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WWE Main Event and Superstars

Ira Gaines

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At an hour show, this show barely overstays it's welcome and every week has a match which is at the very least, really entertaining.

It's now the show that I watch pretty much every week without fail, and this week's had an absolute screamer between Sheamus and Del Rio which is probably the best match the two have had together.

Any other fans of the new one hour weekly show?

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No Chris Masters, no likey.

Well, the guarantee of a Chris Masters match made Superstars such a surefire watch most weeks. The same opponents quite a lot mind ye, but the matches with them just seemed to get better and when they put a bigger name down to face him, he always got to look good as well. Criminally underrated wrestler at the time. Still is actually. Has some utter belters in the UK. Would love to see PWG book him, or NJPW.

I'm gonna throw any thoughts about Superstars that I think are worth noting in here too. Decided to start watching that again.

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Gave Superstars a go.

Mostly highlights, but we got two originals. Adam Rose vs. Titus O'Neil was the first, and again, O'Neil impressed with what little he's given, but Rose seems to have really adapted to his gimmick wrestling wise, and you can see why WWE are eyeing him as the next big comedy midcarder. He's taken to the whole thing pretty quickly. As for the match, it was short, not boring and inoffensive crap, but it's a shame to see O'Neil jobbed out on the d-show to someone that WWE themselves haven't been too hot on.

Curtis Axel vs. Tyson Kidd didn't tell me anything I didn't know about Curtis Axel. That being, he's boring as f**k. The guy has no redeeming factors at all. Hard to gauge Kidd in a match like this, but he was full of fire and intensity when he had the control of the match, and you could buy him as a potential winner as a result. He's the NXT guy though, and Axel is the WWE guy. So predictable stuff for the most part, and not very exciting either.

Gonna give NXT a go next, and the main event looks tasty. Zayn and Neville vs. Kidd and Gabriel.

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I actually missed he divas match, any good? Great tag team match. Kofi and Big E are quality! Potential for a legit tag team. Decent enough match between Sheamus and The Miz. Which is to be expected as Sheamus could have a great match with anyone. One of the most entertaining on the roster.

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He's great in the ring most of the time, but certainly not entertaining. Bland as f**k.

Well... he's entertaining purely as a wrestler. ;)

Emma and Cameron was too short to make any judgments. It wasn't good though. Given Cameron's total ineptitude the night before though, I'm not sure I can point at Emma and say "your fault" on this one. Potential off night here for both ladies.

RybAxel continue to impress me as a team. As singles guys they're both fairly poor wrestlers, but they have a real knack for this tag team nonsense, and putting them in there with guys like Big E and Kofi is only going to help. So aye, a cracking tag team match.

Great to see The Miz both motivated and doing the stuff he's actually good at. And this was a good match with Sheamus, who now seems to be Main Event's go to guy for a good match, and is there many better in the midcard than him at this? Naw really.

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Ryback is amazing in this role. A lot of it is tongue in cheek and that's exactly how he plays it, and he's great at it. Axel continues to be a total no mark character wise, but he's a good tag wrestler. So it works.

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So. Superstars.

Rosa Mendes is tedious as f**k. She's not even remotely convincing as a bitch. Naomi is definitely coming along nicely though and will probably be a big thing for WWE in the divas division.

R-Truth vs. Ryback was the other original match on the show this week. Match was actually a fun one, with the action back and forth between the two. Ryback was never in control for too long, and R-Truth as always was a lot of fun with what he was doing.

Not much of note in this episode, but the main event was at least decent.

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Oaft. This should be a PROPER test of Rusev. Finally. All Fun enough matches, but any limited big man should be able to work matches like that. Should get some proper time in this match.

Title match?

A pal said to me and I liked the sound of the idea:

Rusev vs Sheamus feud with Rusev winning the US Title. Obviously his character can either boast about being the US Champion despite not being from there or he can declare himself 'Russian Champion'. I'd love to watch the two of them fight anyway, I'd imagine it'd be a good physical battle.

Obviously they might be calming his character down soon but it seemed like a good idea anyway.

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