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General Election 2015


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Any idea how many seats Plaid and Green are expected to win?

The odds on the Greens winning Bristol West have been slashed to 3/1. It's a university seat with over 80,000 constituents, and the incumbent is a Lib Dem. But two is the absolute most they'll have.

Plaid are similarly going nowhere. Look at voters in Wales being treated with utter contempt by the Westminster parties and still cheerfully voting for the same rosettes that their dads did and see what Scotland has avoided.

Incidentally, wasn't jmothecat a student until recently? Someone whose balls hadn't dropped until after Blair was in charge is definitely the right person to scold the Labour Party's remaining progressives.

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Sounds more like it's you who doesn't want any kind of working compromise with the left wing of your own party, or is the wisdom of how to make the country better exclusive to the Blairites?

We constantly compromise with the left, but this is a group who are demanding that there be no cuts whatsoever. Labour need to make budgets that are left-wing but palatable to the electorate and are responsible. It requires compromise from everyone but the far leftists are constantly unwilling to concede.

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John McDonnell (one of the far leftist nutters in the Labour Party who is inexplicably GU Labour Club's honorary chair) has written a letter saying he and '30 to 40' (optimistic I would say) Labour MPs would vote against any budget involving cuts.

Whilst I'm assuming this is posturing to get leftist concessions it is irritating. Considering how close this is all looking to be, and how small the margins between passing these sorts of claims can be damaging. When it comes down to it the prospect of a Miliband Labour budget or the threat of a Tory one I doubt they would vote against it. Irritating nonetheless.

He was interviewed on LBC yesterday. When asked if he wished Labour were more like the SNP, he said no as he believed SNP were right wing in government, but pretending to be left wing.
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The odds on the Greens winning Bristol West have been slashed to 3/1. It's a university seat with over 80,000 constituents, and the incumbent is a Lib Dem. But two is the absolute most they'll have.

Plaid are similarly going nowhere. Look at voters in Wales being treated with utter contempt by the Westminster parties and still cheerfully voting for the same rosettes that their dads did and see what Scotland has avoided.

Incidentally, wasn't jmothecat a student until recently? Someone whose balls hadn't dropped until after Blair was in charge is definitely the right person to scold the Labour Party's remaining progressives.

Being 25 makes my opinions invalid?

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Not having a fucking clue what the Labour party actually are supposed to be and what they stand for and slating those that do for being too left wing does that.

There are different wings of nearly every party. Parties also have to change direction from time to time.
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There are different wings of nearly every party. Parties also have to change direction from time to time.

If they change direction THEY'RE NOT THE SAME FUCKING PARTY. If 'Labour' start espousing right-wing or centre-right views they are not Labour anymore. Which they've been doing since 1994.

Imbeciles like jmothecat are not Labour voters or activists, they have no clue what Labour are supposed to stand for and actively rail against those very values their party is supposed to represent.

Funny that you have identified yourself as a wee Labour fanboy though, your rage makes a lot of sense now.

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The Labour 2% lead also takes account of the 'local candidate recognition' factor for Clegg, without it Ashcroft is showing Labour 10% ahead.

I'd love to see Clegg binned.

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I think its quite clear if Labour were still actually Labour then jmothecat would never have voted for them in his life and would utterly hate them. The rest of us wouldn't though, and they might stand a chance of winning a majority at WM.

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If they change direction THEY'RE NOT THE SAME FUCKING PARTY. If 'Labour' start espousing right-wing or centre-right views they are not Labour anymore. Which they've been doing since 1994.

Imbeciles like jmothecat are not Labour voters or activists, they have no clue what Labour are supposed to stand for and actively rail against those very values their party is supposed to represent.

Funny that you have identified yourself as a wee Labour fanboy though, your rage makes a lot of sense now.

At least he can have a reasoned debate and not post childish rants like yourself. Only one showing rage is you. Settle down petal. I'll love the rage on here if Red Ed does indeed get the keys to number 10. The nats on here will be gutted their man Cameron didn't.

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