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I was standing about 10 feet from “Section Dee” on Saturday.

Was a boring pre season game but one of the older lads - I’d assume some sort of ring leader - didn’t watch any more than 10 mins of the game all in. Leaned on the stand wall, directly behind the goal, facing into the stand. Seemed more interested in making sure the younger kids knew he was bigger than them…

Most of them disappeared early in first half and never came back until right near the end - drum wasn’t really used over the match - all seemed a bit pointless.

Was at a few away games last year and enjoyed the atmosphere they brought tbh so not dead against them - but to me it looked like a bunch of laddies who were not overly interested in the football yesterday. 

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On 29/06/2024 at 21:17, Dundee-FC92 said:

That's my final 11 on the current crop and nobody is worried (not me anyway) - just pointing out what needs to be done.

Robertson garbage and against any top six opponent looks like a child on the pitch with his lack of pace. Being good on the ball isn't good enough I'm afraid. The both of them should be wanting to go and make something of their careers too. Same applies to Kerr but he'll be more than happy to pick up a wage after his spell at ICT probably hit home what his talents can bring to a side in the leagues below (not very much).

Thank you.

while harsh, but its true - I agree with you. Enoughs a enough, if they hit some sort of development then great all the best at a new club,

Lyle is miles ahead of Finn. Finn will probably go on to have a career at a decent level, but isn't good enough right now for Dundee. 

Kerr can win many a 50/50, however has terrible feet, can't pass, head, its ok being a great lad, professional, but his time has past now. he is only here because Nelms liked him, and what has committed to the club in the past. (loyalty contract that was!)

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2 hours ago, Der Panzer said:

I was standing about 10 feet from “Section Dee” on Saturday.

Was a boring pre season game but one of the older lads - I’d assume some sort of ring leader - didn’t watch any more than 10 mins of the game all in. Leaned on the stand wall, directly behind the goal, facing into the stand. Seemed more interested in making sure the younger kids knew he was bigger than them…

Most of them disappeared early in first half and never came back until right near the end - drum wasn’t really used over the match - all seemed a bit pointless.

Was at a few away games last year and enjoyed the atmosphere they brought tbh so not dead against them - but to me it looked like a bunch of laddies who were not overly interested in the football yesterday. 

It was pre-season game - they never are that interesting. I agree on all your points. If there is a general consensus that this is detrimental to the club, then just like what happened when the Raith lad got attacked by pars fans, then there needs to be a stance from Dundee FC and the police. Dee will likely have CCTV on them at games working with police.

the main issue is this is not just a dundee problem, it appears to be a scottish football problem, that despite CCTV and police presence, social media (and maybe thats the problem too) - the whole casual experience is re-igniting. however I have seen far worse living in glasgow - blades bottles, and fights on OF day in maryhill and west end.

Lets hope not for the sake of the kids and the future, but its an issue that needs to be addressed tho.

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21 hours ago, peebles_Dee said:

I hope they understand how unwanted they are.

They are not unwanted by every fan though.  Whether you like it or not they have made the atmosphere at Dens much better. 

Got to remember when chatting with  11 and 12yo kids online that they are young immature bairns!!

Saw something on Twitter the other month when a grown man got upset because he got told by the young ones to f**k off when he told the bairns to sing more!!

Stealing flags etc is what every young ' Ultras ' team do.  Yes it's pathetic but it's not just a Dundee problem. 

To compare these kids to the actual hooligans of the 80's is so over the top.

These young kids will just turn out like the rest of us rather then the recreation of the Chelsea Headhunters.


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9 minutes ago, Derryboy62 said:

They are not unwanted by every fan though.  Whether you like it or not they have made the atmosphere at Dens much better. 

Got to remember when chatting with  11 and 12yo kids online that they are young immature bairns!!

Saw something on Twitter the other month when a grown man got upset because he got told by the young ones to f**k off when he told the bairns to sing more!!

Stealing flags etc is what every young ' Ultras ' team do.  Yes it's pathetic but it's not just a Dundee problem. 

To compare these kids to the actual hooligans of the 80's is so over the top.

These young kids will just turn out like the rest of us rather then the recreation of the Chelsea Headhunters.


Some of them are 11 and 12. There are ones that are old enough to know better and they are the ones that the younger group copies. 

We were all daft and young once, so I'm conscious of not going in too hard on them, but if you let things go then they will just keep doing more and more. It isn't just a Dundee problem but that doesn't mean it is to be taken lightly, doesn't take much for one group to try and out-do another then all of a sudden someone is seriously hurt. 

You can create a good atmosphere without being a wee fanny and that is what needs to be driven in to them. Otherwise they're basically going to spoil their own fun with the club breaking it apart.

