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Salmond vs Darling: Round 2 (25th Aug)

Quentin Taranbino

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The NHS and some of the disgraceful scaremongering over it will be a big part of the debate tonight. The Yes scaremongering is starting to fall apart under scrutiny, with Salmond and Sturgeon being noted as showing support for the TTIP EU/US agreement which the Yes campaign claim is going to lead to the NHS being privatised. Then there are the laughable comments of Dr Whitford...

Unfortunately for Darling, Andy Burnham has been adopting the same disgraceful tactics of fear to try and stop people in marginal seats voting Tory in 2015. Attacking Salmond's nonsense over the NHS is therefore going to end up putting him on the spot - will he rubbish his own party? The best he can do is state Scotland's NHS is separate and any privatisation is the choice of the devolved government. He could also highlight the fact that NHS spending has been ring fenced from 'Tory cuts' and has actually increased. Dismissing some of the alarmist nonsense is going to be difficult for him thanks to Burnham.

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I really don't think it would be wise for Salmond to mention Iceland :lol:

I agree with the above though. I was a bit disappointed that they seem to have chunked up this debate into quarters, one of which was the economy. I know Salmond has already said "I made an arse of it last time... I want to have another go" but I can't see it being anything other than groundhog day.

What's wrong with Iceland ? They jailed the bankers and politicians and have had far better growth than most since the recession.

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Can you elaborate on this? How do you imagine it would be done?

Well, it would involve being less bogged down in the details of independence, and play more on the less tangible elements of it. The whole question of nationhood you see the thicker members of this board espouse that not being a sovereign state in some ways diminishes being Scottish.

Appeal to people on an emotional level, rather than a rational one.

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The NHS and some of the disgraceful scaremongering over it will be a big part of the debate tonight. The Yes scaremongering is starting to fall apart under scrutiny, with Salmond and Sturgeon being noted as showing support for the TTIP EU/US agreement which the Yes campaign claim is going to lead to the NHS being privatised. Then there are the laughable comments of Dr Whitford...

Unfortunately for Darling, Andy Burnham has been adopting the same disgraceful tactics of fear to try and stop people in marginal seats voting Tory in 2015. Attacking Salmond's nonsense over the NHS is therefore going to end up putting him on the spot - will he rubbish his own party? The best he can do is state Scotland's NHS is separate and any privatisation is the choice of the devolved government. He could also highlight the fact that NHS spending has been ring fenced from 'Tory cuts' and has actually increased. Dismissing some of the alarmist nonsense is going to be difficult for him thanks to Burnham.

Yeah, it's an interesting one, as I don't see either of them being on strong ground here.

I guess Salmond may hope that people will see the headlines and not actually look at the substance of them which as you say fall apart in a breeze.

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The broadcast will be split up into four sections....

SECTION ONE: Opening statements - Alex Salmond will go first, Alistair Darling second. (Mr Salmond won the coin toss and elected to go first).

SECTION TWO: The issues- The two men will debate four topics titled;

  1. Economy
  2. Scotland at Home
  3. Scotland in the World
  4. What Happens after the Vote

(Each will be introduced with a question from the audience.)

SECTION THREE: Cross-examination - Alistair Darling will go first, Alex Salmond second. (Mr Darling won the coin toss and elected to go first).

SECTION FOUR: Closing statements - Alex Salmond will go first, Alistair Darling second. (Mr Darling opted to go second).

Do you think they actually physically flipped a coin or just a computer randomly selection?

I'm getting to the heart of the big issues here

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