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Motherwell FC 2014/15 season

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Lawson is absolutely done, I do feel sorry for him and I'd be very surprised to see any team at a decent level take a punt on him.
Carswell looked promising but any time he's played in the first team recently he's done absolutely nothing except pass the ball/buck as soon as humanly possible - shyster. Shame.
Vigurs is a great player, definitely one of the most creative we have at the club, but again been unlucky with injury and expect he'll find himself in the (Scottish) Championship next season (so he'll probably play a blinder against us). Hopefully he'll find a support who appreciate what he has rather than what he doesn't have. Not every football needs masses of speed and to run around like a headless chicken to be effective!
Ramsden I'm not really sure I feel about, when on song he's a top player and has looked 100% committed every time he's played this season, but he does have those red mist moments and seems to have become pretty injury prone. Wouldn't have complained if we'd kept him on.

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Genuinely saddened by the way it has worked out for Lawson and Vigurs at Motherwell. Two of my favourite players to ever pull on the county shirt. Hope they find good clubs; I'd personally have them both back but I worry for Lawson with his injury problems.

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So by my reckoning that just leaves Kerr, Sutton, Ainsworth, ZFA and McDonald as the only ones who are out of contract, who as of yet we haven't heard if they've been offered a new deal or not.

Kerr and ZFA prob need to go.

McDonald I would have signed up in no time - but he must have better options than us as he is a class act and a noticably better player than the one that left us first time round. If we stay up (or not actually), he'll go with everyone's thanks.

Sutton - I'm a big fan of Sutts and let's face it, he has no pace to lose as he gets older so the only question is will we play in a system that he fits into - and based on the formula that we have hit on with 2 mobile forwards, then I would doubt it. I'll be quite happy if he stays though...

Ainsworth - I think we can only afford one luxury player and now that Vigurs is away, I'd be more than happy for us to keep Ainsworth and live with his maddening ability to combine top class finishes and assists with a huge spells of contributing nothing...Im would guess he wants to leave as he wasn't overly keen to stay for this season and given the amount of bench warming that he's done....

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With most of the out of contract players expected to leave plus the 4 loanees going it's gonna be a summer of upheaval for us which should be fun based on the January transfer window which was brilliant

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I still maintain that Vigurs is one of our best players tbh.

He certainly has a degree of ability about him but he's nothing special in my opinion. He is capable of the odd spectacular shot, the odd step over now and again but doesn't produce it often enough and is therefore a luxury we can't afford.

His biggest failing is his attitude. He comes across as a 'billy big baws' type but very rarely backs that up with his performances and effort on the pitch. He is, in my view, one of the most lazy, heartless players ever to play for us; a poor man's Brian Kerr with less ability but just as lazy.

Players like that are the last thing we need at Fir Park.

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So we're back to claiming Vigurs is great again?


To be fair, he was outstanding in the second half of last season. Granted, four months out of a two year contract isn't too good overall. I still think, in five years time, he'll be looked back upon as a good Motherwell player. Paul Lawson, on the other hand, may well go down as one of the worst signings in my lifetime. Considering the no doubt decent wages he'd be on, did he even get into double figures for appearances? Made of glass.

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Speaking of Brian Kerr, someone told me he owns the sandwich shop in Hamilton called "Kerrusts".

Please tell me this is true.

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"A poor mans brian kerr" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Indeed, sad as that is.

Like Kerr there is some ability in Iain Vigurs, though I thought Kerr had a good bit more, but also like Kerr he just doesn't seem to have the heart and drive when it really matters. Brian Kerr is, in my view, the most disappointing Motherwell player of the last 20 years as he did have a lot going for him ability wise but just wasnt interested. Vigurs is the same but on a lesser scale as he really isn't that good.

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Bad time to open this thread as it will be used as a festival of slagging when we get beat tonight :)

On this season - I reckon we'll finish 4th or 5th in the league (which I'd be perfectly happy with). I think Aberdeen will finish comfortably in 2nd place this time, Utd will be a little behind in 3rd - and it will be between St Johnstone and ourselves for 4th. One or two good signings (the wee rumour about Ojamaa would be amazing, even though it's totally unlikely) could make me more optimistic but I think we have enough to finish in the Top 6.

The cups are not really something you can predict - but you'd hope that we'd take any lower league team seriously after the Albion Rovers disaster. We're all crying out for a cup win - but we haven't really looked capable of that recently - so it's fingers crossed and nothing more.

It would be interesting to see how the support react if we do get a middling finish in the league after the 3rd-2nd-2nd of the past 3 years - we've got no right based on budget to expect a repeat but we all know what some of our supporters are like....


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Paul Lawson, on the other hand, may well go down as one of the worst signings in my lifetime.

That's a bit harsh considering the utter shite we've signed in the past. I remember when McLeish signed John Henry. And that Eddie May deal still rankles to this day. £200K, and John Philliben AND Stevie Kirk - mental!

Lawson is just unlucky that he is made of talc and feathers and has been injured for the vast majority of his 2 years. But I do wonder if that is related the poor training regimes that Hutchison commented on ages ago.

As for Vigurs, any player that comes to Motherwell and declares himself "shit hot" is doomed to fail.

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