world finance".

Apart from that, pretty solid arguments. Think I might have to have a rethink.

since this is a relatively sensible post... who does 'we' consist of? only full blooded scots so anyone else has no say because they are not really 'scottish'?

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