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Thinking about starting a fund raising thing on JustGiving. All monies donated will be going towards therapy for Confidemus.

It's hit the laddie hard and he's showing no signs of recovery. In our new caring post referendum society we should all be chipping in to help c***s less fortunate than ourselves. It was his dream so we should try and uphold it.

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Thinking about starting a fund raising thing on JustGiving. All monies donated will be going towards therapy for Confidemus.

It's hit the laddie hard and he's showing no signs of recovery. In our new caring post referendum society we should all be chipping in to help c***s less fortunate than ourselves. It was his dream so we should try and uphold it.

Maybe take the long-term view and form a campaign to run over the next few years as No voters realise one by one how many lies they were sold and how badly they've betrayed future generations throughout this septic isle.

Set it up efficiently, mind, and make sure there's scope for fte's - there's good money to be made out of others' misfortunes, as I'm sure you'll understand when you actually take an interest in the poitical landscape and stop treating this as some kind of petty one-upmanship.

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Sakes. Cowden fans trying to troll are sadly reminiscent of watching your pished dad trying to dance at a wedding.

Points for trying, but ultimately fucking tragic

I'll have you know I gained plenty Kudos for dancing a perfect waltz with Rosette No.1 at her wedding!

Not such good marks from Mrs WRK when the time came to shake the ol' tail-feather later on, mind... ;)

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Maybe take the long-term view and form a campaign to run over the next few years as No voters realise one by one how many lies they were sold and how badly they've betrayed future generations throughout this septic isle.

Set it up efficiently, mind, and make sure there's scope for fte's - there's good money to be made out of others' misfortunes, as I'm sure you'll understand when you actually take an interest in the poitical landscape and stop treating this as some kind of petty one-upmanship.


Sobbing uncontrollably

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Sobbing uncontrollably

Not at all. Disappointed, but unshaken in my belief of what Scotland has done, and how it will be treated henceforth by Westminster.

Unless, as seems within the bounds of possibility, the Westminster crew have really fucked up this time, by giving firm deadlines for their shite - one of which has already passed. Like Clegg's tuition fee promise, they've lost the support of an entire generation in one fell swoop. It's down to those of us who are active a wee bit more than once in a blue moon - or once, as the standard of posting around this subject leads me to believe - to motivate the rest, to get the truth out there, and to ride a wave of anger to Scotland's eventual but undoubted future.*

SNP, SSP, Green Party, all offer an alternative voice - to each other, as well as the status quo.

Or join a Trades Union. If they're isn't one at your workplace, then get a bit of advice as to which is the most appropriate, get 50%+1 of the workforce on board, and voila - you've got a recognised presence at work, concerned with your interests.

If you're already in a TU, stop moaning about your local committee (and yes, it does happen, believe it or not!), stand against them or, if they really are shite, remove them through the union's rules and do better.

If you're already a representative, get communicating! Your Branch with others, your Branch with other TUs in the workplace and local areas, TUSC, NSSN, just keep talking and keep recruiting.

* I know -"location: Yorkshire". So ducking what? Does morality and decency follow borders drawn on a map?I'm doing this stuff down here, and I've got a few up off their arses and involved since the Lib Dem betrayal of the country's youth - just think of the fertile soil you've got to plant the seeds of Scotland's future in! It must be fertile, with all the shite dumped on it in the last thirty** years...

**or forty , or four, or three hundred - adjust for your own personal McGlashan rating.

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Not at all. Disappointed, but unshaken in my belief of what Scotland has done, and how it will be treated henceforth by Westminster.

Unless, as seems within the bounds of possibility, the Westminster crew have really fucked up this time, by giving firm deadlines for their shite - one of which has already passed. Like Clegg's tuition fee promise, they've lost the support of an entire generation in one fell swoop. It's down to those of us who are active a wee bit more than once in a blue moon - or once, as the standard of posting around this subject leads me to believe - to motivate the rest, to get the truth out there, and to ride a wave of anger to Scotland's eventual but undoubted future.*

SNP, SSP, Green Party, all offer an alternative voice - to each other, as well as the status quo.

