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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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I fully understand liquidation mate, but I've been at the Brandywell pre and post liquidation, and the are are no discernible differences. Things move on as far as home fans are concerned, and the liquidation was just a disappointing legal technicality. In twenty years time it will be a footnote.

I popped into Ibrox once last year and it looked like business as usual as well, albeit the football was shite.

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I fully understand liquidation mate, but I've been at the Brandywell pre and post liquidation, and the are are no discernible differences. Things move on as far as home fans are concerned, and the liquidation was just a disappointing legal technicality. In twenty years time it will be a footnote.

I popped into Ibrox once last year and it looked like business as usual as well, albeit the football was shite.

So business as usual :)

Eh, if you really really don't get this, then how on Earth do you expect your other views on this thread to be taken seriously?

Regarding the OP.........

There has been several incarnations of the KKK.......

Which one is this?


Or do think he belongs to the original Klan?

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So business as usual :)

Eh, if you really really don't get this, then how on Earth do you expect your other views on this thread to be taken seriously?

Right then bing, both clubs were legally dissolved and no longer exist, but try telling me both aren't carrying on as normal. IO fully accept you are right about the liquidations, but the proof of the pudding is in what happens afterwards. Both clubs are carrying on as normal, no matter what anyone says.

Why? They are both "glamour" clubs in their respective leagues and were allowed to by their respective governing bodies.


Probably a lot to do with TV and the money large away supports bring.

That doesn't make it right in either case, but both are carrying on as before.

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Right then bing, both clubs were legally dissolved and no longer exist, but try telling me both aren't carrying on as normal. IO fully accept you are right about the liquidations, but the proof of the pudding is in what happens afterwards. Both clubs are carrying on as normal, no matter what anyone says.

Why? They are both "glamour" clubs in their respective leagues and were allowed to by their respective governing bodies.


Probably a lot to do with TV and the money large away supports bring.

That doesn't make it right in either case, but both are carrying on as before.

Correct, but the more the lie is retold..........

And Phoenix Companies have a lot to worry about perhaps.

Ach it happened to Hearts as well, and they still try to claim all their history.

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Granted, but I'm past caring about all this moral high ground. If Rangers fans want to go to Ibrox then fine. Ditto Derry City fans, or anyone in a similar situation. The blame lies squarely with the footballing authorities.

As for Hertz fans, I have Tynieness to put with in work, so let's not even go there.

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Granted, but I'm past caring about all this moral high ground. If Rangers fans want to go to Ibrox then fine. Ditto Derry City fans, or anyone in a similar situation. The blame lies squarely with the footballing authorities.

As for Hertz fans, I have Tynieness to put with in work, so let's not even go there.

And therein is the Norn LOL problem neatly summed up.

You are fine with people being unable to let go, they have got to keep goin on Walks, trips to Ibrox/Derry......keeping up 'traditions', even though the fitba ones died.

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Sweet Lord above/below, just had a swatch at the BBC listings :blink:

To celebrate this year's Twelfth we will be streaming the parades and celebrations worldwide online. Whether you are in Cullybackey or Canada you will not miss a drumbeat. Visit ourstreaming page on the 12th July and watch the festivities on a device of your choice.



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The law and it's interpretation has to be compliant with the European Convention on Human Rights

Article 11 – Freedom of assembly and association

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

2. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, of the police or of the administration of the State.

What's more each application is separate instance so Councils aren't ruling on Orange Marches in general but specific proposals. It's up to each council exactly how to implement it. I outlined the situation in Athelstaneford, you can check the policy for where you live but it will be similar.

Some applications for parades will get rejected but for the others either there either isn't enough legitimate basis to the objections or the case for the objections aren't being made well enough or possibly there's some kind of corruption.

One might surmise that a lot of the most fervent objectors the concern expressed for public safety and order isn't really what's driving their objection as much as a deep (and probably mutual) antipathy for the participants.

Voltaire famously said "I Disapprove of what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it"

I'm not as principled as Voltaire claimed to be (and I doubt he was either) but I'm glad that antediluvian scumbags who I'd want nothing to do with can't have their rights taken away just for being antediluvian scumbags who I'd want nothing to do with.