Football generally is the breeding ground for people to think they can do whatever they like and get away with it. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these were the ones involved in throwing fireworks at police and setting peoples property on fire in Dundee. 

There will probably come a point where they find out they only had themselves to blame.

Cap the nonsense and get on with doing the positive things.

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Agree with most of what’s already been posted. We can’t have them causing trouble at games whether home or away but I have to say that without the atmosphere they create, dens would go back to being a morgue on a Saturday afternoon.

The fact there is now an atmosphere at games is one of the main motivators I had when deciding to buy my first season ticket since I was 14 (I’m now mid 30’s). 

It is certainly not a Dundee only problem, we were abused by a bunch of balaclava wearing neds down at Kilmarnock last season, it’s everywhere.

Hope the young lads can rein it in a bit and continue to support the team. 

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On 30/06/2024 at 11:35, peebles_Dee said:

I want to highlight again how much of an embarrassment “Section Dee” are to the club.

After the game yesterday a group of the 11/12 year old Ultras with the stupid black jumpers and balaclavas that are laughable stole the flags after chasing them down the streets. 

On repeat occasions they have caused trouble only against smaller teams because they are easily intimidated obviously because of how young they are. They were the cause of the young Dundee being scarred for life by the flare and it could have been a lot worse for him.


I’m relatively young and like the atmosphere at the away games and the chants everyone knows but this lot yet continue to sing about smoking Marajuana and taking Cocaine. In fair ness they will learn about Drugs when they get to around primary 5. 

The chants they come up with are terrible and that drum is so annoying. Only about 5 of them know it and they mumble it. It’s made me go to the main stand for some games to avoid it. They are trying to be like the Union bears or Red Star Belgrade ultras but if I’m an opposing fan or player am I f**k intimidating by that I’m pishing my self laughing at how embarrassing they are. 

The young fan that got injured you could tell was a true fan that is knowledgeable about the club at such a young age and he tries to bring an atmosphere but the rest go for the trouble. People will say yes but they are young, but it doesn’t matter as they will have the bug for bullying others and the adrenaline from shitting themselves to someone stronger. I’ve seen many ultras in they’re 30s fighting and I predict our youth will grow to be one of the most thuggish set of fans in Scotland. 

I guarantee they are pushing fans away from Dens and away games. The young fan could have easily decided that he didn’t want to risk going back to games after the incident and it could have happened to any other fan. Older fans also have been put off from going to the games. I hope that young Arbroath fan group are ok and continue going to games as I respect them for supporting their local and they were harmless and having a good time.

I hope we ban these bullies.



We need them to meet up with our wee fannies and they can have a pwopper pavement dance off 😛

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15 minutes ago, Torfason said:

We need them to meet up with our wee fannies and they can have a pwopper pavement dance off 😛

Think that's been done, your fannies stole the drum off our fannies, 

No Toryism here, but I think a year in the army/marching around/regimented discipline would probably be the making of them.IMO.

Thank you.

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58 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Think that's been done, your fannies stole the drum off our fannies, 

No Toryism here, but I think a year in the army/marching around/regimented discipline would probably be the making of them.IMO.

Thank you.

Probably improve the drumming too! 

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3 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Think that's been done, your fannies stole the drum off our fannies, 

No Toryism here, but I think a year in the army/marching around/regimented discipline would probably be the making of them.IMO.

Thank you.

It's quite something. Our fannies stole your fannies' drum and posted bragging about it online. Your fannies lamented about how our fannies stole said drum from young children and they weren't hard for doing so.

In turn, your fannies steal flags from Arbroath children - proving decisively that there is no honour among thieves or fannies.

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Just now, djchapsticks said:

It's quite something. Our fannies stole your fannies' drum and posted bragging about it online. Your fannies lamented about how our fannies stole said drum from young children and they weren't hard for doing so.

In turn, your fannies steal flags from Arbroath children - proving decisively that there is no honour among thieves or fannies.

Your fannies turned our fannies into proper fannies.

The big question is, who turned your lot of fannies into fannies?

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2 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Your fannies turned our fannies into proper fannies.

The big question is, who turned your lot of fannies into fannies?

A lot of our fannies inexplicably and very embarrassingly hang about with Falkirk's fannies. Creating some wee weird alliance that most of the rest of us are baffled by.

So I'd say those fannies might be to blame.

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Been drinking & taking strong painkillers in advance of visiting the dentist tomorrow for 5 filling but this debate (including the the return of National Service) has been going on since I was a teenager following Fergie's Furies back in the 70s.

I suspect I'll be reading the same sorta posts 20 years from now once I'm dead - the youth of today, huh not like we were.

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