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Fancy that! Good news on oil.


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Technology boost for Scotland's oil reserves in North Sea

New gas and water technologies could add decades to the lifespan of oil reserves in the North Sea, according to Edinburgh researchers.

A Heriot-Watt University team said they had made a breakthrough in developing clean and cheap methods to maximise extraction from existing fields.


- you couldn't make it up. And, as if we didn't know it, the UK's economy is a baw-hair away from disaster. We should've bailed.


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To be fair, it is good news. It means we there will be another fantastic opportunity to bolt if and when the second referendum comes around.

It will be interesting though. When the oil DOES run out (we'll all be dead I'm guessing) then, if the UK has incredibly not got itself out the terrible debt it's in then it really be fucked.

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From the BBC - New gas and water technologies could add decades to the lifespan of oil reserves in the North Sea, according to Edinburgh researchers:


Imagine the 'impartial' BBC publishing this information just 6 days after the referendum, if only they had published it a week ago.

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heres the current state of affairs, the old boundary used to run horizontally from Berwick accross the bottom of the Oil fields, but just now most of them are still in Scottlsh water6937858-1.jpgs.

Off the west coast of Shetland is the Claire field that started production less than 6 years ago and has 2 billion barrels of extractable oil (a mere $180 billion's worth) left to go. The current extractable oil on the East Coast is 35% done after 40 years of using OLD techniques.

Then of course theres the West Coast, which was never seriously considered for development given how cheap it was to extract from the North Sea but theres a few hundred billion off the West coast of Lewis. This is anecdotal but when my father was an HGV mechanic for an American oil company at McDermott's back in the early 80's, they used to send divers and exploration teams out to the West all the time. Every trip they had, they found more Oil, so it is there but just expensive to extract using current techniques.

We will be allowed to go independent when this happens..


I'm fully expecting a MOD review of the West Coast boundaries as part of the new Trident system, before the announcement of Oil production starting north of Northern Ireland, within a decade.

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Sadly for Scotland there are people worse than daft c***s getting a vote.

2 million of em.

Q5PYtNDZ_bigger.jpegFrankie BoyleVerified account @frankieboyle Sep 19

I should have expected this, because if you'd asked me to estimate how many c***s there were in Scotland I'd have said about 2 million

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This is old news though, if it's really a conspiracy, it's not a very good one. BP have used this on the Clair Ridge project and got an award for it earlier this year. It's on the BP website. The basic premise has been in the public domain for at least 5 years (well that's how long I've known about it).

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This is old news though, if it's really a conspiracy, it's not a very good one. BP have used this on the Clair Ridge project and got an award for it earlier this year. It's on the BP website. The basic premise has been in the public domain for at least 5 years (well that's how long I've known about it).

Aye - it's just funny that the BBC are reporting it this week, rather than last week when the debate about Scotland's Britain's oil was raging.

The good old beeb - trolling like f**k! :lol:

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We will be allowed to go independent when this happens..


I'm fully expecting a MOD review of the West Coast boundaries as part of the new Trident system, before the announcement of Oil production starting north of Northern Ireland, within a decade.

Will that happen? Rockall is well into the North Atlantic and is classed as part of the Eileanan Siar council area.

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Nope can't see how finding new technology that improves oil production is bad for my country.

Are you saying it's bad news??

Unfortunately your country was scared into a no vote last week because of lies on the oil.

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