In principle I agree, but of course it's the practice I have the problem with. The simple answer for the council to the issue of specific proposals needing a judgement is to set a date and location within their council boundaries, and advise all lodges within said area that this is the approved context within which applications must be placed.

They can all march together and therefore balance out the provisions for free expression with the realities of having to run a modern city.

I can't see a legitimate reason that this should be unreasonable.

My only slight quibble with your post would be that, as a fellow lover of flowery and verbose terminology, I would dispute that these chaps are antediluvian. Retrograde to us they may appear, but given that their entire raison d'être is based on being a reformed and more modern take on the fairy tale in question, I would stick with simply referring to them as wankers.

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RE my earlier point, I was admittedly being facetious, but is there any reason we couldn't have all of the various groups (Orangemen, Republicans, EDL, Anti-fascist League, etc.) marching on the same day, one after another?

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In principle I agree, but of course it's the practice I have the problem with. The simple answer for the council to the issue of specific proposals needing a judgement is to set a date and location within their council boundaries, and advise all lodges within said area that this is the approved context within which applications must be placed.

They can all march together and therefore balance out the provisions for free expression with the realities of having to run a modern city.

I can't see a legitimate reason that this should be unreasonable.

Practice is always the problem with principles.

The ideal strategy for a council to adopt is going to vary from council to council

In Edinburgh or Aberdeen where these things are rare dealing with them on an individual basis is effectively the same as the policy you suggest.

In a geographically small council area with lots of marches like Glasgow concentrating the marchers in a single location might be practical, although probably not too popular with the residents in that part of town

In spread out councils full of small communities it seems less appropriate.

The recent move by the Apprentice Boys to all turn up in one place for a single big Scottish March (Perth this year) seems to correspond to your suggestion. It may catch on.

My only slight quibble with your post would be that, as a fellow lover of flowery and verbose terminology, I would dispute that these chaps are antediluvian. Retrograde to us they may appear, but given that their entire raison d'être is based on being a reformed and more modern take on the fairy tale in question, I would stick with simply referring to them as wankers.

My counterquibble would be that far from being modernisers the fathers of the reformation saw themselves as actually taking the church backwards, undoing the damage of Thomas Aquinas and returning towards the theology of Saint Augustine.

To Luther and Calvin the reformation was a great step backwards after a dreadful wrong turn. Roman Catholics will agree with the first part, Secularists with the second.

From their point of view of they're not Christians who left the church so much as Rome is a church that abandoned Christ

The Confession of Westminster explains it thus.

Chapter XXV part V.

The purest Churches under heaven are subject both to mixture and error. and some have so degenerated, as to become no Churches of Christ, but synagogues of Satan. Nevertheless, there shall be always a Church on earth to worship God according to His will.


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My counterquibble would be that far from being modernisers the fathers of the reformation saw themselves as actually taking the church backwards, undoing the damage of Thomas Aquinas and returning towards the theology of Saint Augustine.

To Luther and Calvin the reformation was a great step backwards after a dreadful wrong turn. Roman Catholics will agree with the first part, Secularists with the second.

From their point of view of they're not Christians who left the church so much as Rome is a church that abandoned Christ

The Confession of Westminster explains it thus.

Chapter XXV part V.

The purest Churches under heaven are subject both to mixture and error. and some have so degenerated, as to become no Churches of Christ, but synagogues of Satan. Nevertheless, there shall be always a Church on earth to worship God according to His will.


I tend to think of them as being the of the post-KJ way of believing as opposed to the original causes of the schism, but I take your point.

I love the fact that the tenets of a religion, something you're supposed to have actual faith in, can acceptably be outlined by committee.

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My counterquibble would be that far from being modernisers the fathers of the reformation saw themselves as actually taking the church backwards, undoing the damage of Thomas Aquinas and returning towards the theology of Saint Augustine.

Tell me if I am pedantic but you're kicking the reformers for......reforming? Apart from stating the blindingly obvious I am struggling to see a point here.

You also misjudge it badly when you talk about, "The theology of Saint Augustine.". This had some chords some time after Calvin but wasn't a major reformation theme.

The reformation under Calvin, Luther, Knox and Zwingli had heehaw to do with Augustine.

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Good to see the BBC will once again be devoting half an hour of BBC Nornirun's schedule to following events of 'The Twelfth'. Classy as always.

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