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Does anyone here believe we can't use the pound?


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It seems that it is necessary to repeat some obvious truths.

The pound belongs to the whole of the UK, if the UK splits up no one part has more of a claim to it than the other part.

Very true Granny, however a yes vote means that we leave the UK, the UK still exists and they keep the pound.

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Who owns the pound?

Who owns the BOE?

The pound sterling is a medium of exchange.

The BOE is an independent public organisation, wholly owned by the treasury solicitor, in the event of a yes vote, we'd be entitled to approx 8% of the assets eg gold and currency reserves, but the pound itself isn't an asset.

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Wheras your argument is based on what you think.

In the event of a yes vote, they will likely transfer

then it's more than likely

in all likelyhood

but I wouldn't count on them

Ahhh my argument is based on what I think..!!

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ahh so you are telling me how to think and feel now..I must know my place, not think for myself...sorry your unionist bullying doesn't work with me

Not telling you how to do anything, just asking you to try thinking objectively for a change instead, I'll leave the bullying to the yes supporters, after all in the absence of facts it's all you have left.

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Not telling you how to do anything, just asking you to try thinking objectively for a change instead, I'll leave the bullying to the yes supporters, after all in the absence of facts it's all you have left.

Tell that to the pensioner who had his wrist broken and the woman kicked in the stomach in Argyle Street and the volunteers attacked and punched in Edinburgh. All Yes campaigners assaulted. Jim Murphy had an egg thrown at him and the guy was convicted within a fortnight. I don't see any of the Yes victims having their attackers arrested and convicted or the press covering it in the national media.

I think objectively enough thank you Do I want Scotland to be an Independent Country... Yes...until the day I die. objective enough for you.

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Tell that to the pensioner who had his wrist broken and the woman kicked in the stomach in Argyle Street and the volunteers attacked and punched in Edinburgh. All Yes campaigners assaulted. Jim Murphy had an egg thrown at him and the guy was convicted within a fortnight. I don't see any of the Yes victims having their attackers arrested and convicted or the press covering it in the national media.

I think objectively enough thank you Do I want Scotland to be an Independent Country... Yes...until the day I die. objective enough for you.

Evidence for the above please, oh and we are already an indepedent country.

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True, but I wouldn't count on them offsetting the losses, plus as they would have to be funded by taxation raised in solely in Scotland, they would only add to the current defecit, or result in cuts elsewhere, as would the costs of setting up those departments that are currently UK wide, which the SNP have massively underestimated by the way

As to the "too wee, too poor and too stupid", that only applies to those who seek separation, as they see themselves as small fish in a big pool, and think that a small pool will turn them into big fish. You need look no further than Tommy Sheridan and Alex Salmond for examples of this.

Can you answer these questions first of all:

Do you believe Scotland is a country?

Do you believe we could become independent and function reasonably successfully?

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Very true Granny, however a yes vote means that we leave the UK, the UK still exists and they keep the pound.

No. If we leave the UK then what is left is a different entity. Imagine a business partnership breaking up, or a couple breaking up. Each element of the formal relationship still exists but differently than before.

Maybe you don't understand this, maybe you are happy to believe (and peddle) the BT line. Maybe you do understand it yet prefer to say something different because it suits your political position.

Moly you will know.

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It seems that it is necessary to repeat some obvious truths.

The pound belongs to the whole of the UK, if the UK splits up no one part has more of a claim to it than the other part.

The UK isn't splitting up, Scotland is choosing to leave and not be part of it, do you think any of the main 3 parties will back down now they have said, "Scotland can't use the pound"?

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The UK isn't splitting up, Scotland is choosing to leave and not be part of it, do you think any of the main 3 parties will back down now they have said, "Scotland can't use the pound"?


Because at the end of the day it will come down to pragmatism.

It will also come down to business telling them that CU has to happen.

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The UK isn't splitting up, Scotland is choosing to leave and not be part of it, do you think any of the main 3 parties will back down now they have said, "Scotland can't use the pound"?

"Me and my wife aren't splitting up, she's just choosing to leave..."

To answer your question, yes I think they would back down. In the event of a YES vote the UK parliamentarians will not do anything that has an negative impact upon the Economy of its remaining component parts. It would be political suicide.

Scotland sells lots of goods and services to the rest of the UK, Scots also buy huge amounts of goods and services from the rest of the UK. No rUK government is going to do anything to affect that out of spite. And if they lost the argument spite would be their only motivation.

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In the event of a yes vote, they will likely transfer the head offices to London, with the subsequent loss of tax revenue and jobs to Scotland.


And using the pound without a CU means no EU membership.

Moving a brass plate doesn't lose jobs. How much, for instance, would it cost standard life for the same digs they have now but in London ? They have really good digs in Edinburgh. It would cost them a bomb to replicate that in London.

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Can you answer these questions first of all:

Do you believe Scotland is a country?

Do you believe we could become independent and function reasonably successfully?

Of course Scotland is a country.

We are already independent and functioning reasonably successfully, separation however will seriously jeopardise this.

Now that I've answered your q's here is mine.

Whats the difference between our current position and the position we'd be in as a small country within the EU, with none of the current opt outs?

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