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Older No voters....


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Would not be too sure about that.

UK findings supported by the British Election Study, based on pre- and post-election surveys with voters and non-voters. Table One shows turnout at the 2010 general election.

Table One: Turnout by age group, 2010 UK general election

Age group Turnout

18-25 62%

26-35 68%

36-45 75%

46-55 82%

56-65 82%

65+ 89%

How many more have they got to vote?

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I'm not young, I hope the youngsters wake up and stop governments pandering to pensioners.

Look at DTED's stats above, the parties need to keep the oldies onside, they tend to vote more than the younger voters. Not saying that's the fairest approach but all the politicians are as bad as each other for doing whatever they can to win our votes.

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Look at DTED's stats above, the parties need to keep the oldies onside, they tend to vote more than the younger voters. Not saying that's the fairest approach but all the politicians are as bad as each other for doing whatever they can to win our votes.

I knew there was a higher turnout in older voters - just did not realise by how much - that's a significant difference.

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'What good is knowledge without wisdom and understanding ? Knowledge without experience is just information'. Dismiss the older No vote as selfish dinosaurs at your peril; it is they who will decide this referendum.

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'What good is knowledge without wisdom and understanding ? Knowledge without experience is just information'. Dismiss the older No vote as selfish dinosaurs at your peril; it is they who will decide this referendum.

Aye, a maximum of 27% of the electorate will decide it,idiot.

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You don't have to understand my mindset but at least respect the fact that I've looked into it and made a choice. You've come up with a list of reasons why you want to vote NO and fair enough. Whatever way the vote goes, there's going to be a fairly large minority that aren't happy, it's not like 95% one way or the other and I'm the loony in the 5%. I get that you're passionate about it but at least try and see it from the other side. We're all going to have to get along after the vote.

I'll be honest. In the event of a No vote, I'll have a hard time "getting along" with anyone who I know has voted No.

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I'll be honest. In the event of a No vote, I'll have a hard time "getting along" with anyone who I know has voted No.

At the risk of offence, you really need to get over this, I get that you're passionate about it but what can you do ? If you start raging at people who voted differently to you you're going to come across as a bit of a loon, whatever way it goes you're talking about 40-49% (probably) not getting their way, so if it goes against you, you'll just have to 'suck it up', you can still campaign for an independent Scotland but I think most people will be sick of it all for a while. You'll understand if I don't wish you luck. :P

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Old people have more invested in their pensions and houses (and are thus slightly more likely to listen to scaremongering regarding said things) and rely far more on traditional media sources than young folk. Every single poll in the history of the world has shown old people to be typically more conservative than young people. I don't see what's apparently so difficult to understand about this.

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You don't have to understand my mindset but at least respect the fact that I've looked into it and made a choice. You've come up with a list of reasons why you want to vote NO and fair enough. Whatever way the vote goes, there's going to be a fairly large minority that aren't happy, it's not like 95% one way or the other and I'm the loony in the 5%. I get that you're passionate about it but at least try and see it from the other side. We're all going to have to get along after the vote.

This attitude does my head in. I think it translates as ' I want to vote Yes but I'm scared to really.' I'm more than happy for any No voter to quiz me all day about my support for Yes, but try and turn the tables for a minute and have a debate and you're instantly met with 'just respect my decision.' If you're going to vote No, do it having researched all the facts and if you have done that give a reason other than 'I'm not convinced about what Yes say.' Why are you not convinced by them but are convinced by No?

Apologies for you bearing the brunt of this but it's been annoying me for a while. I suspect you won't answer.

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My eldery Grandad was a No until recently but he saw the light.

Not sure about my other Grandparents but they barely leave the house and are in and out of hospital every five minutes so I doubt they're giving much of a toss about the referendum tbh.

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This attitude does my head in. I think it translates as ' I want to vote Yes but I'm scared to really.' I'm more than happy for any No voter to quiz me all day about my support for Yes, but try and turn the tables for a minute and have a debate and you're instantly met with 'just respect my decision.' If you're going to vote No, do it having researched all the facts and if you have done that give a reason other than 'I'm not convinced about what Yes say.' Why are you not convinced by them but are convinced by No?

Apologies for you bearing the brunt of this but it's been annoying me for a while. I suspect you won't answer.

First off I'm not a YES but too scared, as it stands I'm a categorical NO. I like to stay open minded and to the best of my abilities look at things from both sides. I'm not so blinkered that I can't foresee a time when my opinion MAY change for whatever reason which leads me onto your second issue with my post. You claim that some (in this case me) give it "just respect my decision" well apart from that being a fair stance in itself, I don't have to justify to you why I would vote one way or another but maybe the thought of bantering backwards and forwards the various merits of it doesn't appeal to me. I might not feel as passionately about it or I might lack the confidence to debate it, you can't realistically expect everyone you 'question' on it to drop what they're doing to toss it back and forth with you. I have to say though in this case, I've given a lot of my reasons on the various threads on here for the last couple of weeks and really can't be arsed repeating them. Oh and apart from the absolute wealth of information on this sub forum, I've managed to look at one or two other things, probably all NAW propaganda of course but again, if I flipped a coin before voting that would be my choice.

Your approach to this seems a bit naive to me TBH, as I said to Confi, it doesn't matter how passionate YOU feel about this others might not want to discuss it with someone who they may think is evangelical on a subject that they're only moderately interested in.