Or join a Trades Union. If they're isn't one at your workplace, then get a bit of advice as to which is the most appropriate, get 50%+1 of the workforce on board, and voila - you've got a recognised presence at work, concerned with your interests.

If you're already in a TU, stop moaning about your local committee (and yes, it does happen, believe it or not!), stand against them or, if they really are shite, remove them through the union's rules and do better.

If you're already a representative, get communicating! Your Branch with others, your Branch with other TUs in the workplace and local areas, TUSC, NSSN, just keep talking and keep recruiting.

* I know -"location: Yorkshire". So ducking what? Does morality and decency follow borders drawn on a map?I'm doing this stuff down here, and I've got a few up off their arses and involved since the Lib Dem betrayal of the country's youth - just think of the fertile soil you've got to plant the seeds of Scotland's future in! It must be fertile, with all the shite dumped on it in the last thirty** years...

**or forty , or four, or three hundred - adjust for your own personal McGlashan rating.

Been to Yorkshire a few times in my Chelsea days. You're just like i remember them. Left wing trade unionist sobbing messes who are bitter as f**k at the government, whoever it happens to be. Like being in Glasgow really.
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Been to Yorkshire a few times in my Chelsea days. You're just like i remember them. Left wing trade unionist sobbing messes who are bitter as f**k at the government, whoever it happens to be. Like being in Glasgow really.

In all honest, that post wasn't for you, really. You'll be happy sucking at the crumbs from the nobs' table until they've successfully worked you to death.

If you don't have kids, you're merely stupid or selfish. Or both.

If you have reproduced, you might as well send the poor wee mites up the chimneys now. And in the years to come, when they visit you in a puddle of your own pish in a private-sector "care home", don't forget to tell them that their ill health and your indignified end are both a wee side effect of your fear of your own country's ability to run itself.

I probably won't be around for that wee scenario, but I know that the remainder of my life will see plenty of the shite which is prevalent down here encroaching on Scotland. Not all, but the majority, preventable had Scotland's people voted for responsibility and the future. Those that did, I truly feel for. I've known many a political defeat, at all levels, in my life.

Those who voted No voted out of fear and/or selfishness, to preserve the status quo, or simply because they unquestionably believed what they heard from the people they see as their Masters. Well done - they are now your masters for a while, with at least six fucking years to erect obstacles and loopholes to avoid Scotland getting it's moral due from any separation.

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If you don't have kids, you're merely stupid or selfish. Or both.

If you have reproduced, you might as well send the poor wee mites up the chimneys now. And in the years to come, when they visit you in a puddle of your own pish in a private-sector "care home", don't forget to tell them that their ill health and your indignified end are both a wee side effect of your fear of your own country's ability to run itself.

They happen to be home from school this weekend so i put your point to them. They laughed. Lots. We do have chimneys in the country house but they know they won't fit.
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In all honest, that post wasn't for you, really. You'll be happy sucking at the crumbs from the nobs' table until they've successfully worked you to death.

If you don't have kids, you're merely stupid or selfish. Or both.

If you have reproduced, you might as well send the poor wee mites up the chimneys now. And in the years to come, when they visit you in a puddle of your own pish in a private-sector "care home", don't forget to tell them that their ill health and your indignified end are both a wee side effect of your fear of your own country's ability to run itself.

I probably won't be around for that wee scenario, but I know that the remainder of my life will see plenty of the shite which is prevalent down here encroaching on Scotland. Not all, but the majority, preventable had Scotland's people voted for responsibility and the future. Those that did, I truly feel for. I've known many a political defeat, at all levels, in my life.

Those who voted No voted out of fear and/or selfishness, to preserve the status quo, or simply because they unquestionably believed what they heard from the people they see as their Masters. Well done - they are now your masters for a while, with at least six fucking years to erect obstacles and loopholes to avoid Scotland getting it's moral due from any separation.

This reads like something from Dickens!

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Chelsea? Figures.

Yep - of all the teams that play in London, who would have guessed?

Just another selfish person who sees "left-wing" as an insult, rather than as shorthand for having some morals and social responsibility. Saying that, he appears to be at that level of awareness where we haven't already had 35 years of right-wing government....

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