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Scotland heading for a 'Great Depression' after a Yes vote.


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Has this guy been 'outed' as being in the pay of the Westminster elite yet? Or have any of the nats just written as if it is a given that he is a BT stooge?

If not get your fingers out! You've got a country to separate!

You going to answer the question about poverty?

What about the fact that interest rates are about to rise and would have already done so but for the independence vote?

Waiting for answers from you in several threads now.

Best thing I have seen this week was no campaigners with their stall next to one campaigning to save the union. This was followed by a guy walking past with a bucket trying to raise money for a hospice. Yes the union is great. Begging for funds, begging to save the health service but vote no.

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If intrest rates rise there will be world recession regardless of any vote, the reason for keeping them low is so that governments, not just ours, can repay there debts its got sod all to do with your mortgage apart from the fact you have to pay more when it goes up and less when it goes down, so guess what, raise the intrest rates, scotland goes independant, world blames scotland for recession, couldn't make it up.

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If intrest rates rise there will be world recession regardless of any vote, the reason for keeping them low is so that governments, not just ours, can repay there debts its got sod all to do with your mortgage apart from the fact you have to pay more when it goes up and less when it goes down, so guess what, raise the intrest rates, scotland goes independant, world blames scotland for recession, couldn't make it up.

Interest rates will start going up in this country within the next 2 months, only this vote has prevented it. They did not want to raise them this side of it.

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If intrest rates rise there will be world recession regardless of any vote, the reason for keeping them low is so that governments, not just ours, can repay there debts

The reason for keeping them so low is to increase the supply of money in the national and global economies. This was to alleviate to chronic contraction of money in the markets as risk perception increased (to put it mildly) and balance sheets had to be strengthened. Increasing interest rates is one way to reduce inflation and attract more money to savings, hence out of the economy so could be used to counter inflation.

At the moment, most would find modest rises in interest to be a good sign. The US especially has used this period to reduce levels of private debt, often by debt destruction to be fair.

In the UK inflation has eaten into earnings and savings, while risk appetite remains low. There is concern about the capacity of home owners to absorb rate rises and more about the ability of the economy to grow minus the cheap private credit but that does not a world recession make.

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Interest rates will start going up in this country within the next 2 months, only this vote has prevented it. They did not want to raise them this side of it.

Whilst this is of course the usual tinfoil hat garbage I'd welcome a rise in interest rates.

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The reason for keeping them so low is to increase the supply of money in the national and global economies. This was to alleviate to chronic contraction of money in the markets as risk perception increased (to put it mildly) and balance sheets had to be strengthened. Increasing interest rates is one way to reduce inflation and attract more money to savings, hence out of the economy so could be used to counter inflation.

At the moment, most would find modest rises in interest to be a good sign. The US especially has used this period to reduce levels of private debt, often by debt destruction to be fair.

In the UK inflation has eaten into earnings and savings, while risk appetite remains low. There is concern about the capacity of home owners to absorb rate rises and more about the ability of the economy to grow minus the cheap private credit but that does not a world recession make.

Pish, thats what a politician would tell you, you know how much the UK debt in intrest rises every second? 1200 quid, you want us to take our share in the event of independence, change your campaign.

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The Deutche Bank `paper` is just an excuse for more manipulation of the currency market .... guess who are the World`s LARGEST CURRENCY TRADERS ...

yess ...YES ... YES ... YES ... it is Deutche Bank ... and who do you think was doing it for the UK Government a week ago ?

As they used to say in a major film .... its not personal ... ITS BUSINESS .... and that business is making money from your misery ... YES.. YES... YES ...

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The Deutche Bank `paper` is just an excuse for more manipulation of the currency market .... guess who are the World`s LARGEST CURRENCY TRADERS ...

yess ...YES ... YES ... YES ... it is Deutche Bank ... and who do you think was doing it for the UK Government a week ago ?

As they used to say in a major film .... its not personal ... ITS BUSINESS .... and that business is making money from your misery ... YES.. YES... YES ...

:lol: Is this one of the outputs from one of Salmond's simulated "very realistic" economic models?

