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BT's advert there..

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Taken from elsewhere. Sums it up fairly well.

"The No Thanks advert isn't the best, agreed, but it could have been scripted by Joss Whedon, directed by Ridley Scott, starring Leonardo Di Caprio & Scarlet Johansson... Had Steven Spielberg & Martin Scorsese as Executive Producers and still taken the same amount of criticism by the Yessers... They just object to anything not agreeing with their cause..."

When trying to defend something, I've always found that taking an extreme example is always the best way to debunk it's criticism.

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Taken from elsewhere. Sums it up fairly well.

"The No Thanks advert isn't the best, agreed, but it could have been scripted by Joss Whedon, directed by Ridley Scott, starring Leonardo Di Caprio & Scarlet Johansson... Had Steven Spielberg & Martin Scorsese as Executive Producers and still taken the same amount of criticism by the Yessers... They just object to anything not agreeing with their cause..."

That does't sum it up at all and if you think that is "fair" then I would question your ability to objectify and analyse.

The No camp had the opportunity to be positive, remove the shackles of the Project Fear accusations and put forward a positive and progressive message for retaining the union. They didn't. They attacked and insulted, demeaned and belittled, patronised and scare mongered.

The opportunity was there to show the benefits, instead they only centred on the negatives, and that is before you even look at the way the advert was delivered.

The message is clear, the No vote fucked this opportunity completely. They chose fear, not hope.

What is the phrase? A bad workman blames his tools. Well that is the perfect response to your so called "fair" summary. If you seriously cannot see why people would be against the No advert beyond political allegiances then you are an incredibly obtuse man.

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A few months back Aberdeen Better Together's facebook page ran with keeping women in the dark about the issues. A post that was taken down.

I can only assume their tactics for the female population was 'keem em stupid, then scare them'.

BT's "campaign" has followed a strict and rigid plan from day one. Despite their cinema ad NHS lies being rubbished they are still spreading the same garbage in public meetings. Their disdain for female voters (non-Yes) remains. Darling was even reading from pre-prepared scripts on Monday, rehashing old, old ground covered not only that night but in the previous debate.

Does anyone know when the patronising advert was concieved? I would not be surprised if it had been recorded months ago.

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The Yes campaign are rightfully slaughtering this advert. I genuinely believe that this advert and the debate have put Yes into the driving seat at the right time. I'm seeing a solid number of people chance from either No or Undecided on to Yes. You genuinely have to question where the polls are at for now, especially given that there hasn't been one since either events have happened.

I'm completely impartial about it at the moment. But that's just my two cents. I get the feeling that Cameron coming to Scotland isn't exactly going to aid the situation.

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Sandra Grieve, former convener of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, told the Guardian that the advert had finally convinced her to vote yes.

"It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I was a very clear no," said Grieve, who was a member of the Scottish Constitutional Convention which developed the framework for devolution, "but I've been increasingly uncomfortable with what I experience as a condescending smugness from Better Together."

"When I watched it I felt like I'd been transported back to the 1950s. I found it really shocking that we would portray a woman in 2014 who didn't know the name of Scotland's first minister and left all her political thinking for her husband to do."

Grieve, who says she remains a committed liberal despite her switch to supporting independence, added: "The camera shots of her wedding ring seemed out of touch with the many social arrangements we enjoy in modern Scotland, and the subliminal message of 'staying together for the kids' made me feel a bit sick!"

I suspect she won't be alone.

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Taken from elsewhere. Sums it up fairly well.

"The No Thanks advert isn't the best, agreed, but it could have been scripted by Joss Whedon, directed by Ridley Scott, starring Leonardo Di Caprio & Scarlet Johansson... Had Steven Spielberg & Martin Scorsese as Executive Producers and still taken the same amount of criticism by the Yessers... They just object to anything not agreeing with their cause..."

Conjuring up a situation that will never, ever, ever, ever happen and spinning it against the Yes camp is idiotic.

I can imagine the version with Scarlet Johansson has her battling YES ninjas who invade the kitchen and threaten to turn off the kettle.

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And in the same fashion the British Nationalists could have posted a steaming turd with the caption 'Scotland post Independence' for 2 and a half minutes and some would have still defended it.

I didn't defend it. I haven't seen it so I cannot defend or criticise it.

My point was that the post I copied summed up the attitude of many in the yes campaign in that no matter what was broadcast there would be a considerable criticism from those on the yes side.

Reasoned debate is often in short supply, that's particularly clear on these boards in my opinion.

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I didn't defend it. I haven't seen it so I cannot defend or criticise it.


My point was that the post I copied summed up the attitude of many in the yes campaign in that no matter what was broadcast there would be a considerable criticism from those on the yes side.

Reasoned debate is often in short supply, that's particularly clear on these boards in my opinion.

You should probably watch it. There's a link on the first page. Then come back and tell us what you think.

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I didn't defend it. I haven't seen it so I cannot defend or criticise it.

My point was that the post I copied summed up the attitude of many in the yes campaign in that no matter what was broadcast there would be a considerable criticism from those on the yes side.

Reasoned debate is often in short supply, that's particularly clear on these boards in my opinion.

So, you're criticising the Yes voters for indiscriminatingly criticising everything, without knowing whether or not this specific criticism is valid?

Superb. Wheres my cereal?

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My point was that the post I copied summed up the attitude of many in the yes campaign in that no matter what was broadcast there would be a considerable criticism from those on the yes side.

It's a good job then isn't it that what was broadcast was a piece of patronising, sexist fluff aimed at a market who are more intelligent than BTUKOK bargained for.

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Right. I suppose bumping along in the northern league or the third division isn't much different. I guess your games would be more local so probably a good incentive.

The Scottish league would be more local for away games, part of the reason we started off in this league anyway.

We'd probably sit around Conference North or Northern Premier. We're better than Blyth who are Northern Premier. Advantages are 20+ team leagues as opposed to 10 team leagues and you can drink on the terraces. Disadvantages include away games in Grantham, Halesowen and Stourbridge.

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I didn't defend it. I haven't seen it so I cannot defend or criticise it.

My point was that the post I copied summed up the attitude of many in the yes campaign in that no matter what was broadcast there would be a considerable criticism from those on the yes side.

Reasoned debate is often in short supply, that's particularly clear on these boards in my opinion.

^^^^^ BT woman's Paul.

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Reasoned debate is often in short supply, that's particularly clear on these boards in my opinion.

The sort of reasoned debate where people actually watch campaign ads before offering their opinion?

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I didn't defend it. I haven't seen it so I cannot defend or criticise it.

My point was that the post I copied summed up the attitude of many in the yes campaign in that no matter what was broadcast there would be a considerable criticism from those on the yes side.

Reasoned debate is often in short supply, that's particularly clear on these boards in my opinion.

It really is that bad though. However talking 'reasoned debate' about something you've not even watched?! *shakes head*

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