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BT's advert there..

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Am I to understand that the BBC found someone to analyze this on Scotland 2014 last night who a) was a woman, b) was not directly employed by Better Together and c) thought it was a good advert?

This is an absolute fucking gift.

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And yet, BT has a track history of utterly embarrassing videos:

Is it a roll n sausage, a sausage roll or a roll n slice?

I think this could swing it either way.

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Is it a roll n sausage, a sausage roll or a roll n slice?

I think this could swing it either way.

I am sure the student is shocked at the Scottish governments policy on tuition fees and works hard every year to make an equivalent donation to his learning institution.

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Am I to understand that the BBC found someone to analyze this on Scotland 2014 last night who a) was a woman, b) was not directly employed by Better Together and c) thought it was a good advert?

This is an absolute fucking gift.

My wife's immediate reaction was "what the fcuk", obviously she's not representative of the entire female population.

I think they've inadvertently employed a member of the National Collective, there's just no way anyone really wanting a NO could produce that with the expectation of it helping their case.

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I'm still convinced the roll and sausage video is a spoof by indy supporters. It has to be.

If it was in isolation you could perhaps put it down as a badly judged video. However after being roundly berated for it, the piece (and sausage!) was unceremoniously taken down from their website. Not too soon as it didn't reach the masses though.

However roll on to now and you have #patronisingBTLady giving it big licks.

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She starts the video with "Best time of the day when the kids are out to school and I get some piece and quiet"

Have a look at the time on her watch.

I did actually spot the watch, it's 6:50 (ish). I suppose that isn't that far off the mark although it is pretty early for the kids and husband to leave, but then I think we all know why they are desperate to get out of her company.

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She starts the video with "Best time of the day when the kids are out to school and I get some piece and quiet"

Have a look at the time on her watch.

She obviously hates the kids and her husband.

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In unrelated news, a man and his two children were found murdered in their Glasgow home last night. The man, identified only as "Paul" died of massive internal injuries as a large spoon was inserted in his rectum. He was found on the kitchen floor, covered in cereal and milk.

The children received blunt force traumas to the heads. Police took the murder weapons - believed to be smartphones - for forensic examination.

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I'm convinced that Better Together are either deliberately trying to lose the vote with having Alistair Darling and multiple atrocious broadcasts or that they are having a bet to see how badly they can run a campaign and still somehow win. With the amount of experienced politicians, funding, spin doctors and media influence they must surely know what they are putting out is dreadful.

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She starts the video with "Best time of the day when the kids are out to school and I get some piece and quiet"

Have a look at the time on her watch.

My Mrs said "f**k off" to that comment. She then called the woman in the video a "fucking clown".

I love her.

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as a no voter , i have to say better together are an absoloute pile of shite at times. who honestly goes through all the stages of planning, casting and filming these adverts thinking all along they are a great idea? utter pish.

It reminded me of some of the bad ones that Sugar slaughtered on The Apprentice, that person usually had the finger pointed at them b4 the trigger was fired.

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