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How will I personally benefit by voting "yes"?


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I was recently asked by my mother, "why should I vote yes? How will I personally benefit in an independant Scotland?" And I had no reply.

We live in the islands and she has 2 other sons, one of whome lives in england. She asked me why she should want to vote yes when, in her view, she is quite happy the way things are in her day-to-day life.

She will be voting "no" unless she can be persuaded that her life will change for the better.

All views are welcome please!

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If people are only going to vote for personal gain then they might as well vote No because thats what No is all about the greed of the few over the needs of the many. I am sure your wee maw is brilliant but a wee shift in her perspective is needed.

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If she's happy enough in her day-to-day life, she'll likely vote no.

It's a basic of democracy, though, that, if the people of a country find the government unsatisfactory, they can vote that government out. That doesn't apply to Scottish people at the moment, though - it doesn't seem to matter who Scottish people vote for. If you mum is at all interested in changing that, then she could vote yes.

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Personal gains isn't what indy is about. Assuming your mother has some semblance of compassion, does she not want to live in a country with opportunities, growth and vision compared to a broken union where rich people getting richer is valued more than the populace being warm, housed and fed?

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