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Racist Ulster Loyalists fly KKK flag in east Belfast

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Those of us not tootling on our flutes while walking through our neighbours gardens giving offence and putting up 2 fingers to them, are busy polishing our armalites and hoarding milk bottles at the behest of the local freedom fighters, in preparation for a renewed armed struggle, which will soon start as we are all such troglydites and bigots and sectarian violence is ingrained in us.

Meanwhile we live in the lap of luxury due to the tax payer subsidised benefits we receive, which props up the failed statelet. (Obviously nobody in Northern Ireland pays tax.) Cigarettes, alcohol and petrol are tax free, and there's no V.A.T., either.

Soon the football season starts and we will be able to enjoy the pub league again.

Oh, the joys.

Norn Ireland pays far less tax than it receives in state funding, over and above the government deficit, a scenario that has been in place for decades.

Nice try anyway.

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I'm sure it was said because some people haven't moved on, but most have.

This "normality" was achieved through the GFA, before the massive subsidies came along, although there is no doubt that they help to maintain it.

Still far from normal though, and a long road to travel.

Yeah tbf mate 90% of the people I met through work were sound. Just a couple of knobs, but you can get that everywhere. Just threw me back a little them being so open about it.

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I've been to NI umpteen times over the last 5 years. I've worked with loads of great people. I never had cause to fret about their faith. We did normal stuff - working, having a drink, getting a bite to eat. I've never been warned about anyone and nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened beyond a firebomb threat to jjb sports in the middle of Belfast. That was dealt with by using black and yellow tape to create a 20 foot safe area back from the front door. Other than that it was all thoroughly normal.

Black and yellow tape? Like the Celtic bumblebee strip? Right, that's it. That is taking the peace process too far. I DEMAND that what used to be called our Royal Ulster Constabulary use good Protestant red, white and blue tape to protect folk from potential firebombs in shite sports shops rather than this sectarian tape.

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Definitely not. I'd conservatively estimate 1690 times over the course of a weekend, mainly in the smoking areas of pubs and what passes for clubs.

We were a mixed group and one drunken fatty started threatening my *** mate after pointing at me and saying "you're a tim" then at him and saying "he's a ***".

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Definitely not. I'd conservatively estimate 1690 times over the course of a weekend, mainly in the smoking areas of pubs and what passes for clubs.

We were a mixed group and one drunken fatty started threatening my *** mate after pointing at me and saying "you're a tim" then at him and saying "he's a ***".

No harm matie, but I honestly find you hard to believe....... out of interest, what pubs/areas where you in?

Dont be using google now :D

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What's the need to ridicule the way Caoimhin pronounces and spells his name?

I'm guessing Caoimhin's parents named him that in an attempt to keep the Irish culture alive. I'm also guessing that the posters here ridiculing him for that are doing so because they conflate this desire to keep the Irish culture alive with the sort of tit-for-tat, partisan mindset that plagues the conflict in Northern Ireland?

Correct me if I'm wrong there but personally I think it'd be a real shame if the Irish culture and language were to die just because of it's attachment to Irish republicanism.

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If people only made posts that were needed this place would grind to a halt

He's portraying a ridiculous character and that character gets ridiculed

Edited my original post there.

Okay then "why do people feel the need?" should have been my question.

Yeah, granted he is an irrational shit-stirrer but I don't really see the problem with his name. I don't see anything ridiculous about (what I imagine is) his family's attempt to keep Irish culture alive.

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What's the need to ridicule the way Caoimhin pronounces and spells his name?

I'm guessing Caoimhin's parents named him that in an attempt to keep the Irish culture alive. I'm also guessing that the posters here ridiculing him for that are doing so because they conflate this desire to keep the Irish culture alive with the sort of tit-for-tat, partisan mindset that plagues the conflict in Northern Ireland?

Correct me if I'm wrong there but personally I think it'd be a real shame if the Irish culture and language were to die just because of it's attachment to Irish republicanism.

Irish culture and language should never die..... its part of the island and people,

also worth saying it has heehaw to do with Irish Republicanism, maybe in some sort of warped republicans mindset though.....

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Irish culture and language should never die..... its part of the island and people,also worth saying it has heehaw to do with Irish Republicanism, maybe in some sort of warped republicans mindset though.....

Yeah, it's a shame for any culture to die.

From personal experience most people who have a hostile stance to the Irish culture tend to be from the Unionist side of the divide.

IMO they see naming a child with an Irish name as pretencious at best and as a tacit support of the worst kind of republicanism at best.

This leads to folk saying stuff like "your name isn't really Caoimhin" it's Kevin, "Haha, look at you, you're a republican idiot with a daft false persona" which is actually just a display of the sort of ignorance that they're trying to avoid.

And yeah, I agree Republican groups try and conflate the cukture with their political stance and that doesn't help the situation.

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Yeah, it's a shame for any culture to die.

From personal experience most people who have a hostile stance to the Irish culture tend to be from the Unionist side of the divide.

IMO they see naming a child with an Irish name as pretencious at best and as a tacit support of the worst kind of republicanism at best.

This leads to folk saying stuff like "your name isn't really Caoimhin" it's Kevin, "Haha, look at you, you're a republican idiot with a daft false persona" which is actually just a display of the sort of ignorance that they're trying to avoid.

And yeah, I agree Republican groups try and conflate the cukture with their political stance and that doesn't help the situation.

Republican groups have said similar statements about the Ulster/Scots language/heritage.......

Some people need to move on, live and let live.

also, stop making sweeping generations towards communities based on their own bigotry.

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This leads to folk saying stuff like "your name isn't really Caoimhin" it's Kevin...

"Is that a name or a tropical disease?", used to be another approach on that. Think the poster who wasn't called Kevin by his parents would not have been wound up like that if his posts were less shrill and extreme.

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Republican groups have said similar statements about the Ulster/Scots language/heritage.......Some people need to move on, live and let live.also, stop making sweeping generations towards communities based on their own bigotry.

Yeah, okay.

And I feel exactly the same with regards to Ulster Scots. Live and let live as you say.

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"Is that a name or a tropical disease?", used to be another approach on that. Think the poster who wasn't called Kevin by his parents would not have been wound up like that if his posts were less shrill and extreme.

Yeah true, but it isn't always said as a joke is it?

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