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Queen's Park vs Clyde - 9th August

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Well, if that's the champions elect it's gonna be a brutal season. The hysteria amongst the Clyde fans said it all really. Aside of the boy Ferguson it was a turgid affair from all the Clyde players. Given all the great signings etc blah, blah it was a shocking performance. Take young Ferguson out and you have a very ordinary squad there.

First time I've seen my own team and I've no doubt at all, given the players still need time to bind, we will not be in peril. For those not at the game; no doubt about, Queen's Park lost this game as opposed to Clyde winning. Quite possibly the worst tackle ever gifted a penalty when Clyde were going nowhere. The second was a copy of so many last season - watch the clip when it comes out. Clyde won't get those kind of gifts each week. Aside of those two gaffes the back line looked good.

Coach McPherson was tactically sound and the midfield pressed well but slacked off a bit as the game went on. Good to see so many shots on target too and I'm sue our goals for will be much better this year. Fair to say we were industrious without too much flair but there are a few players in there who can make a difference once they get their flow, Miller and Berry in particular. Muir looked solid on goal and striker McPherson will do well for us.

Special mention to Gavin Mitchell. Absolutely tanned in the first half but closed Ferguson so much better in the second that the Clyde coach, what'shisname, switched his player. Can't agree the penalty was 'drawn'. Clumsy defending. Clyde were very lucky. We'll get better.

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As their fans have already identified, there were quite a few errors from Clyde today, but given the state they were in two seasons ago, I think it's impressive how far they've come. Once they iron out when to play square passes across the back, and when to go long, they'll definitely be a team contending for the title. Their passing style of play is to be admired, as ours was not too long ago, but like we did then they'll maybe also suffer once we get to the heavy pitches / gale-force winds time of the season.

After being completely outplayed for the first 20 minutes, I thought that the rest of the half was fairly even, and that we started the second half the better of the two teams, but Ferguson (MOM by a country mile) deservedly won the equaliser (no need for Quinn to dive in as the shooting angle was tight), and that gave the visitors the impetus they needed to snatch the winner, with neither of our central defenders or our goalkeeper covering themselves in glory.

Obviously disappointed to lose so late in the game, but not despondent as we will get much better as a team in the weeks ahead. Hopefully Clyde fans will grudgingly acknowledge that a big part of how poor they were at times was largely due to Queen's more than matching them in endeavour, which is a good base for us to progress from. Even this early in the season (unlike last!), I don't think we look like a bottom of the table side, but we'll see whether visiting fans agree (baiting apart) with that assessment or not.

First time I've agreed with a QP fan on here!

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Well, if that's the champions elect it's gonna be a brutal season. The hysteria amongst the Clyde fans said it all really. Aside of the boy Ferguson it was a turgid affair from all the Clyde players. Given all the great signings etc blah, blah it was a shocking performance. Take young Ferguson out and you have a very ordinary squad there.

Queen's Park lost this game as opposed to Clyde winning.

Clyde were going nowhere

Clyde won't get those kind of gifts each week.

Special mention to Gavin Mitchell. Absolutely tanned in the first half but closed Ferguson so much better in the second that the Clyde coach, what'shisname, switched his player. Can't agree the penalty was 'drawn'.

Clyde were very lucky.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What a fucking diddy. A post in stark contrast to The Spider's.

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Not the best performance but 3 points on the board. There wasn't any real urgency with our passing after the first 20 minutes or so and we made it easy to defend against.

We missed Sweeney today and It was clear our midfield 3 had never played together. McManus looked isolated at times and in general the front 3 didn't click as good as they have so far in the cup games (Ayr especially).

The scenes when Daly scored were brilliant.

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A wins a win but the Clyde fans wanking themselves into oblivion over a late win against a team they were claiming they would shaft pre game is pretty tragic.

Oft bad days when the jags are going through the league 2 threads bit obsessed

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I don't think we need to justify or acknowledge anything to any QP dicksplashers whatsofuckingever. A wee bit insecure and in need of reassurance eh. Take all the comfort you want from an absolutely dreadful Clyde display yielding three points if it cheers you up, as it shows no matter how bad we are at our worst, there is absolutely bugger all you can achieve thats better. Matters strictly Clyde, the midfield were appalling. Capuano starting at right half/inside right set my alarm bells ringing, and the fact Gray and Sinclair either took turns/decided on a whim to share the deep role concerns me terribly. As does the system. Good on paper shite on grass. We won't need three holding players on the park to be successful, as the three acrodss the middle only works with the inside players moving forwards. Watt has been poor on the right, and McColm did rnough to merit a starting return preferably on the left (which BF) duly changed to). Daly and McManus i think could be our front pair, if the boss opts for such a change, but on the whole an excellent three away points. Good for character building, shutting up whiny bitches and winning league titles.

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A wins a win but the Clyde fans wanking themselves into oblivion over a late win against a team they were claiming they would shaft pre game is pretty tragic.

If we can't w**k over a last minute Michael Daly winner v Queen's Park, I don't know what we can w**k over then.

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