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Referendum night. Expected results


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East Lothian will be a resounding No. It has the perfect no mix of having many Edinburgh professionals (lawyers, accountants etc.) who commute, plenty of farmers, old mining towns containing the real hard core Labour vote and places like North Berwick and Gullane which probably votes Tory in GEs. 35% - 65% wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

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East Lothian will be a resounding No. It has the perfect no mix of having many Edinburgh professionals (lawyers, accountants etc.) who commute, plenty of farmers, old mining towns containing the real hard core Labour vote and places like North Berwick which probably votes Tory in GEs. 35% - 65% wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

I'd be surprised and pleased if MIdlothian is a yes vote.

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If Edinburgh and Glasgow come in like I expect them to then I'll never defend Edinburgh and its people in an Edinburgh v Glasgow debate ever again.

Weegies all the way.

That said I expect a no from Edinburgh but not a huge one. I went on a big walk the other day and even posh areas like Stockbridge, Davidson Mains and Cramond have plenty of yes sticker around. I think the less posh areas will be mainly yes and it'll be around 45% yes, 55% yes.

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If Edinburgh and Glasgow come in like I expect them to then I'll never defend Edinburgh and its people in an Edinburgh v Glasgow debate ever again.

Weegies all the way.

That said I expect a no from Edinburgh but not a huge one. I went on a big walk the other day and even posh areas like Stockbridge, Davidson Mains and Cramond have plenty of yes sticker around. I think the less posh areas will be mainly yes and it'll be around 45% yes, 55% yes.

I think Edinburgh will surprise you

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I think Edinburgh will surprise you

To be fair, if it was 45% then that isn't a bad return for the yes campaign, considering how many posh people there are and how much these supposed "dey took er jerbs" stories are aimed directly at Edinburgh.

I just think deep down that most of the people in the modest parts of Edinburgh are good c***s, which makes me think it won't be a huge no victory. Put it this way, as someone who isn't that optimistic of a yes win, I expect more yesses in Edinburgh and Glasgow combined than no's. I have a feeling Glasgow will be yes by a mile, hence my original comment.

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If Edinburgh and Glasgow come in like I expect them to then I'll never defend Edinburgh and its people in an Edinburgh v Glasgow debate ever again.

Weegies all the way.

That said I expect a no from Edinburgh but not a huge one. I went on a big walk the other day and even posh areas like Stockbridge, Davidson Mains and Cramond have plenty of yes sticker around. I think the less posh areas will be mainly yes and it'll be around 45% yes, 55% yes.

I'd take that.

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Not overly surprised by the low score of the Highlands. That said, I do believe it will be higher than a "2". There's a growing distrust of Westminster around some people in Inverness thanks to Danny Alexander (who will likely be booted out in 2015, with or without a Yes vote). There's a lot of No voting old folks up here. Fergus Ewing claims to have based his opposition to gay marriage on the views of his constituents. I think Kennedy's popularity might, unfortunately, bag a significant number of No votes in Ross-Shire and Lochaber.

BetterTogether "canvassed" Inverness and said that they found very little support for Yes. However, their sample was a few houses around the Crown area - it has more No Thanks signs in windows than anywhere else I've seen. Letters to the Inverness Courier have mostly been from No voters (mostly poorly informed nonsense). David Coburn also appeared to be welcomed by some on a recent visit with Danny Alexander - however they weren't out on the High Street for particularly long, whereas the Yes stalls have had a lot of attention over a longer period of time.

I have concerns over the Highlands. At the moment I'm saying it's probably going to be a No vote but not by much.

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I'd be happy to hand the capital reigns to Dundeh.

I've only learned two things from this debate, Norway shares a border with Russia and Dundonians are sound c***s.

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If Edinburgh and Glasgow come in like I expect them to then I'll never defend Edinburgh and its people in an Edinburgh v Glasgow debate ever again.

Weegies all the way.

That said I expect a no from Edinburgh but not a huge one. I went on a big walk the other day and even posh areas like Stockbridge, Davidson Mains and Cramond have plenty of yes sticker around. I think the less posh areas will be mainly yes and it'll be around 45% yes, 55% yes.

why does everyone basre thoughts on an area on how many posters a particular area has of a side either way. Its the most idiotic way to infer how somewhere will vote...
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Brown tried to save RAF Leuchars, not that far away from you.

The Tories were having none of it and shut it down anyway.

Tories don't give a sh!t about Scotland.

How literate are you?

I am asking about the 13 years of Labour government when Brown was at the heart of the decision making.

Is that so difficult to understand?

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why does everyone basre thoughts on an area on how many posters a particular area has of a side either way. Its the most idiotic way to infer how somewhere will vote...

I suppose asking 1000 out of 5million is a better way of finding out how the vote will go.

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No voters ask yourself, have better together supplied us with any figures suggesting we are better together?

All I ever see is scaremongering stories saying why we would be better.

Is it a case of the figures they have would actually help support the yes campaign.

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Is Falkirk really that strong? Surprised by that in all honesty.

I drove round Grangemouth yesterday and then headed up to Falkirk to pick my wife up from work and did not see one No Thanks/No banner in any house windows. Its wall to wall YES stickers and posters :)

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No voters ask yourself, have better together supplied us with any figures suggesting we are better together?

All I ever see is scaremongering stories saying why we would be better.

Is it a case of the figures they have would actually help support the yes campaign.

There have not been reasons given. I shall now bore you all again with stats.

If we're BetterTogether, why:

Are 4,000 kids per day in Glasgow dependent on foodbanks?

Are 80% of the Uk Government cabinet millionaires, compared to society as a whole's 0.7%?

Are we the 4th most unequal country in the developed world?

Do we have the biggest rich/ poor divide in Europe?

Have the lowest pensions in Europe?

Have the highest public transport costs in Europe?

Have the least amount of social housing in Europe?

Are poor people suffering for the mistakes of the rich?

Have MP's demanded a 10% pay rise, when record numbers of kids and families are being pushed into poverty?

BetterTogether, my fucking ballbag.

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