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General Election 2015


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Why would anyone from less well off families avoid tuition fees that are only repayable at a tiny fraction of your salary once you earn a decent salary in later life?

Anyone that stupid shouldn't go to University in the first place.

I agree with the base theory of this however the reality is that it is perceived that it is too expensive to go to uni and get qualified.

I accept that this is stupid but it leads to perfectly capable 16 year olds not fulfilling their potential because of their parents fear/stupidity in being unable to fully understand the clauses and long term benefits of the fees and loan system.

Youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds need all the encouragement they can get to obtain a decent education. University fees, whilst not preventing them, certainly provide a barrier that most will not cross.

You're entitled to take the passive approach and blame them but I quite like the SG approach to remove these perceived barriers altogether.

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I agree with the base theory of this however the reality is that it is perceived that it is too expensive to go to uni and get qualified.

I accept that this is stupid but it leads to perfectly capable 16 year olds not fulfilling their potential

As I said, anyone put off by this, is a lucky escape for all of us.

We haven't wasted taxpayers money allowing (more) idiots into University.

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Just as a contribution to tuition fees debate but from specifically the ou. Part time students are charged around £1000/module in England and Wales. This is paid up front or as part of a finance package but not deferred. In Scotland if you earn less than £25,000 you don't pay anything at all. Meaning that Scottish students save around £6,000/degree compared to English and Welsh students.

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Why would anyone from less well off families avoid tuition fees that are only repayable at a tiny fraction of your salary once you earn a decent salary in later life?

Anyone that stupid shouldn't go to University in the first place.

No it's not rubbish, it's the concern of having to pay it back/have a debt hanging over their head.

You have no right to suggest anyone else is stupid with the pish you post on here.

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YouGov poll saying only 29% of scots would considering voting Labour at the next WM election


Next year the SNP will probably have the biggest success in the party history in terms of having MPs elected.

Labour though will still take the majority of seats in Scotland

An unweighted sample of 212.

Pretty sure they we should be paying more royalties to Azaelia Banks than attention to this poll.

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I predict we'll have the same again after the G.E.

Tory/LibDem pact. The tail will wag the dog again. How 7% can gain 50% of the decision making power, it's beyond me.

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I predict we'll have the same again after the G.E.

Tory/LibDem pact. The tail will wag the dog again. How 7% can gain 50% of the decision making power, it's beyond me.

LOL if you think the Lib Dems have a 50% influence on the coalition. Quite frankly, the Tories could quite easily have run a minority government the last 5 years.

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[quote name="Granny Danger" post="8845752" timestamp="1412694040"

What are the distributitive policies that Labour are proposing that makes them the party of the Left?

Haud on Gd.

Have they not just promised a substantial rise to the minimum wage? Oh wait, it'll kick in by 20 fucking 20.

Headline grabbing arseholes to a man.

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Haud on Gd.

Have they not just promised a substantial rise to the minimum wage? Oh wait, it'll kick in by 20 fucking 20.

Headline grabbing arseholes to a man.

I could be dead by 2020. Mind you so could the Labour Party in Scotland. :)

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I don't think you've understood my point but it wouldn't be the first time.

I understand your point perfectly. It's just not one I agree with.

I had no issues with student loans when I went to Uni. I would have had no issues with tuition fees either. Because I'd have bothered to understand what it entailed, not being an idiot.

If you are too stupid to understand the threshold at which student debt is repayable then you have no business being at any university, except perhaps Stirling.

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I understand your point perfectly. It's just not one I agree with.

I had no issues with student loans when I went to Uni. I would have had no issues with tuition fees either. Because I'd have bothered to understand what it entailed, not being an idiot.

If you are too stupid to understand the threshold at which student debt is repayable then you have no business being at any university, except perhaps Stirling.

How often are you punched in a day? I'm assuming it must be a lot.

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How often are you punched in a day? I'm assuming it must be a lot.

What is it with you and violence?

Were you always such a rage-filled mess, or is it just the referendum defeat that's turned you into some sort of Danny Dyer type cretin?

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What is it with you and violence?

Were you always such a rage-filled mess, or is it just the referendum defeat that's turned you into some sort of Danny Dyer type cretin?

I notice you're avoiding the question. You must get punched at least two or three times a day surely.

I reckon Mother Theresa would have put the head on you after a five minute discussion.

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