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BT's advert there..

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Apparently, going by some of the Bitter's social media warriors, the reason people are finding this broadcast as daft, patronising or sexist is because it reflects what women are saying and that the Yes camp are the sexist ones for stopping their message being heard.

You can almost feel the heat from their spin doctors furiously working away.

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Apparently, going by some of the Bitter's social media warriors, the reason people are finding this broadcast as daft, patronising or sexist is because it reflects what women are saying and that the Yes camp are the sexist ones for stopping their message being heard.

Can I take a guess and say the people who are making such claims are not women?

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Can I take a guess and say the people who are making such claims are not women?

Well you could take the word of Torygraph blogger and woman, Emma Barnett.


Basically she is saying there is nothing sexist about the ad, which to be honest I found it more patronising than sexist but there you go, it was just very dull.

In the video we see a harassed mum having a cuppa at home, while her husband (Paul – whose table chat sounds like it seriously stinks) and children are out. She is enjoying a rare moment of peace, we, the bored public, are duly informed. And then she proceeds to mull over whether to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the Scottish referendum – again a topic which must be lighting up verbal exchanges in houses up and down that bonny stretch of land.

Make of that summary as you wish.

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Wish this was out a few days earlier just before the live TV debate the other night. That would have been fantastic television seeing woman riot inside Kelvingrove, flinging 400 year old paintings at Darling.

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He doesn't declare his position on butteries v rowies clear so he has failed to convince me.

Your mental min its a buttrie or since im fae the bloo toon its a cookie :lol:

Aye, cookie to me too.

The f**k?


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It's definitely more patronising than explicitly sexist.

Think of them actually putting that together though. The decision to target undecided women would've came first at a strategic level. The next step in a marketing campaign is to then establish how that target audience is portrayed. By giving us a vacuous, proudly ignorant idiot who makes snap decisions based on literally nothing but fear, they show what they think of women and all of us really.

The one before that wasn't all that much better tbh. Just about 5 minutes of people saying they don't hate England. Better Together just do not get this whole thing one single bit. If it's a No vote, it'll be totally in spite of these morons.

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As a wumman, Mrs M, what's your take on BTUKOK's attempt at winning over Scotland's ladyvote?

Patronising nonsense. As if I've got time during the day to address the camera in my kitchen while I'm having a cup of tea.

I'm too busy playing Wink Bingo.

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As a serious answer though, it's offensive to suggest women aren't able to make an informed decision, especially since we're all too busy getting cereal and doing the housework. It's offensive to anyone considering voting "yes", suggesting that we're gambling with our children's future. It STILL doesn't mention the benefits of remaining in the union, it gives no information whatsoever to anyone trying to make a decision and it seems to be relying on the "better the devil you know" adage to the point that surely that's what they should have called their campaign, rather than "Better Together" which is, at best, completely untested and unproven.

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