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Queen's Park vs Clyde - 9th August

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I fell more confident than i have in the past as we have had some horrid times against Queens park but having spoke to a friend who is a Queens fan we were discussing this game and he wasn't looking forward to it cause he hasn't been impressed with QP but watching highlights of Clyde is to quote him "making me shit myself a little" So let's not get in over our heads I think it will be a cagey game and the first goal is critical. And I have my money on McManus 1st scorrer!

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Would like to place on record my delight at winning such a prestigious gong, but I'll have to hand you a massive nil points for presumably failing to realise all of my posts featured (and indeed 99% of all of my posts) are wind-ups.

Nope. You're deadly serious - always think yourself a cut above the rest.

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attachicon.gifSPFL 2 attendances 2013-14.JPG

There! It's official - Elgin are the biggest team in this league. EF and Arbroath were both over a thousand but of course they had the Guvvanites over twice. So the adjusted numbers were....shite!

Mon the Elgin :wolf

The figures for the other 9 clubs are boosted by Clyde's massive travelling support.

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Would like to place on record my delight at winning such a prestigious gong, but I'll have to hand you a massive nil points for presumably failing to realise all of my posts featured (and indeed 99% of all of my posts) are wind-ups.

Your head will be gone, come 5 pm etz. #bloodbath #bantz #cretin #putagypowanks #oldfirmtabloidsideshow

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