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What happens after a NO?


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That's not the point. Who wielded more influence at the time? Brown/ Darling or Salmond?

Don't get me wrong - clearly Brown/Darling fucked up big time - but that's what happens when you cosy up to capitalists. I just don't think independence would have made a damn bit of difference either. Politicians, of all colours, were happy to watch the bubble grow, despite the warnings of its impending burst.

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Don't get me wrong - clearly Brown/Darling fucked up big time - but that's what happens when you cosy up to capitalists. I just don't think independence would have made a damn bit of difference either. Politicians, of all colours, were happy to watch the bubble grow, despite the warnings of its impending burst.

Absolutely, but the point here is that, rather than accept Brown/ Darling fucked up big time, H_B started mewling desperately about Salmond.

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Salmond's financial sense is no better, given his really weak economic case for an independent Scotland. :)

Cool. Which particular parts have you critiqued and in your vast experience don't agree with?

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Salmond's financial sense is no better, given his really weak economic case for an independent Scotland. :)

You, H_B and the rest's really weak arguments have gradually petered out on this thread. Between you naysayers you've even ran out of nit picking through other people's posts and are just coming up with bland and ambiguous statements.

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Just spotted that. Jesus. Rangers fans really are vermin.

Its always good to be reminded that the queen and family are doing thier bit in reducing the trillion and a half of debt the UK has by adding a whopping £20m a year and saving those worse off from having to live on £10 giros.

How much under £20m do the royals get from the coffers each year?

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Its always good to be reminded that the queen and family are doing thier bit in reducing the trillion and a half of debt the UK has by adding a whopping £20m a year and saving those worse off from having to live on £10 giros.

How much under £20m do the royals get from the coffers each year?

Liz is getting £40 million


and that b*****d Charlie gets £18 million a year frae the Duchy of Cornwall and he disnae pay tax.


That link isnae the one I was looking for but ye get the drift.

How the hell onybody can condone that is beyond me.

They are an extremely rich English/Greek/German family who still have their hands oot for taxpayers money.

O for a French or Russian revolution.

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Liz is getting £40 million


and that b*****d Charlie gets £18 million a year frae the Duchy of Cornwall and he disnae pay tax.


That link isnae the one I was looking for but ye get the drift.

How the hell onybody can condone that is beyond me.

They are an extremely rich English/Greek/German family who still have their hands oot for taxpayers money.

O for a French or Russian revolution.

Best not get the express today.

Pullout telling us how we all love george.

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Best not get the express today.

Pullout telling us how we all love george.

That bairn is the epitome of that effing family.

From before cradle tae efter grave he will be waited on hand and foot.

Never want for anything and have lackeys and sheep at his beck and call.

Is there onybody in this forum who really supports them ?

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Ok some Rangers fans are vermin. The ones in that video for instance.

A part of me actually feels sorry for them cos they actually will live their lives with such ignorance and hatred boiling away inside them, but most of me thinks they're just fucking idiots.

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You, H_B and the rest's really weak arguments have gradually petered out on this thread. Between you naysayers you've even ran out of nit picking through other people's posts and are just coming up with bland and ambiguous statements.

Bit harsh, especially as questions regarding the economic sense a Yes vote would make have yet to be answered. These arguments are only "weak" if you're gambling with other people's money.

But just one, just one!, bland and ambiguous statement would still be one more post than you ever made about Rangers on this forum. :)

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