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First Country to Reject Independence? Scotland the Brave. Flower of Sc

John Lambies Doos

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I dont hiink it would be embarrassing at all, granted there are those who will be extremely dissapointed but at the end of the day if the scottish do reject independence it should be celebrated by the UK as a whole. The world is struggling at the moment, a NO vote for independence is a YES vote for solidarity and that sort of message will resonate worldwide.

We will have to see what the result will be. If there is a vote for independence then tomorrow is were the real debate will start and lets be honest it isn't going to pretty.

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give it six months and no one in Scotland will admit to voting No

Well not many people were stating they'd vote No ahead of the vote, they were mostly folk like my parents who just let the thing trundle along, voted No and then went back to going about their normal business as usual.

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If it happens, not embarrassing at all. I doubt if any nation which has attained independence in the last 100 years has achieved victory in the face of such a sustained and vitriolic assault from a media enemy within, never mind the considerable forces of an incumbent Government machine.

When you also factor in whatever percentage an antipathetic majority of some 400,000 English nationals resident in Scotland brings to bear then if Yes achieves say mid 40's in percentage then that's no mean achievement.

But fear not, the Union is fatally damaged, and hopefully with it the Scottish Labour Party, this has been a shameful episode in its history.

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