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General Election 2015


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This NonDom proposal from labour does smack of being a political move rather than something that will increase tax revenue.

It'll raise a billion odd quid, but more importantly the rule exists solely so that 1% b*****ds can avoid paying any tax. I don't care if doing away with all the tax shitery whereby a pheasant is simultaneously classed as a housepet and as livestock would make the country any money, as another example, but as it only affects people who shoot pheasants as a pastime I'm entirely supportive of it.

edit: as for Miliband putting principles before focus groups, this is crazy talk. He sounds less sincere than David fucking Cameron.

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Tbh I personally think Farage is a good thing for Europhiles. He's become the most visible proponent of withdrawal, whilst becoming a pantomime villain to liberals and lefties. There are good left-wing and liberal arguments for withdrawal, but that well will remain untapped as long as Farage gets the headlines.

I kind of agree with this. It would be great to have a detailed UK-wide debate on our EU membership, and to decide calmly whether we want to retain it or not, but with Farage and UKIP as the most visible faces of the anti-EU campaign it's just not going to happen.

They're a cartoonish scandal-machine, and that's not going to change.

It won't matter if cooler heads and calmer voices (including many from the left) also support withdrawal, because all the tabloids and BBC will want to talk about is the Kippers' latest car-crash.

Farage will also get a shock when the right-wing press that has demonised Europe up to now perform a massive unexplained volte-face during the campaign and start singing it's praises (like they did after Diana died). When it comes to the crunch, their owners just won't let them support what will essentially end up being an anti-big-business platform.

The EU is useful to the right in Britain. They can drive people into their arms by telling tales of it's evilness. But none

of the senior folk on the right (the ones with power - ie. not UKIP) actually want to leave it.

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Hey, how's about we have a referendum on private sector involvement in the NHS? It's a big issue that people care deeply about. Should we really be "introducing competition" into a public service health care system?

Any takers for this idea among the major parties? Thought not.

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Dan 'I hate Ed' Hodges in the spectator. Can't wait to see what he's written.

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Shite when the press is biased against you eh. You might want to try the entire press of a whole country rabidly opposed to you on the most important issue ever for two whole years before you start moaning.

Put up with it from all sides every single day then come and tell us how bad it is Mr Labour.

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Shite when the press is biased against you eh. You might want to try the entire press of a whole country rabidly opposed to you on the most important issue ever for two whole years before you start moaning.

Put up with it from all sides every single day then come and tell us how bad it is Mr Labour.

Weirdly enough I don't expect a Tory magazine to want a Labour government.

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Labour are realising that video again..... the one that depicts cameron in the Jag going to the Queen and SNP celebrating. Ffs, Sturgeon is offering milliband a chance to be PM and labour are coming out with this shite again

Labour politicians really are self serving disgusting creatures

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Labour are realising that video again..... the one that depicts cameron in the Jag going to the Queen and SNP celebrating. Ffs, Sturgeon is offering milliband a chance to be PM and labour are coming out with this shite again

Labour politicians really are self serving disgusting creatures

It's desperate times for them. They're sitting in their offices trying to magic up some wondrous 'strategy' and this is all they can come up with.

They've pretty much lost everything, so they're going to flit from one travesty to the next in the hope that something resonates with the voting public.

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Was speaking to a good friend of mine when she happened to mention that she saw the Tories out canvassing. Asked how she was voting and apparently she's probably voting Labour but open to the SNP.

Opportunity for me to convert her over to the dark side ^_^

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Labour are realising that video again..... the one that depicts cameron in the Jag going to the Queen and SNP celebrating. Ffs, Sturgeon is offering milliband a chance to be PM and labour are coming out with this shite again

Labour politicians really are self serving disgusting creatures


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Was speaking to a good friend of mine when she happened to mention that she saw the Tories out canvassing. Asked how she was voting and apparently she's probably voting Labour but open to the SNP.

Opportunity for me to convert her over to the dark side ^_^

U have my permission:p

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