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Salmond Vs. Darling - The Debate


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Again, it depends on how the polls move - if the move - in the aftermath. No doubt hard to disentangle from other effects, but it would be hard not to ascribe some kind of winner from that.

One thing they should do is if they have one of those debate trackers, make sure the panel is from undecided voters....

That would be interested, or have a mix of undecided, Yes and No's

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So how is he "shitting his breeks" then?

I didn;t mean the debate was irrelevant, more the actual performances. boths sides will claim they won, in reality it will be unlikely there will be a clear winner

Darling probably isnt pissing his pants. He will be looking for this debate more than anyone. He knows that this will be his last throw of the dice. He may even think they might roll his way.

All or bust for Darling.

Its Cameron thats shitting himself.

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Darling probably isnt pissing his pants. He will be looking for this debate more than anyone. He knows that this will be his last throw of the dice. He may even think they might roll his way.

All or bust for Darling.

Its Cameron thats shitting himself.

Cameron isn't "shitting himself". He's just too smart to give Salmond the opportunity to get a Scotland v Tories thing going.

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The two things aren't mutally exclusive. but there's a difference in tone between FMQs playing the gallery and a presidential style debate. salmond can wheel out his chucklnt Question time stchick which will work, but if he gets riled and shouty it might not play well.

Have you watched Darling being interviewed fairly gently,the guy's terrible, he rages when riled, he blinks furiously when he lies, can you honestly imagine a scenario where Salmond comes across worse than Darling, I can't.

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Cameron isn't "shitting himself". He's just too smart to give Salmond the opportunity to get a Left Wing v Tories thing going.

That's more accurate.

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yeah, but split the trackers out, so you can see how the three groups react.

Aye, exactly - think that's oen happens in the USA?

Darling probably isnt pissing his pants. He will be looking for this debate more than anyone. He knows that this will be his last throw of the dice. He may even think they might roll his way.

All or bust for Darling.

darling doesn;t need the debate, his side are ahead in the polls. The losing side in campaigns need the debate.

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Cameron isn't "shitting himself". He's just too smart to give Salmond the opportunity to get a Scotland v Tories thing going.

Why is that?

What have the tories to fear in Scotland?

Remember how they used to be more popular in Scotland than the SNP?

Its a very poor excuse not debate how we are better together under tory rule.

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Again, it depends on how the polls move - if the move - in the aftermath. No doubt hard to disentangle from other effects, but it would be hard not to ascribe some kind of winner from that.

One thing they should do is if they have one of those debate trackers, make sure the panel is from undecided voters....

I think the pre-General Election debates, Clegg's apparent "wins" and the negligible effect this had on the LD vote was instructive.

In reality, how many people will watch a Salmond-Darling debate? 200,000?

What will happen after is both sides claiming they won, and both groups of people who were going to vote Yes or No anyway being delighted by this.

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.Darling accepted the original STV offer.

Did he? Why wont he accept the new date? He has been desperate to debate Salmond for about a year or so? What difference does it make whether its July or August?

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Why is that?

What have the tories to fear in Scotland?

Remember how they used to be more popular in Scotland than the SNP?

Its a very poor excuse not debate how we are better together under tory rule.

I'm sure you probably know the answers to the questions you posed.

To put it bluntly the Tories could bathe every Scot in asses milk, put £1,000,000 in the bank account of every citizen and provide the use of a tropical island with free first class flights and the Daily Record and the dimwits who take their political viewpoints from either it or from buffoons in red rosettes will still criticise . It would probably cost them votes :)

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