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First off I'm not a YES but too scared, as it stands I'm a categorical NO. I like to stay open minded and to the best of my abilities look at things from both sides. I'm not so blinkered that I can't foresee a time when my opinion MAY change for whatever reason which leads me onto your second issue with my post. You claim that some (in this case me) give it "just respect my decision" well apart from that being a fair stance in itself, I don't have to justify to you why I would vote one way or another but maybe the thought of bantering backwards and forwards the various merits of it doesn't appeal to me. I might not feel as passionately about it or I might lack the confidence to debate it, you can't realistically expect everyone you 'question' on it to drop what they're doing to toss it back and forth with you. I have to say though in this case, I've given a lot of my reasons on the various threads on here for the last couple of weeks and really can't be arsed repeating them. Oh and apart from the absolute wealth of information on this sub forum, I've managed to look at one or two other things, probably all NAW propaganda of course but again, if I flipped a coin before voting that would be my choice.

Your approach to this seems a bit naive to me TBH, as I said to Confi, it doesn't matter how passionate YOU feel about this others might not want to discuss it with someone who they may think is evangelical on a subject that they're only moderately interested in.

I think what's needed here is a "passionometer". Based on my rabid fervour for a Yes vote, I should be awarded 5 votes, whereas for your mild quasi-apathy, you should score half a vote.

Yes would cruise it even more than we're going to in that case!


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I think what's needed here is a "passionometer". Based on my rabid fervour for a Yes vote, I should be awarded 5 votes, whereas for your mild quasi-apathy, you should score half a vote.

Yes would cruise it even more than we're going to in that case!


You could patent it and make a couple of quid too.

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I've got a mate like this as well - a firm No, but utterly unwilling to share why. Completely infuriating.

If that's for me Thumper, feel free to swing through the various threads over the last couple of weeks to see my views, as I posted, just because a member of the 'JA' gestapo demand to 'see my papers' as it were, it doesn't mean I'm not going to get bored with it after a while. For what its worth, when I've chatted to a couple of YES voters I know, one of whom is a good friend, they've clammed up themselves so its not all one way.

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At the risk of offence, you really need to get over this, I get that you're passionate about it but what can you do ? If you start raging at people who voted differently to you you're going to come across as a bit of a loon, whatever way it goes you're talking about 40-49% (probably) not getting their way, so if it goes against you, you'll just have to 'suck it up', you can still campaign for an independent Scotland but I think most people will be sick of it all for a while. You'll understand if I don't wish you luck. :P

I sympathise with Confi's passion and can understand it. I was in my mid 20's when Thatcher came to power and had to endure 10+ years of a Tory government that the people of Scotland didn't vote for.

I saw at first hand the effects of Thatcher's policies at a time where my personal economic circumstances meant my family and I personally suffered.

I'm now enduring a Cameron government that the people of Scotland didn't vote for. My economic circumstances are completely different and I'm not directly affected by things like the bedroom tax or the other attacks on the social fabric of society. However, since I'm not a selfish b*****d, they still concern me.

The idea that NO voters could consign us to further episodes of this makes me angry.

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I sympathise with Confi's passion and can understand it. I was in my mid 20's when Thatcher came to power and had to endure 10+ years of a Tory government that the people of Scotland didn't vote for.

I saw at first hand the effects of Thatcher's policies at a time where my personal economic circumstances meant my family and I personally suffered.

I'm now enduring a Cameron government that the people of Scotland didn't vote for. My economic circumstances are completely different and I'm not directly affected by things like the bedroom tax or the other attacks on the social fabric of society. However, since I'm not a selfish b*****d, they still concern me.

The idea that NO voters could consign us to further episodes of this makes me angry.

You beautiful old b*****d, I owe you a Charles x

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I sympathise with Confi's passion and can understand it. I was in my mid 20's when Thatcher came to power and had to endure 10+ years of a Tory government that the people of Scotland didn't vote for.

I saw at first hand the effects of Thatcher's policies at a time where my personal economic circumstances meant my family and I personally suffered.

I'm now enduring a Cameron government that the people of Scotland didn't vote for. My economic circumstances are completely different and I'm not directly affected by things like the bedroom tax or the other attacks on the social fabric of society. However, since I'm not a selfish b*****d, they still concern me.

The idea that NO voters could consign us to further episodes of this makes me angry.

I get what you're saying GD, and as I've posted somewhere in this tangle of threads, I voted SNP in 92 because I was heartfelt sick of the Tories but it doesn't have to follow that I now have to think the same 20 odd years later (I am still heartfelt sick of the Tories though TBF). Weighing up the UK V 'what I believe to be the alternative' (its not very clear) I've gone for the status quo, I don't know about you but the current Tories aren't a patch on the Thatcher Tories and what with the whole world wide recession affecting everyone I've decided to not go for what is (basically) the SNP option. That doesn't mean I'm dead set against the idea of an independent Scotland just that I don't fancy what's on offer.

Trying to take the moral high ground by implying that anyone who disagree's is selfish is a bit churlish, I'm getting bored of repeating myself but I WILL BE FINE EITHER WAY, I'M VOTING FOR WHAT I THINK WILL BENEFIT OTHERS. You may disagree with my view, fair enough but there does seem to be a 'Saint Diana' smugness about a lot of YES voters who are voting YES for the 'poor'. Do you really think that all the people who vote NAW are all selfish and uncaring ? I know its easier to make it all goodies and baddies but come on, just accept that people see a different way to the same (or at least not totally dissimilar) end.

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