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General Election 2015


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He's played a blinder. He'll be aff his tits on the half pints of McEwens already

Cameron promising us 'the strongest devolved government of anywhere in the world'....

Of his tits on his gear and visiting the whore hoose as we speak

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How's that?

Just when the auld Glaswegian placed the bet he was getting slagged on here for wasting his dot dash, he obviously remembered 92 with greater clarity than myself and everyone else.

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We're all overjoyed and nothing, i mean nothing will wipe the smug smile from our faces today.

Aye. I'm so proud to be a Scot. When I left the country 15 years ago, I would never in my life have believed a day like this was possible. Kinda jealous I'm not there to bask in the glories.

On the other hand, if I get my wife to join the SNP, Columbus Ohio will have more SNP members than Labor have Scottish MPs.

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Just when the auld Glaswegian placed the bet he was getting slagged on here for wasting his dot dash, he obviously remembered 92 with greater clarity than myself and everyone else.

Aye, called him a loon myself I think.

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I hadn't really appreciated this before, though it's probably been pointed out long ago, but SNP now get to ask two weekly questions at PMQs.


Straight after the Liebour numpty, pleasing.

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I have a strong conviction this is really good news for Scotland in the long run

But a lot of my SNP supporting mates are gutted

I'm not gutted, I honestly don't know whether a Tory majority, Tory minority or Labour minority was better for Scotland.

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I'm not gutted, I honestly don't know whether a Tory majority, Tory minority or Labour minority was better for Scotland.

Tory govt will simultaneously fix the economy and drum up SNP support. Win win.

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Tory govt will simultaneously fix the economy and drum up SNP support. Win win.

I never felt for a minute that Milliband was PM material but I honestly don't know if a Tory govt is best for us.

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