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Heard it all now. The guy on BBC News just said that Gordon Brown has said "If Scotland were to negotiate a lower share of the UK national debt it could become an economic outcast and end up like Weimar Germany"

So if we say we'll agree to take fewer moveable assets (such as taking fewer military assets than the 1/10) or a more favourable sea border as part of the negotiations in exchange for a lower share of the debt, that will lead us into a rogue state status. We'll have hyperinflation because we negotiated at all.

I'm starting to think I understand why the whole country went to hell because of the policies taken under his watch.

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Another simpering, servile forelock-tugger. You'd make a terrific Rangers fan :)

Nope and as for football, it's entertainment and has no bearing on making decisions that affect my life directly. The servile seem to hang on every word Salmond says to such an extent that they've stopped asking him for answers. If you believe him, you're not asking the right questions sport ;)

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Nope and as for football, it's entertainment and has no bearing on making decisions that affect my life directly. The servile seem to hang on every word Salmond says to such an extent that they've stopped asking him for answers. If you believe him, you're not asking the right questions sport ;)

Have you ever posted without using the word Salmond?

It's quite delicious how utterly seething he's got you.

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Have you ever posted without using the word Salmond?

It's quite delicious how utterly seething he's got you.

Oh I'm seething that people are being manipulated by a man whose views are based on dividing people and causing enmity and bitterness. He's a disingenuous, vile little man who doesn't care about anyone except furthering his own political ends. Yep I am seething because I want the best for my country and it's population

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Oh I'm seething that people are being manipulated by a man whose views are based on dividing people and causing enmity and bitterness. He's a disingenuous, vile little man who doesn't care about anyone except furthering his own political ends. Yep I am seething because I want the best for my country and it's population

That might have made sense 18 months ago when the polls were 61-39 in Nos favour.There is no way every person voting Yes has been 'manipulated by a man whose views are based on dividing people and causing enmity and bitterness. He's a disingenuous, vile little man who doesn't care about anyone except furthering his own political ends. Yep I am seething because I want the best for my country and it's population'

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Oh I'm seething that people are being manipulated by a man whose views are based on dividing people and causing enmity and bitterness. He's a disingenuous, vile little man who doesn't care about anyone except furthering his own political ends. Yep I am seething because I want the best for my country and it's population

You are obsessed.

You hate your own country so much you have to create an unhealthy, slightly creepy fixation in your mind about a man who has done more for his country in 10 seconds than you will in your entire life.

I want you to let the below sink in:

I LOVE Alex Salmond. He's a wonderful man. But the referendum is so much bigger than him. Even though he's a portly frigger.

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That might have made sense 18 months ago when the polls were 61-39 in Nos favour.There is no way every person voting Yes has been 'manipulated by a man whose views are based on dividing people and causing enmity and bitterness. He's a disingenuous, vile little man who doesn't care about anyone except furthering his own political ends. Yep I am seething because I want the best for my country and it's population'

I disagree. The feverish verbal attacks on people who would dare voice support for the Union and the paranoia at any voices of caution from experienced and intelligent people give support to this theory

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You are obsessed.

You hate your own country so much you have to create an unhealthy, slightly creepy fixation in your mind about a man who has done more for his country in 10 seconds than you will in your entire life.

I want you to let the below sink in:

I LOVE Alex Salmond. He's a wonderful man. But the referendum is so much bigger than him. Even though he's a portly frigger.

:blink: I'd say that he's the main cause of the nastiness in this whole debate but nah I don't consider him outside of this which is the subject under discussion.

He's done nothing except created a party that rose out of pretty extremist views. Any nationalist party attracts nutters and he has them round him. Sillars etc. The referendum is ALL about him

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:blink: I'd say that he's the main cause of the nastiness in this whole debate but nah I don't consider him outside of this which is the subject under discussion.

Fortunately the only other ones who share your view as equally as creepy and fixated as you. If I was you, I'd think seriously about how you're letting one man affect you. Go for a walk, take some time out. It can't be good for your blood pressure.

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